Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are You A Late Bloomer...

Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Totally Out Of Sync

I find it rather strange when a plant referred to as a Christmas cactus
blooms in July. Maybe it thinks it is actually a rose...
Roses bloom in June and July!

I had to take a picture of it and share it with you ladies.

Here we are working in our flowerbeds outside and to find this blossom.
Really surprised me, because it never did bloom this last December.
I realize over the many years it has bloomed maybe as late as February.

What are some things we can do to help us when we as
Women feel out of sync?
 As I told you this last month was
A rough one for me. But I have seen a pattern over the years,
And it looks like we have a growth in the Lord,
 then we get challenged and we feel like it is
  a bit of a setback.
Well, I now lean to this thought concerning this cycle.
I believe we are being tested to shore up our growth.
God, wants us to grow by and through the Holy Spirit.
NOT, by our own sheer will power!

A flower is still a flower, no matter if they bloom late or early!
Grace and honor to allow the working of the Word in each of
Our Lives...

As I have aged I notice a stronger drive to create and take pleasure.
Why is everyone and everything in such a hurry?

I pray each of you will allow yourself the space and time;
To bloom and to be beautiful and complete
In Him...


  1. My Easter cactus gets confused easily. I appreciated these thoughts. Sometimes Christians forget that the Christian life is not a self-improvement project. He is the vine and we are the branches. It is all about Him and our yielding to Him.

  2. Maybe your is a Christmas in July cactus...:) It is so pretty. My sister used to have the prettiest one. I don't know if she still does or not. I may have to get one for myself. Lovely message as always Roxy! I feel as though I bloom and wither often through various life stages and events. He is always there to feed and water me though when I am withering and He sets me to growing and blooming once again.

    Blessings, Vicky

  3. I am a late bloomer. I am just now in my forties living life fully,enjoying each day, each season,even each trial. I wish I would have lived like this earlier in life. God's timing is perfect. God's creation always gives good perspective!

  4. Hello my precious friend! It seems like it's been ages since I have visited your blog - oh it's so good to be here!
    Your post was simply lovely and the last paragraph was just what I needed; "I pray each of you will allow yourself the space and time;To bloom and to be beautiful and complete In Him..." Amen!

    I think of you often! Wishing you a blessed Lord's Day!

  5. I think blooming often is connect with the getting of wisdom, as we get older d we become a little wiser and bloom even more.

    May the week ahead be joyful and fulfilling .


  6. Yes, I can relate to the "late bloomer", and have often felt out of sync. I do love how the Lord works; He always has a plan that we don't always recognize at first. We simply feel "off", and then realize it is Him
    at work in our lives, causing us to grow in a way we weren't thinking of. I love that your cactus bloomed in July... it is very sweet to me, it makes me think of 'unexpected fruit'. Almost a preacious gift of the Lord. Had a great time the other day. Talk to you soon.
    Love and Blessings,

  7. Hello Roxy. You are so right. I enjoyed this post and have learned to slow down the pace and enjoy the smallest of blessings. I hope the week ahead will be nice for you. Mildred

  8. Great post Roxy! Touched me in a special way. As I !earn to lean on God's Spirit, I am reminded of this, to wait! We do get in too much of a hurry. This causes me to take my mind d off what's really important a d begin to worry. I will slow down today,enjoy, and be thankful for it.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!