Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There's No Place Like Home...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Home is where the heart is....
On a lighter note from my last blog post,
What are some of those most special moments of your childhood?

I can remember watching the movie,
Wizard Of Oz
The movie did frighten me as a child!
And I still do not care to watch it as an adult.
But I did love the end of the movie...
Where Dorthy just clicked her shoes three times and said aloud
There is no place like HOME...

We are all so blessed to have a place where we feel safe and
have a family to love and cherish!
Making memories and learning together;
and growing and grace.
I do not want to be critical or judgmental in my writings!

My heart wants to encourage women in their walk and journey!
But I do not want to write to a generic audience.
But rather homemakers and like minded sisters in Christ!

I ask for your understanding as I grow and learn to be an example,
to others who are looking to grow into Godly women!
There is a pendulum that can swing too hard in both directions!

Grace and Growth for all of us!


  1. Oh-I read your previous post, too, Roxy. I always wear skirts/dresses. The kids think it is funny but I am much more comfortable in them than I am in pants.

    I do wear pants when I mow the lawn though or do heavy digging work in the garden.

    Love the post today with the ruby slippers....yep---NO PLACE like home, is there? xo Diana

  2. I want to get a pair of "Ruby Slippers" and use them as decoration/statement for others to see. It would be a great way to start a conversation.

  3. Are those really your shoes, Roxy?
    They are so very cute!
    I am enjoying your blog ~ I'm relatively new to it ~ but it is just so sweet, and encouraging. This is what I need at the moment!
    Thank you!
    x Alex

  4. Hello, dear Roxy! It's me, Alex, again.
    Thank you for enquiring ~ yes, I do have a blog, I've had several over the years, but now I'm at:

    I hope you will visit me, you'll be most welcome. I live in the East of England, near Norwich.
    Blessings to you!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!