Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How My Mother Spoke A shocking Truth To Me...

The Heady Scent Of A Lilac:
Can Bring a Rush Of Childhood Memories

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

I believe the position and privilege that a Mother carries is so powerful!

A Mothers touch upon a feverish brow
The blast of warmth coming from the kitchen;
A pot of soup simmering on the stove;
A plate of freshly baked cookie aroma penetrates, many a kitchen wall.
Truths spoken in a timely moment that was heard and remembered for a lifetime

I remember dancing with my Mother in the kitchen to the tune of
 You Ain't Women Enough (To Take my Man...)
Loretta Lynn
I learned something that day, And I am going to share it with you!

~There are Women Out There That Want Your Man~

I am grateful to this day she spoke to me and told me,
Honey, Take care of your Man when you get one;
Cuz, there are women out there that will try to steal them!

They will get all gussied up and smell really pretty and act like
They just adore your man, flirty and such!
Smiling real big and smoking too!

So, Dear Ones
Here is the one time given a speech from my Mother on this subject!
Have things changed much in our world today?

I think NOT...

When we stop to ponder and think about what are Mothers;
Imparted to us as women, we need to remember to teach the next
Generations these truths. I get sick and tired of hearing
( I never thought It would Happen to Me)

Every time I happen to hear that song or put in my CD  to hear it;
I gird myself up and resolve to keep my Man...

No Matter how long you have been married;
A couple of years or decades;
There are women out there that would love to snatch up your man!

You may have come disillusioned with his words or appearance!
Maybe you have stopped taking notice of his smile!
Or how funny he can be!

But I will warn you with this...
My Momma told me to watch and be careful;

I am still taking her advice;

I am his women, and he is my man!

Take notice of your man!
Tell him how strong he is or smells good enough to eat!
For Petes sake, you did all that when you were dating him..
Now, Keep him happy and do not let another steal your man!
But the key is...
You got to be women enough to keep him


  1. Dearest Roxy, you are a woman that gets right to the point and I LOVE that about you :) I enjoyed this post, my friend. The words are sadly true and a such a good reminder of what could happen... Yes, we must indeed take care of our husbands :)

    Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - we need to speak the truth! Love to you!

    P.S. -I got your email and will hopefully write soon {when I have some extra time}. My little one just got over the stomach flu so life has been...exciting as of late :)

  2. Hi, I'm visiting from the Roses of Inspiration post. Great advice! Make him a happy-happy man and he'll not need another woman. I believe in keeping our husbands satisfied. That means so much to them, so my hubby tells me. ;) We've been married for 32 wonderful years!

    Nice to meet you, Roxy!

  3. I read your AWESOME advice to my good hubby just now. My man. Now, please don't interrupt us while I prove to him the woman I still am to keep and satisfy his every physical desire! LOL

    GREAT post today, Roxy girl! Mama was right!

    Loved it!

  4. Indeed so very true Roxy - Another great truth shared, and so wonderful that your mother first taught you this. It is a valuable truth all women and men need to remember. Marriage is about commitment even more than it is about a "feeling", but keeping that "feeling alive and well" in your marriage, makes the commitment a joy. Hugs to you today my friend :)

  5. Hi. Your post is full of honesty and good advice for all.. Terry and I have been married for 45 years and I have proven that your advice is true.. Love him truly and he will see no other.. xo

  6. You go girl!! Love your Mama's advice.

  7. Great post and head on, Roxy!
    It is so very true, that when we are loving our husband in every area of our marriage they will have no need to look further.
    Men love to be noticed, encouraged, complimented, built up, honored, waited on and loved on by their wives, and just little things bring a smile to their faces.
    Your mama was wise.
    Joy! Debbie

  8. We all need to have that reminder now and then for sure.

    Have a great day!

  9. My mother always told me that any good marriage has a spiritual foundation and you must be an asset to each other. There are two people in a marriage and both must be dedicated always.....good reminder Roxy!

  10. Great advice! I had a lot of woman wanting my man before I married him and he chose me! I take that for granted sometimes now I think. This was great timing for me and my marriage!!

  11. I answered this years ago when you wrote it, but I have a whole new respect for my husband after going through this breast cancer treatment and recovery. I heard of other husbands who left their wives over breast cancer. It was terrible.
    I'm thankful for his faithfulness.


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