Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't Live In Monotone...


Can you hear the music...

Music is all around you,
 I can hear the fluttering of a moth's wing.
I hear the laughing of the boys in the yard playing.

I can hear the crickets chirping in the night.
I can hear the bird singing and chatting away.

The humming of the appliances in the quiet night!
The chimes on the clock say it is now ten o'clock

Another day has come and gone;
May I lay still in my bed and hear my heart beating!

Take no one for granted and expect this time as owed to you!
Time is a gift and you must listen to the music that is playing.

Each note carries a special tune;
Each one carries a high and a low.
No life should be lived in monotone...


  1. What a lovely way of putting it Roxy, thank you! I want to both appreciate and MAKE the music :)

  2. Hi Roxy, This is beautiful. Yes, there is beauty in sound and all we have to do is listen.

  3. Beautiful post, my friend, and words I needed to read this morning.

    Enjoy your Tuesday, Roxy. Love and hugs to you!

  4. Simply Beautiful!

    I choose a happy melody to live each day as they come. No monotone here!

    Is it nap time, yet?

    Happy Day!


  5. This is so beautiful.....
    Thank you & thinking of you!

  6. beautiful! every day is a gift, and every day a chance to bless others.

  7. In the morning the different birds sing, but is it interesting that each one has a different song and yet all of that chirping at one time is not in disharmony or off-tune.

  8. Too many days I forget to stop and hear the music. What a good reminder this is. Right now I'm hearing thunder and that's the bass notes! ~Pamela

  9. Too many days I forget to stop and hear the music. What a good reminder this is. Right now I'm hearing thunder and that's the bass notes! ~Pamela

  10. Beautiful Roxy! I love all of the sounds that I hear when I am out in the garden. Even when there is silence there are sounds to enjoy!

  11. Lovely reminder! I am sitting on our back patio right now listening to the birdsong. Have a great weekend, Roxy:)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!