Tuesday, June 3, 2014

These Shoes Do Not Fit...

This blog post is for any of you ladies that were coming to Link Up!

There is a very important factor in life I have learned, it is this!
You need to be doing what you were created for...
If I want to go hiking or hunting or go on a safari excursion.
I would wear a pair of boots very similar to these.

Cute wee little shoes!
They look so comfortable, I want to wear them;
But they are way too small for me.
No matter how hard I try I cannot comfortably wear them.

These are way more my style!
Cute, classy...
But wait, I am leery of heights!
These are perfect for someone,
Just not for me...

Just can not find a pair of shoes that will fit my style and purpose here!

Okay the point of this Blog post is I am trying to explain that,
I have decided to not continue my Link Up Party!
(I hope you all did not think I was going to quit my Blog...)

I am a bit of sentimental at times;
But I have sought wise counsel concerning this matter,
I believe because of the style and nature of the Blog God has given me.
I must be open to be able to post and write as I feel the leading.

I desire to grow a heart of wisdom and to use my energy and gifting,
In a forum that better suits me and my Hubby!

I enjoy joining other parties and linking to them!
But I feel the thing I desired most is not happening for me
Having my own party.
So with this all said, I am free to write and bless as
The Holy Spirit leads me!

I want to thank Jan,
 who created an amazing cute Link Party button for me!
 (I did save it just in case)  :o)

We have a couple vacation trips planned this summer!
But I will be taking my computer...

Here is where my little toes feel the best fit right now!

Right next to my sweet Grand Child's...

Please know I need to be able to comment and to visit my
Girlfriends and enjoy reading their blogs!
I have missed being able to do that!

So thanks for all you amazing ladies who linked up with me!
And supported this little adventure.
But I can't take the heat, so I better turn the air conditioning on.

PS... I just may have a surprise Link Up's with a special theme!!
Only those that visit regularly will know about them.


  1. After my parents died, I kept having the recurring dream of trying to find shoes to fit. I think I finally figured out that God was telling me that I couldn't fit in someone else's shoes, mainly my Daddy's who I had tried to be like and please all my life. He was a great Preacher-man but his shoes won't fit me. I've got to find my own ministry. Thanks for sharing your heart as always.

  2. Love your heartfelt messages. ♥

  3. I love how you share what's on your heart, my friend :) Thank you for this post.

    Also, link-up's with a special theme?? Sounds fun and interesting :)

    Much love!

  4. I think it is great that you know you are NOT supposed to do something, Roxy! Sometimes the best we can do is walk away from something that is not a fit for us. I can't get into the linky party thing...I think it is fine for others but it is just not "my thing" so I don't do it.

    Hope you have a wonderful June!!! xo Diana

  5. Beautifully said. No point pushing yourself when it doesn't feel right:))

  6. You have to follow where the Lord wants you to go. Your faithful followers are here to support you all the way!

  7. Hi Roxy! Hope you're having a beautiful day! The kids and I are meeting with a new homeschool group today for the first time since moving here to NW Arkansas. I'm excited!


  8. I admire you Roxy for your open heart and honesty. You are doing what God has put on your heart. You would have never known the upside and downside of creating a link-up if you would have never ventured out and done it! I can only imagine the responsibility and the amount of time it takes!
    Blessings, sweet friend!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!