Monday, September 29, 2014

Feeding Your Man...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

A Man Needs A Good Meal

So many men are just plain hungry...

If you want your Hubby to want to come home quickly,
Then you have the very thing to use daily to ensure that they
Do come HOME soon after work or running errands.

I love having my hubby home,
 I love the fact He wants to come HOME

I think one thing I have done very early on in my marriage was this;
He does not have to run out and get a sandwich or a burger
With friends or with the guys he works with.

I have seen way too many men, just plain hungry!

Now, I know many Men like to cook!
I think that is wonderful!

But I am also glad that my Husband wants and loves my cooking!
He prefers my breakfast specials,
He loves my hamburgers with green chilies on them.
He loves anything that is made from our kitchen.
This is called HOME COOKING...

I am not a gourmet cook, I cook and serve Home style meals.
Call me old fashion;

A man needs to know and can count on an evening meal for sure.
Some men need a big breakfast!
Some need a hearty lunch!

If you want to keep a Hubby happy feed him ladies!
I would hope that making a satisfying meal for him
 would also give you pleasure.

This is a test;
Cook some potatoes,
Now this week I want you to make at least one of these up!
Fried potatoes
Boiled potatoes 
Mashed potatoes
Baked potatoes

Serve with another meat or salad!
And a side dish of  veggies, applesauce or biscuits.

You will have a very Happy Hubby!

I think the potato is a homemakers best friend
Besides the crock-pot.

You can buy potatoes so cheap, and they can be very nutritious!
Please Feed Your Man!!

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

What is a food item that is a staple in your cooking?

Share how you might like to cook your potatoes!


  1. Mine loves rice and beans...I make the rice and he seasons the beans the way he likes them. Like you, I don't cook gourmet, I try to stay as simple in my cooking, but love to add herbs to add that special taste :)

  2. I wish I loved to cook. Mr H loves it when I do. I'm great at doing breakfast meals. Do that alot. Probably will have that tonight since the weather is cooler.

  3. Great post, Roxy! I know it's difficult for young brides sometimes if they were not taught to cook, but the effort in learning has great rewards in building up the family. You hit the nail on the head. Have a great week!

  4. Yep- Hubby here will eat anything but he really LOVES soup-any kind of soup. That is my least favorite "meal" but I make it a lot anyway- xo Diana

  5. I'm happy to have a hubby who like to come home too! He loves my cooking too...:) We love potatoes and I especially love to cut them up int french fries. You just cannot beat homemade fries! I just wish they weren't so! I could eat them more often. Have a blessed week Roxy.

    Hugs, Vicky

  6. I love your first picture with the potatoes in the cast iron skillet..mmm good. Potatoes are always the best of food to be sure. My hubby actually loves rice in first place, and when I make him rice dishes, he feels very loved. I made a big pan of green chili rice before
    I came to Dad's and he is very happy.
    Love and Blessings,

  7. Mine loves mash potatoes best followed by roast potatoes. My husband loves home coked meals which I'm more than happy to make, it keeps him happy and its important to have a happy husband..

  8. my husband is a meat and potatoes guy for sure -- twice baked potatoes are also a hit here.

  9. Yes, potatoes help fill a man up. I am serving leftover mashed potatoes made into potato yummy! I also try to tell him what's for supper so he has something to look forward to. He really likes knowing. Such good advice you're dispensing here.

  10. I love potatoes. Even though my wife still works, she prefers to cook rather than have me pick something up to eat when she gets off.
    She's a great cook.

  11. I love this post Roxy! Such practical advice and it would save much heartache in the marriage if all husbands had something nice and hot waiting for them at home! Excellent advice!!!

    P.S. My hubby loves anything with potatoes!

  12. I just found your blog this afternoon and am enjoying my look around. I've followed and bookmarked to visit again. :)

  13. My husband of 44 years loves fried potatoes, pinto beans, mixed greens, cornbread and salmon patties. I think he could
    eat this 3 times aweek. I love this man of mine!!!

  14. My dear hubby loves potatoes any way you can fix them, also home baked bread. There isn't much that I have cooked in our 39 years that he hasn't liked. I too feel it is important to cook for your husband, mine always enjoys walking in after work and smelling the aroma of supper cooking.
    Blessings, Cheryl

  15. This was such good, practical advice, I had to share it! Your post has been featured this week! :) Please join us in our new link up which is up and running! Have a lovely week~~

  16. Old Sister Schaffner was a wisely golden woman. We ministered in their church for a week back in the late '90s and parked our RV in their vast back "yard." Every evening meal was eaten at her huge dining table, complete with china and cloth napkins. Her philosophy was, "No meal is complete without dessert."

    She wisely prepared the meals for Days 2 and even 3 on Day 1, one item of which was often used: potatoes. I saw her bake extra potatoes on Day 1 and serve them as Parmesan-flour-crusted (reheated wedges in a hot iron skillet with a little oil) on Day 2. Obviously I've not forgotten those delicious potatoes!

    Sister Schaffner taught me many things that week-- enough to fill a book. She is a gem in my treasure chest of godly women.

    Great post, Roxy. Dr. Laura Schlessinger wrote a book on "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" (and "Marriage'"), both which served me well. If we, too, will hunger and thirst to feed our husbands, we will have an adoring, satisfied mate! You and I are both living witnesses.

    Hugs and happy week,

  17. Garlic Cheese Potato soup is a favorite around here.

  18. That picture brings back memories of what we used to call "soup potatoes.' It was not potato soup, but a side dish of potatoes in thickened milk. I'm thankful for a husband who loves my cooking!

  19. My man has grown so accustomed to my cooking that when we attend bible study where a supper is provided after he chooses not to eat and wait for me to fix something when we get home. When he has to eat at a business function he eats a light meal and always eats the plate I keep warm in the oven. My husband is from Africa and gladly eats western food I cook but I always make sure to make sure he gets his fill of rice and hearty casseroles. He especially loves goat stew with rice or roti.


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