Saturday, January 3, 2015

Being A Homemaker Is Not Enough...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

 Why do we think we need to constantly do more, be more, achieve more, more, more more?

In God we live and move and have our being Acts 17:28

One of the very first lies was where a lovely woman by the name of Eve,
Heard from a beguiled liar;
Be more
Have it all...
Think of yourself
Achieve and live for more...

But at the cost of who and what?
I am all for improving one's attitude and work ethic,
But we have us a problem, dear ones!
As we have so many girls that do not even have a clue as how to run a HOME!
The home is and always will be the center that holds things together!
It was God's idea for families to live together, work together!
The Home is where you are nourished in your mind and body!
We learn skills for everyday living.

Being trained to run a home will always be a huge benefit!
For kingdom purposes;
For health and safety
For love and growth

Even NSA
(National Security Agency)
Have to have a place where all their data are kept,
We need to keep our Homes with such diligence!

There are so many distractions in our world,
We have bought the lie of bigger and better and brighter!

Pray for our Homes and for the women who take their callings,
As to be as important as the NSA!

We need a revival of hearts!
But if we can see the welfare of what can come from a Home;
That is dedicated to God and truth, we can see the benefits,
In every area of society...

Be grateful that God has called you to manage just your Home
We are not called to be in everyone else business;
But to mange our own Homes!

Remind yourself daily of what your mission statement is until
You become quicker to make appropriate decisions as to how it will affect
Your home and family!

Make this a season of learning to manage your Home more wisely!
Be frugal and make a nice pot of homemade soup for dinner.
Do some mending on something that needs some tender care.
Make up some nice quick breads to have in the freezer.

Do not think that what you do in your home is not important!

I truly believe if we are diligent  in being homemakers;
And all we do all we do for His glory...
We will hear well done good and faithful servant!

To Serve;
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom.
Matthew 20:28

Now what is happening in my own little world;
Got out my juicer and some veggie juice to break up this nasty cold---
Made a pot of chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic!
Been working on those cute crocheted hot pads for my kitchen
(A pretty cheery yellow and white)
Wrote a letter to my Penpal!
Eating some Blach cherries that we got for a dollar a bag!
Missing my Grandchildren so much!


  1. I feel so blessed that Our Lord knew exactly where I needed to raise my children for His maintain this lovely cottage as a haven for each one that lives here. Thank you for this post Roxy...a revival of hearts indeed! :D mari

  2. Beautifully said. dear Roxy. I like how you said "We need a revival of hearts."

    I am always learning something new from you - thank you for being a godly example. Hugs!

  3. Amen to this! It's so important to just turn off the world and focus on what God has for us in our homes. When we turn off those distractions we become content and the knowledge of the abundant blessings of being a homemaker become more clear! Have a wonderful year at home! :)
    ps. hope you're feeling better soon to.

  4. Happy New Year, Roxy! How's our baby? All grown?!

    - Buife

  5. Well said Roxy,I agree! We should get our home and lives in order to line up to God's will!

  6. You are right, so many have lost the concept of home. I personally miss those days of Donna Reed and Leave it To Beaver (although I wouldn't especially want to do housework in heels!). I hope your cold improves quickly. The chicken soup sounds wonderful.

  7. You've encouraged me today. Life was very out of balance last year as I had to help my husband with his business a lot. I'm home now. The restaurant closed for the season just before Christmas. Now I get to work within a very tight budget since there's no money coming in for quite awhile.

  8. Thank you Roxy :) I agree... This week I have been mending a stack of jeans for hubby. So far I have done 5 patches. Sewing is not my strength but I do enjoy the fact that he can continue to wear his work clothes because of this home industry. A penny saved is a penny earned :)

  9. Great post Roxy! It such a privilege to be a keeper of the home. I have been busy preparing healthy soups, baking bread and sewing.

    Hope you are feeling better!


  10. I agree completely. Satan has attacked the family and the home. So many homes are a mess now days, and that's why the world is a mess. There is such an urgency to pray in every family today. Mothers aren't home, pollution has infiltrated the home, children are disrespectful, and fathers aren't being spiritual leaders. Oh, let me stop here or this comment will turn into another post. Lord, help us.
    Great post, Roxy.

  11. Amen Roxy!

    I am so blessed and fortunate that God has called me to be a keeper of my home!

    I will continue to do so with a joyous heart!

    It's so weird, even though we live next door to one another I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon!


  12. I saw a sad news story today. The story was about the communities library. The mother said that she was glad there were libraries. Without them her little children would not have anyone to read to them. {!!} She had to work and did not have the time. How sad is this story? If she was home she would not have to take her children to the library!! Wouldn't they enjoy Momma reading to them better? Seems people see things backwards sometimes. Yes I am so blessed to have a husband who knew the value of me being home with our family. Money was very tight but it was very worth it. Now the children are grown and I am a grandmother but still home and still loving it. I pray more women and men will come to know how valuable it is for their wife to be home. Sarah

  13. Wise words indeed

  14. It is so true; Home is the center of purpose in my life, and I find great joy here, where the Lord has blessed me and allowed me to be. I love to think of it as being the encourager of life in my home, family and friends. Your home is always that warm cozy place Rox, and you have done well to keep those home fires burning. Have a great day. Miss you dear friend.

  15. You're always an encouragement to me in my home-work.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!