Thursday, November 6, 2014

Shifting Gears...


Glory to Glory Blog

Or shall we ask, Why not?

Can you drive a stick shift?
How many gears?

We are on the race track and we are very close to the finishing line.
Everyday is another chance to shift gears quickly and smoothly!
Stalling out or missing a gear can be very harmful!
It really is all about timing!

A tank filled with gas!
Tune- up, with good spark plugs;
Use the proper weight of oil!
Check your mirrors
Fasten your seat belt!

We're rolling now sister...

Step on the gas, and enjoy a day of peace and adventure!
But we whine, I just want to stay home;
Well, sorry in order to get some things done, we need to go!

We are ALL called to GO!

Okay, just give me a list and a good GPS and I am gone.
No turning back!

Wait, stop this crazy fast car, I wanted to go for a slow leisurely
Sunday drive!!

Sorry, but we are on a goal setters track here!
(Goals, What in the heck tarnashin is a goal?)
Well, it is something that you drive towards,
Like in one direction so you don't get off course.

Stay in your lane!
Keep things cool and keep a level head!
Obey the speed limit!
Remember others are on the same track!
(It's not all about You)

Just for the your information, I am not driven by goals!!
I am more like get in and see where I end up kinda girl!
Does this shock any of you?

I love having the freedom to go and explore!
I have many that love set goals and achieve them.
But I am not sure why I never do make goals,
Maybe it is not for everyone!

Besides, I drive an automatic now a days!
Grew up visiting the race tracks with my Daddy!
Fast and Furious
But, I am more slow and steady this old girl!

Do you enjoy these days?
Well, may I ask you Why or Why Not?


  1. Great use of the race car as a metaphor for our lives.

    There are some days I just buckle my seat belt and hang on! I'm not even in the drivers seat!
    I like it when I'm on a "Sunday Drive", and enjoying the views.

  2. LOL- Yep- some days I feel I am on a race track...but I am really happy to be whizzing along and enjoying every moment of the breeze in my face and the little faces that ride along with me.

    I do slow down for a Sunday drive once in a while though- and those are fun,t oo- xo Diana

  3. Yes, I definitely feel as if I have been on the race track this last month, and am looking forward to that pitstop. I don't think I am a goal girl either… I mean I do have goals, I do have things I am directing myself towards, so perhaps that is a goal, but I haven't seen myself as setting specific goals, writing them down and working specifically on them… perhaps I should. But I do feel as if I have set my heart to go in the direction the Lord has sent me, and have always kept going in that direction.
    Have a great weekend Rox; talk to you soon.
    Love ya,

  4. Great post Roxy! Often fills like we are in the fast lane. As much as I love life at a slower leisurely pace I am a bit of a goal setter. I never actually write them down. I just set mental goals, but not fret if it doesn't get accomplished quite when I want it too. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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