Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Home Living In The Evenings...

What are you doing in your evenings?

One thing that I think is so sad in our culture today is how we spend
our evenings!
 After long days of working and doing what needs to be done all day long.
Instead of winding down, we get more excited and over stimulated!

Video games
Suspenseful  shows
Rough housing

We have a culture where we have a motto for some cities;
Such as; where we never sleep!
365 days
Why do we have such a need for speed and adrenaline rush.
We were made for working and creating in the day.
But our nights were given to us to stop...
To unwind and to relax
If we are always in overdrive mode, we will become tired,
And we become burned out and find it hard to function.
We have trained ourselves and our children to never really shut off!

It is like everything is in a standby mode...
No rest for the weary...
Keep plodding on no matter how tired or exhausted you might feel!

Personally, I think God had a different plan for us in our evenings...
To stop and reflect and read or talk to our loved ones.
Maybe work on your projects that bring rest and comfort!
Quiet is what brings rest to weary, tired bodies!

We need to find some suggestions for ourselves and our families,
to help us to learn to wind down and relax.

Turning off the television
Family devotions
Reading a classic book as a family story time!
I would love to hear some suggestions from you!

I find myself crocheting a little each night
I also do a small devotion most evenings myself,
 I have it right next to my bed!
Having a card table up in an area with a puzzle on it and
Working on it in the evenings is very relaxing and good for the brain?

I hope you will consider this topic for your own lives!
Make your evenings a time to wind-down
Not wind up and over stimulate yourself!

Make a New start for this New Year...


  1. Yes, we do seem to be a culture obsessed with "busy." Sometimes I think people keep busy as a way to avoid pondering the really important things in life - like our eternal destiny!

    I enjoy a good book, and sometimes writing in the evenings. And, my hubby and I are big fans of jigsaw puzzles. I think we're wise to remember what people did before TV and social media - like talk to one another!!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year. May God richly bless you and your family!

  2. I totally agree I know the feeling of burn out all too well. That is why things are going to be different in 2015.

  3. Roxy, what a wonderful topic for discussion.
    My family shares many of your ideas. My children actually instituted what we call family time many years ago.
    There is no tv in our living room to distract from conversation. Like you mentioned, my guys work hard and play hard and are genuinely tired at the end of a busy day.
    When they were younger, Dad would read a book in the evenings til bed time. Now that they are older we all just sit around and talk, have great discussions or just simply play with the cat.
    We rest. Thank you for a walk down memory lane.

  4. The picture you shared is a perfect illustration of my idea of a wonderful evening!
    I spend too much time on my computer in the evenings, and would prefer to read or knit, as that seems quieter to me.
    Blessings to you, Roxy, as we look forward to 2015.

  5. This is so very true! I love the evenings at home, with a Bible time with our children and then a quiet time of reading, crocheting or checking messages and notes online. I do need to get back into the habit of writing letters again this coming year.
    So thankful that the Lord gives us times to rest each day!

  6. I totally agree with you Roxy, it seems once we come home from work we start all over again in the evenings just trying to fit everything in - and then complain that we can't sleep. As Country Wife says above, things will change next year. xx

  7. I couldn't agree more, Roxy. Next week we are cancelling our internet/phone/television package as our rates are increasing by $30/month. We have had enough and have decided to think outside the box in regards to those items. I am quite excited to be 're-setting time' in our home. There is a vintage-looking radio/CD player that is at the top of my list, and I plan on putting it in the LR and building a wonderful collection of books-on-CD and adding to our wonderful music CD collection. I painted a small piano bench and turned it into a game table: one chess/checkers board and one backgammon board painted on the top, and all of the pieces for those games (and others, such as cards and dice) go inside the bench area. This table will be left uncluttered for easy access for anyone to play whilst listening to a CD. I already crochet, knit, write a letter, hand-stitch, or read in the evenings, so I am all set. I am so looking forward to this change; no more channel-surfing, no more loudness, no more upsetting news before bed, and earlier bedtimes. Lovely!

    Wishing you well today,

  8. I certainly agree with you here. We seem to have to stay busy and our mind stimulated all the time. And then we wonder why we have to take sleep aids just to fall asleep. I would love to turn off the TV at night, sit and knit and listen to soft music and just unwind.

  9. What good suggestions. It is a good idea to wind down at night. Have a Happy New Year Roxy! Many blessings to you and your family.

  10. We don't watch TV, rather we have a big collection of DVDs which we watch in the evenings, I read, sew, blog, colour-in, make jigsaws etc..

  11. I have developed the habit of cocktail hour - a spritzer, a glass of wine or just some iced water with lemon and a few nibbles. It's wind down and talk time - no telly, no loud music.

  12. I love my evenings. I usually crochet or loom knit each evening, hubby reads or watches a British mystery through netflix. We don't subscribe to television which is fine with me. Thank you for these ideas Roxy, I've shared it on pinterest and facebook. ~ Abby

  13. In the evenings, my husband, my daughter, and I all read the Bible. We are almost finished reading the entire Bible together. It has taken over a year because we have done some Bible studies, missed some nights, and played Bible Trivia on some nights. After we read and talk, we usually watch a show like Andy Griffith, Beverly Hillbillies, or similar shows. We occasionally watch a movie together after Bible reading time. We recently watched Time Changer which is a good Christian movie. Some nights we may listen to an online sermon. I loved the Magnificent Mother sermon from Adrian Rogers! I thank God for the peace we have inside our home. However, we have many other family members and friends that we need to pray for and help. There is so much grief and pain out there. Although we have our trials too, I thank God for my home and that our evenings are, for the most part, peaceful.
    God bless.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!