Saturday, August 16, 2014

Strawberry Fields...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

This lovely Old Bread bowl is just filled to overflowing!
We picked these lovely sweet and juicy strawberries, while
We were back East visiting family!

Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Bread
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry Smoothies

John 15: 1-9 speaks of only three amounts of fruit being produced
More Fruit
Much Fruit
In our lives, these are the only levels we are producing at!

Does your life have Fruit?
How about More Fruit?
We are looking for MUCH FRUIT...

Have you been experiencing pruning in your life?
If we are not being pruned you will not be able to bear more fruit.

Strawberries grow in the fields and they can bring a good harvest,
If many conditions are available.
Sun and rain and mulch!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Fruit from the Lord in our lives will be sometimes visible,
And other times it may take a while to see it!
Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Do we always have to have the biggest strawberries?
Actually the smaller ones can be very sweet!
I was wondering if size has any meaning at all when it comes to Biblical fruit,
But rather as to how MUCH...

After a lovely morning of picking fresh sweet strawberries we,
Then we washed them and smashed them and poured them
Over shortcakes and topped it with ice cream and whipped cream!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

May each and every one of you bear MUCH Fruit!
It does not require labor and work;
But rather abiding in the vine...


  1. What a nice photo of you in the strawberry patch. I'm so glad that you said that it is not what we strive and fret to do, but about abiding in the vine and Jesus is The Vine.

    We were going to do some berry picking today, but the weather turned on us. Perhaps Monday or Tuesday.

  2. What a wonderful post Rox. It is so true about abiding in the vine… that is indeed how we bare the most fruit. Remember the dream you had about the fruit and pies? Love your pictures, and I love how you all picked the strawberries together, and I love how you made strawberry shortcake (now I'm hungry). Read your previous post.. it reminded me to ask "how are the dogs getting along?" Also… can come over on Monday for a visit?

    Love and Blessings,

  3. Such a delicious day it looks like you had! I love strawberries, but they are hard to come by up here. I usually get mine on sale and then stash some in the freezer. :)
    I used to think that the Lord was just SO hard on me about things. Then I learned what the pruning process was all about. Praise God he chooses to use me in what little capacities he sees fit!
    Thank you for the encouragement!

  4. Even if you don't pick your own fruit, you can get a lot out of this post.
    We all have Fruit and Harvest, in our lives. And don't forget, pruning! Oh, the pruning!

  5. Hello!

    What a beautiful post and yes, I think I am now hungry again. This is the second post I have read about strawberries.

    I want to have have much fruit as I can get... I want to abide in the vine as well.

    Such a good, good post!

    Happy Sunday!


  6. Do enjoy those yummy sweet berries:)) gods word us just as sweet and beautiful.

    Have a lovely week ahead.

  7. I love strawberries, so tasty and sweet! I do hope I produce fruits that are just as amazing :) Thank you for sharing this!

  8. Those strawberries look delicious! Nice shot of you in the strawberry patch.

    Good message!

  9. That looks so wonderful. I love strawberries too, what's not to love ; )
    Have a great day.

  10. Hi Roxie, what a wonderful post and special lesson. You always lift my spirits with your wonderful words and message.
    The strawberries look delicious.

    Thank you for stopping by and your sweet visit while I was on vacation.
    So nice to catch up with you tonight.
    Be Blessed~


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!