Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How To Make Homemade Granola With Walnuts And Coconut...

Granola, coconut, Walnuts, Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Making your own Granola is a very practical and cost effective.
This is a staple food item for eating as a cereal or using it on top of your yogurt.

You can improvise with many different choices of nuts or fruit.
I think what makes this granola work for me, is the coconut oil I use in it!
Also the coconut sugar, but you could use brown sugar if you like.
With so many recipes I have tried, they call for too much honey.
 and that makes it so wet and harder to dry.

The flax meal and wheat germ are added for extra nutrition.
But you can also eliminate them.
Also, you can also leave out the flour.

But it is the coconut and chopped walnuts that make it so yummy.

After it has completely dried out in the oven, I then let it cool
 And store it in an airtight container or a glass jar!

You can really taste the difference between fresh granola
and store bought brands. And the cost of the store brands has
doubled in cost. And the packages are smaller too.

Homemade Coconut and Walnut Granola

I wanted to share this my fewest closest 100 friends!
Every Granola I have made in the past has been lacking in either texture or taste;
So here is my creation of a Granola I would be willing to share…

Heat your oven to 250 degrees;
 (But you will turn it off to the lowest setting or the Warmer setting to bake it.
In a 9x13 pan
Place 3 TBL. Of organic coconut oil
1/3 cup of organic coconut sugar in the pan, place in oven to melt, only a few short minutes.
Pull it out of the oven and now add this mixture.
¼ cup mixture total of,
 2TBL. Coconut flour, and wheat germ, and ground flax seed (1/4 total)
 Now stir this into the melted coconut oil and sugar in the 9x13 pan.
Mix it up a bit; Now
Add 2 cups of organic rolled oats to the pan
1/3 cup flaked coconut
1/3 cup chopped walnuts
Mix this up and place it in a turned down oven to the lowest setting!
Stir often and watch carefully so it will not burn!
This needs to be only a warm oven; turn it off if it gets too hot;
You are only trying to DRY this mixture NOT cook it!!
Allow to cool well and store in a Glass jar.


What are you creating in your kitchen?


  1. That sounds good! I used to make granola all the time when my kids were little. I haven't made it in a long time.

    I have been on a baking kick lately. xo Diana

  2. I like to add maple syrup to mine instead of honey and I love plenty of nuts. Love home made granola:))

  3. I just bought some granola yesterday!
    (I had a hankering for it.)
    This recipe came along just in time for me. I am going to make several batches!
    Thanks for testing out your recipe for all of us who love granola and sharing it with us.

  4. This looks delicious Rox… I am going to pin it and give it a try. I treasure your recipes… thanks for sharing.
    Love and Blessings,

  5. Good Afternoon!

    This is a very tasty and delicious granola. Since, I live next door I get the pleasure of having this when it's made up. It has got to be one of the simplest granola's to make ever!

    Baking... hmmm, not much baking today, but I have been getting meals prepared for hunting, does that count?

    I hope you are enjoying the cool weather today. Its so nice for the misty rain in the air!

    Have a blessed day!

  6. Roxy, I agree; homemade granola is so much better. This sounds delicious! I can't wait to make it.

  7. I have a homemade Granola recipe that is easy peasy but this one looks so much healthier! I am going to print it out and give it a try. Thanks, Roxy!


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