Friday, November 28, 2014

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Hunting Trip Or Guilt Trip

Anyone that has been reading my blog for these last few months know of our
Family's life changing hunting trip.

We now have had to work through some of the trauma from
that hunting trip.
 We didn't even realize how deeply it had affected us.
We felt tired and a bit stressed all the time.

Some of us had a few nightmares...

I think we also were overwhelmed with the love
 and concern shown to us from so many people.
Total strangers came to that mountain to help search for our
lost grandson.
And we had hunters that were up in the mountains that were on a hunt;
Stopped their hunting and started searching for our grandson.

Our men were taxed in every one of their senses and physical strength.

We all can go through very tough times in our families and marriages!
But do we have to be victims of guilt and trauma?

We have had to pray together as a family and as couples;
We are to overcome, because He has overcome this world for our sake.

We have heard and understood so many facets of this trip;
We have seen the hand of God that protected our Grandson.

We saw the Body of Christ rise up and fulfill its call to love;
And to care for its own...

We can never look out and see the mountains again without
Counting our blessings!

The enemy wants us to feel sorrow and guilt over that 28 hours,
But God has proved His out stretched hand of protection and provisions!

When our men leave for these trips it takes so much preparation!
Food and clothing and survival bags packed for day trips.
(That survival bag our grandson carried, proved its worth)

We all can be so prepared for just about anything;
But we all have seen where we are confronted with something
" Not on the agenda!"

We are a family that hunts;
So do we now not hunt?
Do we let fear of the unknown or the possibilities stop us?

Guilt can be a strong deterrent in life;
A great motivator

Guilt is a wicked task master, we cannot allow it to control us!
We are to do all things in faith;
Use wisdom
Learn from your mistakes
Being as well prepared as possible is being wise.

So thankful for the growth we have all experienced!

Just a last little ditty
True Story;
Yesterday I was preparing our turkey for our meal, and I had it all
washed and prepped for the cooking bag I was placing it in;
I had to do it all by myself as everyone was gone.
So I was able to get it into the cooking bag,
But, when I went to pick it up it came flying out of the bottom of
 the cooking bag and just rolled across the kitchen floor.
I looked up and asked REALLY...
No Guilt; things just have to roll
---I just had to laugh---
No worries, wash it up, place it in a roaster and bake till done!
I did tell our guest that I only dropped the turkey just once.

If you wanted to see the clip of it, here it is!
Family Reunion


  1. Oh heart felt your fear as I read this story of your grandson. How wonderful that he was safe and had wisdom to know how to care for himself. As hard as it all was to go through, I know God will use this trial in his life in many ways. He is a testimony of God's faithfulness. What a lovely family you have:)
    Hugs from Shirley in Virginia

  2. (((Praying))) for your family. There are fears all around us. There are dangers at the grocery store, traffic lights, even at a church service. I ask God for courage in the lives of your family. All things are possible in Christ who will give you the strength. Have a peaceful day.
    - Debbie

  3. What a perfect post and a wonderful Thanksgiving testimony, Roxy! The Lord is SO worthy to be praised! I love your story about the turkey falling out of the bag and sliding across the! I saw that happen on "Everyone Loves Raymond" sitcom once and they washed it in the dishwasher!! I got ready to put my turkey in the bag and found out the bags I bought were for a roast beef....NOT a 20 pound turkey!! It's the first year I didn't cook it in one...I just covered it with foil!

  4. Hi Roxy! I was giggling as I read about your turkey trying to escape :) You are such a sweet example of rolling with the punches in life.

    Your post truly touched my heart, dear friend. Your words flow so beautifully and I know they always touch someones life.

    Blessings to you, dearie! Love and hugs!

  5. Guilt is such a terrible task-master, and can be such a burden . . . I know! So thankful you are not letting it shape your future plans. Love your apron Roxy!

  6. Roxy,

    Your turkey experience made me smile! It sounded like the kind of thing that would happen to me in the kitchen. : ) The story of your grandson's safe keeping throughout such a terrifying experience is truly something to praise God for this season. I am sure you were all so grateful to have him there at the Thanksgiving gathering.


  7. You have wise words from a difficult experience. "We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony…" that has more meaning than ever to me now. Your testimony is powerful and gets me choked up all over again. I'm still chuckling about the turkey.
    Love and blessings,

  8. Glad you was able to find your grandson. Thats funny about the turkey but God does get things across to us in some of the most unusual ways.

  9. Oh Roxy, I am so glad and thankful your grandson was found. Thank GOD!! Yes, planning ahead, consulting with God and being wise is always great preparation!

    You had me LOL about the Turkey rolling across the floor. It reminded me of a time the same thing happened to my cousin with a roasting chicken. LOL
    Yes, life just keeps rolling along and when we fall, we just have to pick our self up, dust off and keep on going!
    Happy December~

  10. My husband misses hunting. He used to go on hunting trips in NZ as a young person. He still owns a gun and has a firarms licence but it only allows him to use it for control of vermin. There are so many restrictions here so his gun stays in its locked, bolted down cabinet most of the year. I think he would love to join one of your hunting trips if we ever have the opportunity to visit you in Colorado!
    Now this is funny reading about your turkey as this morning a bush turkey turned up on our doorstep and as I type is patrolling the perimter of our house outside looking inside all the windows. The bush turkeys usually stay in the bush around here. No point making jokes about Christmas dinner as they are rather scrawny, no meat on their bones. Ha, ha now it is staring in at me through the French doors! I will have to go and shoo it away as they destroy gardens and eat anything and everything!
    I am sure your Thanksgiving and Christmas this year will be very special and filled with gratitude to our Heavenly Father who answered all those prayers and brought your grandson safely home to His family and never forget as you farewell your men on their next hunting trip that it is the Lord Himself that watches over us and our loved ones.
    Psalm 121.5 - read this earlier today in my son's book 'To My Sons' by Bear Grylls.

  11. Heavy post. You're on the right track. There is no condemnation or guilt trips for those who are in Christ Jesus. Y'all were super prepared. Stuff just happens. God knew it would, and He was prepared too. Your grandson was never alone. Fear not. Hunt! Enjoy those trips! They are a gift from God our creator.

    Thanks for making me laugh literally aloud about the turkey. ~smile~

    Bless you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  12. Yup Roxy, you just can't go there my friend! No guilt!!! None of us know what might happen from day to day. Just feel blessed and enjoy those family times together. It's like the bombing of the Twin Towers. You can't let evil win!!


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