Monday, October 13, 2014

Ordinary Task In Ordinary Days...

Do You find yourself daydreaming?

Well, wake up sunshine!
Hopefully you're living your dream...

Ever notice that what you thought it would be like is not anything;
like it at all?

Well, according to my calculations, every time 
"I thought I thought  it out"
It always was a wee bit different then I imagined.

And oh, everything is subject to change,
But, His divine providence!

Do Mondays always get you down?

Well knock it off honey cause Mondays are the beginning
of a Homemakers week!

How many loads of laundry have you done so far today!
Let me guess, Hmmmm
How many children do you have?

You get the point/////

Remember on Sunday you resolved to worship;
Well, Mondays you need to resolve also to schedule your week.

One thing that always helps me is that we only have one day,
At a time to manage. And if we manage today well, tomorrow.
Will go smoother!

Cleaning and scrubbing and folding laundry can be a form of worship.
It is in the ordinary days and the ordinary task that bring
 "Glory To God"

We are called to clean and refresh and tidy our hearts our lives
And our homes...

(Take this time to prepare)

Being prepared for what your family needs!

Take joy and pleasure in this day!

Remember faithfulness in little things is a big thing!

Spiritual progress can be stopped by grumbling and questioning

Make a plan, be flexible, smile!
Don't take things too seriously, so when something serious does happen
You can be calm and slide right down whatever obstacle is put in your path!

Living From Glory To Glory...


  1. As I get older, I am learning this more and more and truly being thankful for ordinary days. This was a rainy day and a Monday, but I'm actually refreshed by the rain and Mondays don't really get me down. Have a great week.

  2. I enjoy my Mondays.
    I love to organize my week, do the laundry and cleaning.
    You can find me, usually humming with delight on Mondays.

  3. After being out of the home for so many years I find that I love the "mundane" tasks of homemaking and ordinary days are simply the best.

  4. I love this no-nonsense advice of yours Roxy!! :)

  5. It's what life is all about isn't it Roxy! I have watched younger women get married and then become quickly unhappy with life...too boring for them! I wonder what they thought marriage was going to be? I see people in their thirties still acting like they just turned 21! What a different generation! You are so right, homemaking is an art! Blessings to my dear freiend Roxy!

  6. Good morning, Roxy!
    It is raining ferociously here, but it is a *green* morning...sparkling green grass and trees...still not much turning. I hope you are well and enjoying an ordinary, glorious day, my friend.
    Blessings in the Lord :)

  7. Folding laundry as I read. ~smile~
    Three children and hubby at home with me. One son on his own down the road.

  8. I love your vintage photos. I never liked Mondays years ago when I worked. Now I love them at home. I like how you say that homemaking is an act of worship. Amen.

  9. It is a wonderful thing to do all to the glory of God, even laundry! We've just moved to where we have a sensitive septic so I am doing a load or two each day instead of all in one day....a bit of a change. It's one thing I need to learn to daydream about all the tasks my home needs me to accomplish. :)
    Have a blessed day!

  10. WONDERFUL words of encouragement and little kick in the pants :) Sometimes I need that ....a reminder that schooling children and folding laundry and keeping house is a form of worship to my Lord ! Keeping a tidy house blesses my family and is more lovely to live for myself as well . Thanks for this great Post !

  11. Love the advice at the end - be flexible, smile and don't take things too seriously!! So true :))))

  12. I feel as if the Lord continues to show me that my life is even better that I dreamed :0) Thanks for sharing Roxy!


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