Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lovely And Wind Swept...

Lovely and wind swept...
A Lady of soft and flowing coverings.
Why do women say they feel more comfortable in pants?

We wear pants and capri's like we do not even own a skirt anymore!
I guess I am getting sad and sentimental over women;
Not wanting or desiring to look soft and flowing
 Like a lady of yesterday!

I am not leaning into some legalistic debate here!
Just wondering why we can so easily slip into pants and shorts.
But not find it as easily to wear skirts!

I have heard some ladies say it is the shoes to wear with the
Skirts that are the problem.

I think we just are not in the habit of wearing skirts;
So we just throw on our pants or slacks or capris'.
Good for the day...

Taking no thought to if we look soft and pretty!
I know of some ladies I have never seen them in a skirt!

I just think we can wear a skirt often enough to change are wardrobe habits!

So have you ever seen a Bride walking down the aisle with pants on?
Or have you ever heard the saying; who wears the pants in the family?

Now, Don't get all gritchity with me here!
I do wear Capri's and jeans, 
Just not every single day...
I wear an apron every time I cook or mostly all day over what I have on!
When I am asked to speak, I wear a skirt.
When I go to a wedding I really dress up!
When I work in the yard, I wear work clothes!

All I am saying is this;
(At least for now till a new style comes in)
REALLY that could happen as we are so uni- sexed in how we look!
Just saying...

From glory to glory,


  1. Right about the shoes. I also think it's the extra undergarments that must be worn with a skirt, the right blouse to be worn with a skirt, and the fact that they are quite uncomfortable to work in. I know that this will disappoint you, but I do not own a skirt. (I have a dress...somewhere.)

  2. Hot Topic!
    I wear skirts most everyday. I don't wear floor length, just below my knees. I find them soooo comfortable!
    (no binding, if you know what I mean). I even ride my bike in a skirt.

    When I worked, I wore a skirt on Wednesdays. I would get so busy and forget what day it was, until I looked down and saw my skirt.

  3. Roxy,

    I love wearing skirts and dresses! They are so comfortable and feminine. This summer I must admit I am missing my 1950's style dresses, but hopefully next year I will have a chance to enjoy them again. : ) I have always loved dresses since I was a youngster.


  4. What is amazing or sad to me is how few women wear dresses to church. Even the women directing singing are in jeans and t-shirts. Every one dresses way down these days. I have almost always worn dresses at least to church. Modest dresses and skirts are very feminine!

  5. Like Vee, I don't own a skirt either but I do have dresses!

  6. *blush in shame* ... I am one of those who spends my life (almost) in cut-offs (not sure if you call them capris??). Yes, the shoes are one of my major issues. I don't like short skirts - not even knee length, and I don't find long ones easy to work in, so it's cut-offs almost all the time.

    Not to church of course - that's for skirts/dresses (and a head-covering, but that is another issue!!).

    My husband loves me in cut-offs, so that helps too.

    I do have a daughter who loves dresses and skirts, so she is flying the flag for lovely lady-likeness :)

    Anne x

  7. Speaking only for myself, I stopped wearing very many dresses or skirts when I put on so much weight. Not because I can't find anything pretty to buy but because of the thighs rubbing together so much. It's just a sad fact that it is so irritating to me and uncomfortable. I prefer dress pants when I go to church, unless it is winter and I can wear tights with a skirt. I do try to choose tops and accessories that are definitely feminine looking! No tailored jackets that looks masculine for me. The other problem I have now is shoes. Since my foot surgery last year, my right foot is a different shape than before and I cannot wear any shoes except tennis shoes (sneakers) with my custom inserts. They don't look too good with skirts and dresses.

    My daughter wears skirts all the time and she has four children, all 5 and under!

    I do love all the choices in dress clothes now, though. Some of them are sooooo pretty!

  8. I remember when as a little girl we had to wear dresses to school in the rain and snow. Back then we walked to school and my legs were frozen and blotchy red by the time I made it to school. It was so nice to finally wear pants. Then the mini skirts were in and to try to stay covered up and modest was not easy so I enjoyed pants. I still wear pants, slacks and when asked why I didnt wear dresses I had no answer. I believe a man should dress as a man and not as a woman. A woman should dress as a lady and not as a man and she should be modest. So issues of the heart become an issue of God, is this pleasing to You.
    God may require differnt things of different people but it is by personal relationship with Him as He takes us to the likeness of His Son, from glory to glory.

  9. I am going to share a secret that no one in blog land knows. I don't own a single pair of dress pants. I wear skirts and dresses just about all of the time.....unless I am working outside in the yard...and then I have scruffy old pants.

    I was not allowed to wear pants growing up and I am terribly uncomfortable in them. I always feel like everyone is looking at me. Plus I feel "restricted" in pants---lol...I know- I am just the opposite of most people....xo Diana

  10. I love to wear dresses and skirts. they really are comfortable and feel pretty. I wear jeans and pants, but I don't think they are as flattering on me. And summer is great for maxi dresses.

  11. Hi Roxy :^)
    Such a Lovely dress on the wind swept lady. I couldn't agree with you more on this topic.
    Nothing against the occasional shorts and capri's. I just much prefer full-length maxi dresses to anything else. No uncomfy high heels needed, a flat or sandal is fine. Dresses are beautiful and so comfortable. And I always receive such nice compliments when wearing them, from both men and women. Men can wear the pants :^)

  12. Denim skirts are as versatile as jeans and I live in those! :) You name it, it is done in a skirt over here (just put on leggings if you go horseback riding)... Ma Ingalls was able to homestead in one! :) Flowing cotton skirts are excellent for summer and keep you very cool... Just add a simple pair of flip flops... P.S. That painting is beautiful (I love that dress!).

  13. I am puzzled why people find skirts uncomfortable and why are they wearing so many layers underneath. I wear skirts almost all the time (100% of the time at work). I wear long, knee length and everything in between. All the skirts I make are lined, no need for a slip. If knee length I wear tights in winter (comfortable) and in summer I wear nothing underneath (don’t need to). I wear wool in winter and cotton in summer and find that makes them the right weight for the temperature. I wear fitted skirts so they look very feminine and pretty but when working around the home I tend to wear skirts with a little more movement.

    Check out this Fridays art as all the paintings have women wearing beautiful feminine clothing - no jeans in sight.

  14. Hi, Rox,
    Love getting a minute to come back home via blogland, say hi and see what you are up to. I see here that you have really stirred up a little controversy this time ha ha. I am of the "I am uncomfortable in skirts group". Not completely, I like longish skirts, but I'm not always able to find quite what fits me very often. I have a wide spread rib cage,and certain styles, particularly with a firm waste really bother me. Next alternative the tent skirt with elastic waste…. that doesn't look good on me. I have a couple of skirts I like and wear now and then, but mostly I am not comfortable in them for long; like you, I do love the old fashioned look of days gone by and would probably love those looks if that were the thing these days. . But practically speaking in my every day life I'm not comfortable in a skirt. It is difficult to change into someone else even when the idea seems appealing. I do love to dress feminine and pretty, and I love dressing up for those special occasions. But I say, "you go girl".

  15. Styles have changed greatly over the years and with the changes I too wear mostly slacks now. It's about practicality and comfort. And frankly it's easier to find slacks than skirts in the stores. Plus, I enjoy walking and stepping off the beaten path and walking shoes look pretty goofy with a skirt. Whether it's slacks or skirts or dresses...I think what really matters is choosing clothing that flatters and fits properly and not making a big deal about our wardrobes. Most of us have enough clothing to clothe a village of women. Pretty sad.

    Thanks so much for sharing your thought-provoking post with us at Project Inspire{d}!


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