Monday, November 17, 2014

Learning To Control Our Emotions...


Learning to control our emotions!
Staying Calm...

Why we must submit our emotional reactions to God...
We cannot control what goes on around us,
Or what may even be directed to us!

Our emotions are a gift from the Lord;
But he wants us to learn to not allow them to control us.

I think that at certain times of the year we can become
More sensitive and emotional when the holidays roll around!
Does that allow us to act out?
Taking every thought captive is powerful!

The range of emotions we can experience in any given hour or day,
Is really too many to list, but here are a few to use as an example.

I feel sad and feel like crying
I am feeling very angry
I feel unappreciated right now
I feel lonely and unloved
I am afraid

These are all ( I ) statements!
(I) get this
That is the whole point here...
(I) Is what I am given control over,
Not others, but myself

We can have such a range of emotions on any given day,
So I have been given a command from the Lord to exercise this control!

The world and our own lives may seem out of control;
But I can assure you God is still on His throne,
What I need to do is get off mine!

Learning to exercise some self control is an action that holds great
Dividend's my friends.
You become a woman of great worth.
Self control is a great asset to have.
It allows us to speak to our husbands in the language they understand.
(Facts and Reality)
It is just the way they function, it is not that you never cry while
Expressing your heart to your husband as we may all do at times in our marriage.

What I have been learning for years is this;
My emotions are a very special gift from the Lord;
And it is important to keep them under His love and control
Not always easy...
But as we exercise this and practice this quality
We become more like Him...

Jesus was angry and sinned not!
"Jesus wept"

Wanting to learn and to respond to the fruit of self-control is
A very powerful thing!
We all have this ability...
If we did not have the ability that would be terrible.
We have a teacher called the Holy Spirit!
We can pray and ask Him to teach us this most important fruit!

Once you sense you are not showing self-control;
Quickly ask the Lord for grace to react kindly and in love!
Once those words come out, there is not getting them back.

I have been asking the Lord to help me not to become so quickly agitated
Or irritated over something my Husband may have said.
We little ladies sometimes get on our high horses!
The word tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought.

Why do we always want to be right!
(Even when we may not be right)
Keeping the peace is usually a wiser thing to do!

This does not mean we cannot tell our Husbands our ideas!
But, it is usually in how we go about it!
Arms crossed, eyes rolling!
The sigh...
~ it's not like I have ever actually done those things~

You get the picture...

Everyday is another chance with the Holy Spirit's help to
exercise putting on the garment of self-control!

Putting on self-control is like wearing a garment that fits really well...


  1. Very good words to remember and so true. I have been fighting off emotions the past couple of weeks and so thankful to the Holy Spirit for His help with those and growing me.
    One verse that has always helped me in communications with my dear husband is "a wise woman builds her house up, she doesn't tear it down." (That quote is not exact, but I'm sure you're familiar with it.) I always ask the question, is what I'm saying or doing building up or tearing down.

  2. Self-control. This is such a tough battle for me, especially in this area of emotions. I "feel" so many things, and feel them deeply, but sometimes I allow those feelings to run rampant. And, when not controlled, feelings can lead to rash actions, and misguided words. Praying for God to help me rein in those pesky wild emotions so that HE can reign in my heart!


  3. Oh, so! true! My 2014 word is "refrain," which means to bridle (among other things). When my emotions are uncontrolled, no one is controlling the reins of my mouth! When I read "Let no putrid word come out of your mouth," I realized there were some putrid words in there, boiling to come out! Control can save the day, and the Spirit-controlled woman is a joy to dwell with. Mm-mm, good words here today at Roxy's site.

    Hugs and happy week,

  4. What a timely reminder dear Roxy. I have been speaking to my own heart thus day....reminding it of truth and seeking to be careful about what rolls around in there:)
    You are a blessing.
    Hugs from Shirley in Virginia

  5. Roxy, this is wonderful!
    I especially, like when you said,
    "Learning to exercise some self control is an action that holds great dividend's my friends.
    You become a woman of great worth.
    Self control is a great asset to have."

    Sending you blessings!

  6. Hi Roxy. Your post today is timely for me, there are several emotional issues of recent days affecting my behavior to nearly everyone. I appreciate your advice and reminders. :)

  7. Beautiful post and so helpful Roxy.
    I always pray to be a person, slow to angry and quick for forgiveness. The holidays seem to bring on the stress to get it all done and with that, one becomes easily agitated. I vowed a few years ago to not rush around, make it simple and keep peace and calm in our home. What a difference it makes. Being half Italian and Irish, I tend to have a quick temper. LOL God has helped me keep it in check and I am thankful!
    It can certainly be a challenge, but in the end makes for an enjoyable
    and more peaceful life!!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful message and lesson.

  8. I have found that if I spend time in prayer, and use David in the psalms as my model (crying out, expressing my sadness and fears) that sometimes I can "get it out" before I dump on somebody else. I'm so glad for David, because he shows us that it is okay to cry out to the Lord, complain, whine, etc. (although always followed by thanksgiving) , and he was called a "man after God's own heart."
    The best course of action around other people, which I don't always follow, is to keep my mouth shut when I'm feeling not in control.
    Good post, Roxy. xo Deborah

  9. My husband has had training in this for a company he once worked for. The goal of the enemy was to anger the employees and those at the helm. The training showed videos of how a person is badgered until they finally protest, which gives someone an excuse to charge them with threatening them. The training taught how to keep your cool while they work on your emotions

  10. A timely reminder that we can ask for help in all areas of our lives.

  11. This an excellent word Rox. It is so true. I believe it is part of maturing in Christ and becoming "over-comers". It is how we "grow up" in Him. "Self-Control" is fruit of the Spirit. We all blow it now and then, but we keep on going don't we? We keep running to Jesus for His help. I so enjoyed our visit yesterday. It was such a nice catch up time.
    Love and blessings,

  12. I can see you in the picture of your mother with the red cabinets... so neat! I am working on my emotions, but I fail more than I do well in the Lord. This is convicting and a continual battle...I think until I go to the Lord :) anyway, thank you for the reminder. BTW, I have had to cut my blogging way,way back because we are under spiritual attack. I apologize for not commenting more, but I've just had to put the Lord and the family ahead of everything else. I wish I could share and ask for prayer for it all, but it would take more time that I even have now. One day I might share some of it (a cut n paste from a letter I wrote to my sister). Again, I need to control my emotions b/c we are so stressed by what is going on. I am thankful you are not judging me for not commenting more :) Computer-wise, all I can muster is to get older, mostly pre-written posts out once in a while and rarely link-up anymore :( God bless you, dearie!

  13. Good morning Roxy, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for sharing each week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays. You are truly a blessing and I am thankful for the time you take to give us practical advice (from an older woman which is a gem for me!!!) to be women of God. Have a beautiful weekend of family fellowship :)


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!