Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Guiding Our Homes...


Scripture is a wonderful way to decorate your home.
You can buy it already framed and matted from a store;
Or you can find a scripture that has blessed you and spoken to you!
And then have it printed out and frame it yourself!
You can be as elaborate with this as you can afford;
Or you can do it as inexpensive as a thrift store frame
 Or a dollar Store frame. And I have found some pretty cute ones!
You can spray paint the frames to match the room where
You will be placing them!

I am very much a homebody and as scripture teaches us,
To be a keeper of our Homes...

But I have been looking at the word of Guiding our Homes!
We all will use some source to guide our lives.
What is the compass and guide book that you are using?
Where is the path leading that you are taking?
 women  have so much influence in the world;
But it is in the Home where the influence sticks and is biblical.

When a home is filled with love and God's Word,
And we are guiding it through what the word teaches;
We then can be a home filled with light and real strength.

I can see so many grabbing for what the world has to offer,
And I can see the sad eyes of the children, asking
What is real?
What is truth?

I had a comment that asked where is your conviction now?
Well, it is still in the same person of Jesus Christ...
But I am an imperfect vessel growing in grace and truth!
If I even for one week posted all the scriptures
Pertaining to what God has in His Word concerning Women,
I would only be writing His truth!
And that should be enough,
But this Blog is about my journey, slow and steady.

So many are looking for truth;
And it is only in the Person of Jesus Christ!
Don't look to me, but to the only infallible word!
The Bible

Scripture offends many;
They gnash their teeth at Stephen, Acts 6,7,8,

Those that ridicule others to be hateful, hurt themselves!
Those that correct with a gentle and kind word, helps another!
A conviction can only come from the Holy Spirit!
I will not try to be that in any person's life,
That is called control!

Rather may we seek Him and allow Him to help us!
Only then will our lives help guide others!
There has never been but one perfect man...
Jesus Christ Of Nazareth!

Not Afraid
When they heard this, they were furious and
gnashed their teeth at him.
Acts 7:54

Christians must come to a decision in life.
For some it comes in incremental direction and steps.
For others it may come in a crisis,
Either way we must stop having our feet in two
Different arenas.
Will we plant both feet in eternity and face up to
God's opponents?
Or will will live with one foot in the world
And one in the kingdom!

God wants the whole you!

"I am learning this one thing;
Truth is better and more important than life"

Living from Glory to Glory


  1. Very good as usual, Roxy. People who attack Christian women are attacking the Host, too. And if you get an attack, you can overcome it by praying for the attackers and then doing something in the home or for someone else.

  2. Moving to a new house will allow me time to fill my walls with God's word. I have always known this, and I really want to do this. Thanks for listening to God and sharing with all of us.


  3. Roxy,
    I hear ya! We need to stand on the Truth.
    I will say you do make me stop and ponder things. Which is great!
    God said to go out and preach. His word is our guide.
    Your blog is inspirational and helpful.

  4. I do like to use scripture in the house (even if it's just a note card tacked to my fridge with a verse that was helpful to help remind me of truth.)

  5. Very true! We can not serve two masters... The Scriptures are very adamant against it. This was encouraging as always Roxy. Thank you for also sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays.

    I also wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the kinds comments you sprinkle through. They are blessings!

    Lastly, with regard to the lavender lotion bars, ...just to make sure you know, though they LOOK like soap bars, they are actually moisturizing lotion bars :) And would make great gifts for sure! You had mentioned the word "soap" on the comment and I didn't want to give the wrong impression.

    Have a lovely week!

  6. Hello and Good Morning!

    We always need to stand in truth no matter what any body else thinks. You are only accountable to God, not the people of the world. Be Bold, just as Christ was Bold!

    Love the post!

    Hugs to you,

  7. Beautifully said Roxy!!! :) I couldn't agree more! I hope your Wednesday is joy-filled!

  8. Great idea to keep us focused on the Word, and not the World, Roxy!!
    Great post!!
    Just to let you know. I am closing Seashells and Lavender, and keeping just one blog open. I explain my decision in my latest post. I hope you will follow at the Lakehouse blog.
    Bless you sista!

  9. Roxy ~ I hope you don't mind my commenting on an older post, but I was reading through and found this one ; it really blessed me, especially the bit towards the end about (not) having a 'foot in both worlds'. That made me sit up!
    I love how you give encouragement to commit to the Lord 100%, yet always friendly, and with humility, never stern or preachy. So glad to visit you!
    xxx Alex

  10. I'm a huge proponent of this idea, Roxy. I stencil the Word on my walls. I embroider it on pillowshams. I spelled out "Rejoice evermore" in letters of different shapes on the wall above my piano. This Scripture can be viewed in our Manila townhouse by everyone who walks in the front door, or up from the downstairs or standing in the dining room. It's pleasing to my soul, reading the Word where I look in my home. I'm always looking for ways to "plug" It in here and there!

    Hugs and happy week,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!