Sunday, February 1, 2015

How To Serve Meals That Are Lovely, Yet Frugal...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Frugal Meals, Inexpensive Meals

A Frugal Idea!

I must admit, one of my most favorite easy peasy meal is this--
A warm bowl of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich,
Made either on sliced bread or a flour tortilla.

I think sometimes we just need something easy to prepare and to enjoy!
Even if it is just an easy frugal meal does not mean it can't
Be served in something pretty!

Being visual in serving a meal goes a very long way.
Sometimes just serving something light on a pretty platter or plate,
Is a secret key to not feeling cheated in what might be considered a frugal meal!

We all know how often we come across a pretty plate or bowl,
While on our treasure hunts, keep this in mind to find a few items,
To use for appeal and presentation of our frugal meal ideas.

If you could plan at least a few meals a week that were considered
(Very inexpensive to make) and then were able to save a bit of money.
You would learn to be very creative to keep the cost down, 
But the appeal and the presentation of it is desired!

A quiche made of eggs and a bit of veggies can be very satisfying
When served with a bit of bread!

A hearty bowl of soup made from things that were just a bit of this and that.
Served in a pretty mug can fill an empty tummy!

Can you buy a whole chicken and make three meals or more from it?
Well, If not you should learn quickly!

Can you take a few items and make a meal?
You could and should!

Do you eat out often?
May I remind you of the expense of this little convenience;
"Do not even mention the sodium and fat.

Think simple and real food items!
Serve with love and on some pretty dishes,
Say grace and enjoy...

Then serve a little bit of something sweet;
Maybe a small cookie,
 Or a little glass custard bowl filled with some pudding.
Try a  little square of some dark chocolate.

Being frugal is down right fashionable dear ladies;
It shows a great creativity on your part!
And speaks volumes to out Hubbies that we honor them
And their Hard work and the income they bring in!

We really need to ask ourselves a bit more often before a purchase,
Is this;" Is this a need or a want??"

Ask Yourself this question;
How many hours has my Husband had to work for me to purchase this item?

What are some of your frugal meal ideas?


  1. I'm glad to know I am in fashion:)
    I try to use everything up and not waste. When you consider the expense of food, it is hard to throw out anything or waste anything. Live within your harvest....then there will be enough to enjoy and some left to share.
    Be blessed.....Shirley

  2. Very good post, Roxy! I struggle with spending too much on groceries. I think in part it's because I enjoy baking and baking supplies can be expensive. Thanks for the inspiration. And yes, I DID cook a whole chicken and we got 4 meals from it!

  3. Wonderful post. One area we do spend a bit of money on although we have certainly changed is going out to eat. We use to go out almost every night now try to make it only a couple times a year. There are times though when I so enjoy going out to eat.

  4. I just bought two whole chickens that were sold together. (Cheaper that way). Today I cooked them both in a large roasting pan. We had most of one today. The other chicken will turn into chicken fajitas and chicken alfredo. The price of one chicken dinner would be equal to or more than what I paid for the two chickens. Huge savings. And tasted pretty good too! Blessings, Diane

  5. Your title stopped me in my tracks.
    I try to serve our meals in a lovely and frugal way. But sometimes I need help either with the "Lovely" or the "Frugal" part.
    I sometimes forget to show and serve my husband the way he should be shown and served.
    Thank you for reminding us to show consideration and love.

  6. Great message and something I hold dear to stretch the pennies my husband works SO hard to make... (and without him realizing it through pretty displays like you mentioned!)

  7. One of my favorite meals is a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Thanks for the suggestions.

  8. Again, wise words from Roxy! Groceries are so very expensive and becoming more so. We shall have to learn to be quite creative when living on a retirement income. Thank you for sharing this Roxy! Have a lovely week.

  9. This is a good reminder for me - especially the last question at the bottom. Over from a hop. You have a beautiful site!

  10. Excellent suggestions! I like the encouragement to make a pretty presentation.

  11. You know how much I love leftovers! I'm all about frugal :)

  12. Such a lovely post Rox. I enjoyed every bit of it. I too am a tomato soup and grilled cheese lover… it is one of my favorite comfort meals, and so easy. I love the inspiration you give. Each moment can be changed into something special, with very little effort…. you have always been good at that.
    Love and blessings,

  13. Great post! I don't do the whole chicken thing but my daughter does. I do shop frugally, and look for sales most of the time. I admit we eat out too often, even if it is once a week. Afterwards I usually wish I had just cooked. It would have tasted better and been cheaper. :)

  14. Pinterest is a great place for frugal meals, many tasty ideas that are quick to prepare. I also love my slow cooker as you can make cheap and cheery meals.

  15. I enjoyed your post because one of my favorite things for lunch on a cold winter day is tomato soup and cheese toast. I've love the idea of using a flour tortilla, I'm going to give that a try! Visiting from Roses of Inspiration. Have a great day.

  16. Wise words, Roxy--as usual! I especially need to keep this in mind next fall as our nest will be empty and I'll be cooking for just Jack and me. He greatly values aesthetics, so I need to remember to make even our simple meals attractive to eye as well as palate!


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