Saturday, November 1, 2014

Loveliness In The Day to Day...

John Waterhouse

The Shrine

Loveliness is only seen by those who will stop to see!

It is all around us...

We are all so busy or tired that life is just passing so many people by.
"They have not learned the fine art of;
Stopping to smell the Roses!"

I do not want to just meander through my days;
As having a purpose and a plan are very important!

When we have those days of waking up with so much to do!
And you always have that mental list of
"Things I want to do"

We must pick and choose the list that has the MUST DO LIST,
But alas to take the time to find pleasure in this day!

We are all about to enter the busy holiday zone!

Can I send out a challenge to you amazing women;
To take pleasure in your decorating;
To take joy in planning some special dinners!
Make a pot of steamy soup on a very cool evening!

Try to take a brisk walk everyday!
Eat your veggies and salads!

Read a classic book before going off to bed!
Start your Christmas cards very early!
Buy a gift for someone each time you run to town:
Make something special for your girlfriends!

Let us not run like the world this coming season!
May we enjoy the early evenings!
Encourage those who struggle in their marriages.
Offer to help someone bake early Christmas cookies and freeze them!

Let's not wait to the last minute!

The true spirit is the Holy Spirit...
Let us stop to hear His direction for how we can be a blessing to others!


  1. We will be having lots of guests over the next couple months, so this is a timely word for me to pace myself, and make sure to find the balance between work and relaxation. Thanks, Roxy.

  2. I love this post and this encouragement, Roxy.

  3. Great advice, Roxy! God LOVES plans. The best time to plant an acorn (oak tree) was 50 years ago. The next best time is NOW! Don't procrastinate-- anticipate! I love that. That's such a stress-eliminator or stress-lessen-er, if you will. Instead of, "Oh, WHY did I get this started so late?!"

    It's all about that choosing joy, isn't it, Roxy? You made me smile and my heart skip a beat with anticipation of SIMPLE PLANS. I love that!


  4. Your post is full of great advice, Roxy. It should be printed, and hung on my fridge!
    Love to you, dear friend.

  5. What a nice post, Roxy. I have been away for several weeks but have started a new blog. Mildred

  6. Very wise words, Roxy. Excellent, practical advice and how wonderful to be encouraged to enjoy the plans, the meals, the decorating. Thank you...

  7. Hi Roxy! Wow, we were on the same page, weren't we? I wrote a blog post just like this.
    Especially in the holiday season it's so easy to get caught up in the busyness. I love your theme of taking care of myself and slowing down to notice every bit of the joy. Thats the way to live!

    Have a happy holiday season!

  8. This made me think of Mary and Martha,
    "Martha, Martha, you are so busy about many things. Mary has chosen what is needed." I'm the Martha in the story. Roxy, thanks for always sharing your inspirational thoughts.

  9. For many years now, I have had this fantasy of doing things like they did back in the old days during the holidays. The craziness that accompanies the holidays really makes me sad. I do not think this please the Lord at all.Thanks you for this lovely reminder, Roxy.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!