Friday, February 27, 2015

How to Know If You Have A Teachable Spirit...

Precious Little Vintage Girl Picture, Living From Glory To Glory Blog...
This Lovely Victorian Little Girl Hangs In My Pink Craft Room
It was mine as A Little Girl...

What is Precious to you?

We use the word love so much for everything in our conversations 
and in our vocabulary. We love our new furniture, and we love our dogs,
We even love our children, and we love our husbands.

What kind of love is this?
Do we love everything the same?

We need to re-think in proportions of attention and affections!

But when do we look at something God has given us, and look upon it
As Precious And We Love It?

I personally do not want to feel the same about everything!
There are people that just rank a bit higher...
Who is number #1
As this should be the first one in line;
Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

And I hope you see the value in having your Husband number #2
But, hopefully that is a given in your life.

But I have been looking at something else that we must LOVE;

I was studying a scripture this last week;
May I share it with you?

I need to ask a question firstly
Are You Stupid?

Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1

I was taught as a young lady from my older brother this word of wisdom;
If you cannot take constructive criticism, then you will never be wise.

When was the last time someone (anyone) was trying to correct you;
And you really listened and told them thank you!
And really implemented it in your life?

We can all be stupid...
~By not loving instruction~
Or, we can realize that we are not Miss Smarty Pants
You do not know everything...

We need to know the wisdom from above;
We need each other to train and give wise counsel to us!

I have heard the expression;
I know, I know...
Really, do you?

I think as Mothers, we would be so glad to know that our children were
Gleaning our words of wisdom that we share daily.

I think our Husbands would fall over if we responded to them after they told us
How to do something, with thanks honey, you're so smart!

How about when your Pastor reads a scripture and the Holy Spirit
Shows You the error of your thinking; and you quickly repent!

It seems to me that it is pretty easy to distinguish if
You're stupid!
Do You love instruction?

Or do you know everything?
Shall we all call You Miss Smarty Pants?

If we are not teachable, we will perish in many ways
We must have a teachable spirit...

He who hates correction is stupid...

So the next time someone has a suggestion or a different way
Just stop and listen;
You just might learn something new!

Just for the record, I do remember my sister calling me;
Miss Smarty Pants;
I thought it was a compliment LOL


  1. I hope that I can have a teachable spirit- better than the one I usually carry around with me. lol

    I think my hubby WOULD fall over if I said-Oh- that idea is so much better than mine. I think I need to check his life insurance policy to make sure it is valid before I dare utter those words.

    Sorry- just having a little fun with ya- xo Diana

  2. As always your advice is timely and much appreciated. I am practicing receiving criticism as I have been receiving a fair share od it lately (seems I have areas to grow in!!) I think about how easy it is to tell others what they need to do but not so easy to listen to for me Lord:)
    Hugs from Shirley

  3. I've learned that wisdom comes from the strangest of sources. (Think Baalam's donkey, lol) Many times my children will say something and it will be full of such truth that I can't believe I didn't see it before. I think as Christians we have to prepare ourselves to realize that the Lord can speak to us in unusual but distinct ways to get our attention.

    Great post Roxy, am enjoying your topics that you blog about!

  4. You had a typo in the third paragraph.......just kidding. Great post Roxy.

  5. Oh Roxy,
    If I only were more teachable. Sometimes I can be that smarty pants. I'm working on it!
    Thanks for talking about the hard stuff.

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. I pray I have a teachable spirit. Good reminder.

  7. Roxy,

    For the first two decades of our nearly-34 years of marriage I loathed instruction. I was the wisest there was. I was the know-it-all.

    But I began reading books about womanhood that real men thrive alongside, biblical womanhood and marriage and looked in the mirror one day and told the woman I saw, "Kelley, you are your biggest marriage problem." My pride was killing my relationship not only with my husband but with my children, too.

    Humility is the key to the teachable spirit, and when I realized that I could humble myself and have a loving home that I saw other women had, I began to cultivate a genuine hunger for a teachable spirit. Oh! I want God to say of me, "Kelley, you have a teachable spirit."

    Loved this post, Roxy. What else is new?! I love all of your posts. Thanks for getting your readers' minds to thinking, thinking, thinking about the great things God has in store for those who thirst after a teachable spirit.

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  8. Oh Roxy!! Such a good post with so many wonderful reminders! Thank you so much:).
    When I was just a little younger - not too many years ago, I remember my dearest Mother desperately trying to make me understand how important it is to have a teachable spirit and to listen and implement the advice given to me when it is given in love! And being rebuked is GOOD! I've come to appreciate the teachings of my elders much more now, but I still need that reminder every now and again... I'm not so clever and I do need instruction, etc - there are many times I act stupid!! :).
    Hugs to you and praying your weekend is a truly blessed one!
    And I just want to say thank you for the precious wisdom you share here - it is a great joy to be encouraged through your writing!

  9. Roxy,
    Wonderful post.
    You always have words of wisdom.

  10. There are times I can be little Miss Smarty Pants, but I always want that teachable spirit! After all don't we learn something new everyday? I do, I home school and I am still amazed what God shows me each new day! Wow!

    Loved this post!

    Have a great and wonderful day!



I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!