Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Watermelon and A 100 Year Old Barn...

Mouth-watering, cool and refreshing!
Seeds or seedless!
( I just read an article that seeds in the watermelon were better tasting)
But I also remember the saying that if I swallowed a seed;
That a watermelon would grow in my stomach...
Scare the daylights out of a kid!

Juicy and sweet...
Ice cold and yummy, at it says;

Getting your summertime picnic foods in abundance now!
What are the things that you love to eat and have for your Summerime
picnic's and get togethers?

I am so enjoying fresh watermelon and strawberries!
Eating light and fresh!

Recharging my batteries and looking for a fresh spark!
Feeling a bit stuck in a rut?

 sometimes it may requires a change of scenery
 and some fresh fruits and vegtables.
Is your sweet corn in your area knee high yet?

Here ia a 100 Year old Barn!

Longevity is a blessing from the Lord!
May you live and stand  in the foundations of truths that do not change!


  1. I agree, watermelon is summer!
    And so does potato salad, hot dogs on the grill, throw in some corn on the cob and you have a picnic.
    Which always tells me it's summertime.

  2. You always make me laugh Rox… I am referring to the watermelon seed growing in your stomach; yes, I remember passing around that rumor when we were kids. I am having a hankering for all the fresh fruit and veggies. Grasshoppers are eating everything in sight around here, so no my sweet corn is dead, but hoping to get some at the farmers market. Steve has almost finished the screens on my garden beds… hoping something will survive the next few days until they are done. We have had the most wonderful rain and over cast the last two days. Perhaps that'll wash away those grasshoppers.

    Loved your comment on my blog, and loved hearing Barb was there with you. Tell her Hi for me. Hope you are all having a wonderful time, and enjoying some fresh watermelon and corn.
    Love ya bunches,

  3. Yes, Watermelon screams Summertime!! Anything that is light and refreshing is definitely on my menu for these hot summer days. Of course, we have had a few good cool rainy days, so I was wanting a much heartier meal today.

    I love that old barn, is that up in Michigan? And I of course, love the color...

    Have a wonderful Fourth of July!!


  4. We started getting corn in our basket two weeks ago (but our farmer admits she started them in a greenhouse in Feb and then transplanted, can you imagine all that work?) We will have corn, watermelon and tomatoes. The 4th is looking kind of wet so a barbecue might not happen, but we will enjoy just the same.Hope your 4th is wonderful

  5. Watermelon has to be on the top ten favorite lists for Summer :) Just had some today and I couldn't get over it! How are you Roxy? I have missed you and your blog. I am on a computer once again and I feel like a new woman :) Your ray of light beaming from your blog is always so encouraging and refreshing…. I hope you are having a good Summer.…..

  6. I always love your analogies and how God speaks to you through the simple things in life. Sometimes I think we try to make our relationship with Him complicated.

    I think seedless watermelon is just as good. Gotta be cold and we put salt on it sometimes. I like tomato sandwiches and I haven't eaten one yet!

  7. HI Roxy...

    I love ice cold watermelon and strawberries too. Sweet corn and cantaloupe are other favorites. My home-grown Juliet roma tomatoes in my salads or Gyros OR tossed with oil, balsamic vinegar and roasted in the oven...mmmmmm! All my fresh grown herbs. Oh boy!!!


  8. I do love watermelon...and strawberries...and corn...and the list goes on! Watermelons are grown all around my area and so is corn. The corn is over head high and almost ready to harvest. Nothing better than fresh fruits and veggies! Love that old barn too! Have a blessed and beautiful Independence Day tomorrow!

    Hugs, Vicky

  9. Hi Roxy,

    Adam and I have been enjoying the fresh strawberries these past two weeks. Watermelon is wonderful too! This morning I have been making a large batch of macaroni salad for a picnic at my mom's tomorrow. We plan to make homemade ice cream too. : ) Mom has an old-fashioned ice cream maker that the fellas take turns cranking.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th!!


  10. Watermelon is something that has always made my summers happier. Getting them when I was a kid was an extra special treat and we made a family affair out of eating one, seed spitting and! Of course now, I like mine seedless these days :) The corn here is ready to eat...knee high was for more northern climates. I am getting some from my son's garden this week!! Happy 4th to you Roxie!

  11. Watermelon totally floats my boat!

  12. We have our watermelon and make a cheesecake that looks like a flag with blueberries and strawberries. Happy 4th!!

  13. Nothing nicer than cold watermelon on a hot summers day. I often add it to salads in summer as they are so refreshing.


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