Monday, February 9, 2015

Daily Is A Very Good Thing...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog


When you think of that word, it really means daily
Every day
Not annual, But Daily

Our days can become very mechanical or filled with a routine that
We can loose the importance of the dailies!

Daily, really means fresh to me,
Even if I have done that same chore over a million times!

When we pray the Lords prayer,
We ask Him for our daily bread...
Do you think He is going to give you left overs from yesterday?
Every day is a new beginning;
Every evening is a time to stop and reflect
Repent and Replenish

We are called to guide our homes;
And to guide our lives...

I bet you washed a thousand loads of laundry!
I bet you have washed every pot and pan in your home hundreds of times!

"Just think"
If you make your bed every day it has been made
on an average 365 days last year.

And if you went to church every Sunday last year you went 52 times...

Does the fact that we do these things often, make them any
Less special?

All days are just different;
Some days you will need snow gear, some days rain gear...

But everyday we need our hearts in tune
Our spiritual armor on!

It is a very good word!

Daily Bible reading
Daily Chores
Daily Meals being prepared
Daily News

Thank God for the dailies...

Work while it is yet day!

This is what is happening around my Home;

Wrote out all my Valentines to mail today!
I gave two sweet little girls a crocheted heart.
I taught these same little girls the beginnings to learn to crochet!
I unpacked three huge boxes of more Fransician china...
I had to repack some of it to store for future use!
My Brother is so generous to me...

Planning my Valentine Lunch party!
Worked on crafts for the table as little gifts!

Do you enjoy making each day special?
Do you look forward to the comforting Dailes?
Do you enjoy the rhythm of the seasons and days?

Happy Valentines Day!
I appreciate each and every one of you dear ladies...
Will YOU be mine?


  1. You did it again!
    You made me stop and ponder your words.
    Daily, what a great subject to think about. What a blessing that we get to start over, DAILY.
    Yes, thank God for the dailies...

  2. We shouldn't waste our dailies as each one is as important as the next in our lives journey :))

  3. Yes, Thank you for this post, great words that I have said and prayed for so many times, you have brought new meaning and caused me to think.
    I pray your day is blessed too!

  4. Love this post, Roxy. Making each daily special....awesome!
    You rock, girlfriend!

  5. What a lovely post. Great words to ponder during my day.

  6. Goodness... this is a great word! Daily is something wonderful to really ponder on. I really do like my "dailies" of the day. Yes, they are brought new to each and every day. Good thing they only come once a day!

    Very good post!

    I hope you have a wonderful day and a Blessed Valentine's Day too!


  7. Really enjoyed your post, it was a great message.

  8. Lovely and thought provoking post Roxy! You always make me think. I am most definitely grateful for the dailies in life. Sometimes I admit, I get tired of the monotony, but those times are short lived. I appreciate the monotony of daily life, chores, events the majority of the time. Thanks for making me think. Have a blessed evening sweet friend!

  9. You put into words beautifully what I think about a lot. I am doing the same thing over and over and over and it can get to you if you think about it too much. But I do like the daily things of life and crave routine and normalcy when things get out of order! Very inspiring post! thank you!

  10. Another convicting post, Roxy! The Lord is using you to instruct me, my friend. Thank you for your obedience to Him.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear!

  11. Dearest Roxy...I just had to read your post again today and leave you a comment to say how much I appreciated your words of encouragement! I love how you said 'daily' means 'fresh' to you... How very true! Striving to appreciate the 'dailies' in my world today:). Hugs to you! Love, Kelly-Anne

  12. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness Lamentations 3:22-23
    Happy Valentines Day Roxy, to you and your family

  13. I surely agree with you Roxy.
    DAILY is a wonderful word. I also like the word SIMPLY and QUIET.
    It is amazing what words can bring into your heart.

    thank you for you wisdom and faithfulness. I am always blessed by your insight.
    God Bless you and yours.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!