Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Being Cherished...


Today is the day the Lord has made...
I am honored to have the blessings that come with being
A woman, a wife and a Mother
But being a Mother-in-law has far exceeded my
wildest hopes or dreams for another daughter through;
Marriage commitment and Love.

Here is the post my dear Amy wrote in honor of my Birthday;

I have received honors today from those I love!
Thank You Amy...

This is what receiving your rewards in this life means to me!

I think investing in those God has given us is the best investment
one could ever hope to accomplish in this life.

I am reaping the benefits of staying the course;
My Children have arisen and called me blessed...

We are called to give honor to those God has put into our lives.
Sometimes we have very hard relationships in this world;
But where we can make a difference, then put forth the effort!

Flowers and chocolates are wonderful,
Cards, and words of love and encouragement!

Make the effort to show honor;
God says to us this powerful word;
Those that refresh others will themselves be refreshed!

I laughed this morning because when I turned on my computer
even Google knew it was my Birthday!

Source; From Google (To Me)

I am counting my Blessings!

Have a wonderful Day!

I appreciate each and every one of you ladies who take the time,
To visit me and to encourage me!
May we count our blessings together!

Learning to cherish someone is what God has called each of us to do!
Cherish someone today...


  1. Dear Roxy, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, filled with the richest of His blessings. May your cup overflow. I know I feel blessed whenever I check in here, so your loved ones and friends must feel abundantly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving Roxy!

  2. Happy birthday, Roxy. You are a blessing to me in your post, they are always so encouraging,I needed to hear these words this morning. Relationships can be hard in life, showing love is what it is about. Have a great birthday and a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I know what you mean about Google...what a surprise on my birthday when I turned my computer on...lol! The same way facebook knows...kinda scary in a way :) Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Roxy! Your DIL's post was so very sweet and uplifting! I also have a DIL that I consider as the daughter that I never had...love her to pieces and our relationship is blessed! I hope your day is filled with many more blessings! Hugs!

  4. First up...Happy Birthday to one of God's most beautiful souls...:) You are such a blessing to so many! Amy is just precious and I know you love having her for a daughter in law. Have a lovely day sweet friend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  5. I'm not only wishing you Birthday wishes but daily blessing.
    You have give us so many joys, through your postings. Thank you for each one of them.
    Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Roxy,
    I hope you have a very special day. Thank-you for taking the time to bless us with an encouraging post on your birthday and every day.

  7. Happy birthday wishes to you. We have a beautiful daughter in law named Amy too and she is truly a blessing to me and has become like the daughter I always hoped for, but never had. God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving.

  8. Dear Mrs. Roxy~
    Happy birthday to a sweet Godly woman of faith! You are such a blessing to SO many people....may the year ahead be one filled with: joy, happiness, growing closer to God and family, many happy memories and good health!
    We are so grateful that the Lord has allowed our paths to cross and Lordwilling, we can meet you one day "Face to Face"! :)
    We learn so much from you from your sweet post's!
    May the Lord richly bless you!
    Birthday hugs and Blessings~
    Lori and her daughters...
    the Mayo Maidens

  9. Sweet birthday blessings to you, Roxy!
    Your place here has been an inspiration when I visit. Thank you for sharing with us your love for the Lord.
    How blessed you are to have a daughter in law that you have such a precious friendship with.
    I loved my mother in law beyond...
    I was the blessed one in deed.
    I miss her terribly, but she is rejoicing with her Jesus now.
    Joy to you! Debbie

  10. So happy for you! I hope you've had a wonderful birthday.
    Happy Thanksgiving, too!

    Please drop by!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  11. Dear Roxy.....I hope your special day was fun-filled and magical! How wonderful to be celebrating your life so near Thanksgiving! Hugs to you!

  12. My dear Roxy, what a beautiful post written by a beautiful lady. I am a day late, but Happy Birthday to you, sweet friend. You are a blessing to so many people including me.

    Sending you love and hugs!

  13. Happy Birthday Rox; can't wait to celebrate with you soon. You are definitely cherished.
    Much love,


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!