Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Being A Good Mother Matters To The Whole World...


Artist: Mary Cassatt

Mothers Day...
So many emotions can come to the surface, during this time.
Many women have emotional and some physical wounds from a hand of a Mother!
Some women suffer the empty arms of not having a child!
Some Mothers have had to endure the grief of the loss of a child!
Many a tear has been shed over a grave of a child who left too soon. 

Most Mothers did the best job they could while raising you;
It may have been a lousy job, but deep down you knew she loved you!

Others feel overshadowed by the orphaned spirit.
Nobody wanted or needed me.
Some have the reminder of an abortion that still breaks their hearts.

May we all stop and pray for Mothers all over this world...

I wanted to share as to why I feel this is an important time,
To remind why teaching others to be good Mothers is so important!
Knowing how to be a biblical mother or wife, is not second nature to most!
Some girls are never exposed to love, or how to keep a home.
Most married women now days do not even know how to cook.
Or how to take care of a child!

I praise God that there has been a movement to counteract the notion,
And the lie that being a Mother is not important!
 I will tell you this 
"The greatest and most influently position on this earth is being a Mother"

Good Mothers can change the whole world!
Because; God gave us this High Calling...
It was His design.

We can all be a spiritual Mother to someone!

How can we become better Mothers?
How can we help others to become better Mothers?


  1. Thank you for this thought provoking post, Roxy. My mom went to heaven 12 years ago. I think of her every day. She was such a blessing to me. My children are grown, but I still find myself sometimes asking, 'what would Mom do in this situation?' Most often, that is the thing I should be doing:) She had a kind and gentle way about her. Emulating that kind and gentle way has helped me be a better mother. I think communicating with other moms in this manner is also a good way of helping them along in their journey of motherhood. Kind words of encouragement go a long way. Happy Mothers Day to you all:)

  2. Thank you for mentioning so many of the relationships and sorrows. I always hear from those whose mothers were not as available physically or emotionally after writing a tribute to my own mother. Not everyone had the experience I had. It is so true that we sometimes were not taught important things, basic things. That's one area where my mother could have done better, but she was trying to allow me to be "a kid" not knowing that it would be a challenge for me to be lost in the kitchen or with housekeeping. I actually had to read books to learn the basics. Ha! I did not make the same mistakes with my own (I made different ones) and so they both can get around pretty well with the domesticity scene. Thank you for your ministry to the "younger women" and your tender heart to serve.

  3. I have a wonderful mother (and dad) and now as an adult I feel very blessed for my childhood, I wasn't as appreciative at the time. Sadly my mother is very unwell and as a result quite miserable and sad and no longer the same woman that I knew as a child. My mother was a gifted teacher, both at the school where she taught but for all the things she taught me, including running a home. So many things I do now are due to my mother.

  4. Good Morning Roxy,
    This is such a good post… I am going to link it to mine today. So well said, and such a good reminder of something so important. It is a good encouragement to pray for Mother'; because I agree whole heartedly that mothering is one of the most important jobs there is…. it really does matter to the whole world. Love this post.
    Love and Blessings,

  5. What a thoughtful post. Mentioning the various relationships we have or have not with mothers and to remember the loss of some. Wow. My own mom moved to heaven 2009 and I miss her but know where she is! I remember when I left the workplace to finish raising my son after meeting Alpha Hubby. Choosing to do that was scorned but to this day I am grateful for that time and what it developed in my son.

  6. Miss Roxy...your posts are always so thoughtful of others and so very kind. Words of wisdom are often so needed by some. You might not even be aware of how many times people read your post and leave a little bit happier and uplifted. You are such a love...wishing you a very lovely and a very Happy Mother's Day!

  7. That is so very true Roxy !!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Roxy,

    May you have a very blessed Mother's Day!

    Your post was lovely. I am so very grateful for my mom. She has always been such a wonderful example of a godly wife and mother, she is my best friend. : )



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!