Sunday, June 8, 2014

Only For A Season...

 Some things are only for a season...
Some things are for a life time...

We must have the discernment to be able to distinguish between
the two of them.
Even in nature, we can see that Spring is coming when we see a little crocus popping
 its head above the cold hard ground.

Then we can trust that the next thing will come;
Then we can watch the lilac bushes start to fill out,
And alas the lilacs fill the entire area with a thick
and heady aroma!

I ran out just before a very hard wind storm hit and cut off a full,
a lovely lilac blossom. I brought it in and put it in water.
Then I could just smell the scent fill the whole room.

In a few days all the lilacs were gone off the bushes.
The season to enjoy them was now over.

I am learning to know that some things are for only a season!
We must be careful to be willing to make a change!

Some things last our whole lives;

I am homesick for my eternal home!
For I have a better country awaiting me!

Do not become stuck!
Learn to flow and grow as He directs!


  1. The Lord has been speaking to me about contentment. This was very timely for what I am going through. It's hard for me to be still.

  2. I wonder where you got all your wisdom at such a young age. lol! Always know just what to say! Some thing do flee away quickly, but the anticipation of it is simply wonderful! And then there's the sweet memory!

  3. Hi Roxy. I am your newest follower. so glad I found your blog. I've been looking at some of your posts and they are so encouraging! I look forward to reading more. Blessings to you, Deborah

  4. Hi Roxy! I love lilacs. I live in a town that calls itself the Lilac Village. We even have a yearly lilac parade!
    I know how fleeting those blooms are, and the seasons of my life are the same way. Just as you said, I can't get stuck in one time and season. There is so much ahead!

    Hope you had a good weekend! I am visiting my daughter's family, we leave for home tomorrow. So great to see the grandchildren :)

  5. What a beautiful message. Thank you for sharing this... It is very true that many things are for a season and sometimes it is SO hard to accept...

  6. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead Roxy! I think Lilacs are such a feminine and romantic of my favorites! How right you appreciate the gifts that are so short-lived! Hugs!

  7. Beautiful lilacs, Roxy...I can almost smell the aroma through the! I have been thinking a lot about some friendships of mine that seemed to have fallen along the wayside...since a church issue sent several families flying out of there. I say church issue, but it really wasn' was a heart issue. It has been hard to accept but now I am seeing that it was only for a season and that season is least, that's the way it appears now. I am letting God deal with them and that is the best way. If they decide to come back around, it will only be because God has changed their hearts and that would be a wonderful thing too :) This was a very timely post!

  8. I love lilacs! At one of our homes in years past, we had a large lilac bush right outside our bedroom window. When I opened the window, it would fill the room with its beautiful heady scent. I miss that home...and the lilac, but as you wrote, some things are only for a season. I know that God has wonderful things planned for the coming seasons of my life, too!

    Blessings, Joan

  9. Life is just like the changing season's isn't it? Learning to be content with my "seasons as they continue to change....and I love lilacs

  10. A lovely post and the lilacs are so pretty.

  11. That's something I am trying to do. Listen and go where He is telling me to go. It's harder than it seems because I'm not a subtle girl. I keep praying that I need a clear sign. Came over from a comment you left on my blog, and glad I did. I need to be reminded of these sometimes.

    Shannon ~

  12. Blessed are the flexible...we used to say...for they shall not be broken. One of the most difficult changes, beyond the obvious, was saying goodbye to friends who were moving or pastors and their families who moved. We have never seen some of these folks again, but we will see them someday.

  13. Dear Roxy,

    This was so beautiful and so very true! Thank you for sharing and for leaving me such a sweet comment on my blog! Hoping your day is blessed!

    With love,

  14. What a lovely connection...using the lilac to seasons in our lives.
    Recently going through a friendship that I thought was a forever journey, and then realizing it was for just a season, at first, broke my heart. Now I can look back and be thankful for the blessings, and for the lessons learned. God knows what can happen with too much of what we think is a "good thing". the lilac...we keep our appreciation of things that only last for a season.
    Love to you, dear Roxy.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!