Friday, September 26, 2014

How Using Your Provisions Wisely Saves You Money...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

If I had to live off the land I would learn very quickly to appreciate the harvest!
We tend to forget all the hard work that
Goes into putting food on our tables.

We live in a country where we take so much for granted!
Very few people truly really go hungry, 
Because of State provisions,
Food Stamps and such!
Soup kitchens can be found and utilized in most cities.
Even in the Public Schools they provide breakfast programs.

We have all seen the dramatic rise in food cost in the last few years!

So my thoughts have been leaning toward, how well are we using
Our food resources?
How many morsels of food are being wasted at every meal?

Our we cooking the right portion size,
 so we do not have so much wasted food.
Are we freezing the portions we can use for a later time?

My daughter once told me that she uses this thought when
purchasing her food or household items.
"She asks herself how many hours did my Husband have
to work to pay for these things?"

This may help us put it into a real perspective of the actual cost!

If I were to have to rely solely on my own food production,
We would be very shocked by our lack of choices!
We know longer are very well equipped to even do this!

I have always enjoyed the magazines that teach the
 How Too of living off the land.
I think God has given us a deep desire to work and provide food,
For ourselves and those we love!

So I think it is time to ask ourselves these questions;
Have you learned the art of canning?
Can you make jelly?
Can you make bread from scratch?
Do you have a resource of books put away for knowledge
that might be needed on How to...

We are to be wise stewards of our time, talent and resources...

He alone is the Lord of the Harvest!

Fresh Green Beans...

Living From Glory to Glory Blog

I believe we will be a wise woman if we learn to be proficient
in keeping our shelves stocked and knowing how to cook!

We can learn to cut our food cost by learning to plan meals.

Watch for sales on food items in your grocery stores!

Learn to freeze some of these foods that you buy on sale!

Ask another woman who knows how to can, to teach you!

Take a class from your county extension office
 For how to preserve your foods.

(I just learned last year you can make a large batch of rice and freeze it!
You just make a double batch,
Then allow it to cool only slightly; then put the amount
You will need for a dinner serving and freeze in a plastic bag.)
This works great for a quick side dish;
Or just open up some beans and you have a perfect protein.

I also always cook a large amount of dried beans and freeze them!


  1. All your wise advice is true!
    Since I've retired, my husband and I are on a budget (first time in our married lives!).
    First thing we did is to cut our food cost. Small portions when cooking, eating and now we plan our meals, weekly. What a difference!
    Great advice, thank you.

  2. I just finished writing a post about this exact same theme :-) Great minds think alike! I called it Frugal Friday... I know there is probably a meme for this out there in blogland, but I don't mind ;D

    Thank you so much for sharing our wisdom Roxy... have a blessed weekend!

  3. Great advice, Roxy. I appreciated what you shared on the rice,I never knew it would freeze well.
    With just my husband and I at home now we eat so differently and simple many times.
    My husband thinks like your daughter in regards to how many hours he has to work to pay for something. That really makes you stop and think before buying.
    Sweet blessings to you, Debbie

  4. Wonderful post, Roxy. All these things are not learned instantly and it is encouraging to hear the experience and advice of other ladies, like yourself. I enjoyed this and have been inspired to learn, and do more in these areas. Thank you

  5. This is such an awesome post and great reminder to us all !
    Growing up we always had to cook or make for dinner what was available , because finances were tight . I have applied that to my cooking and meal making now , even though my finances are better than my parents' were . A friend once commented about how I can " whip something up " with out using a recipe . I had never thought about it before . I attribute that to using what I have and making a casserole or soup ect out of what I have . My mom had taught or given me this "gift" without even knowing it !!! :) This summer when my 14 year old daughter brought home tomatoes from a friends garden , we promptly made quiches with fresh tomatoes in them . I hope that I am now passing along what you talked about in this Post ...using what you have and not wasting food . Again great Post Roxy ! Thanks !

  6. I tried a tiny garden for the first time this year. Just three tomato plants and not much produce, but I tried.
    Maybe next year I'll try again.


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