Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why A Vintage Camera And Old Photos Help Our Memories...

Memories From Photos, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Why Taking Photos Can Help Your Memory!
A Photo can tell a story...

I had one of these cameras with a strap, she was a Brownie Junior

It is a very special treat to take out an old shoe box filled with photos and
Have your mind just overflowing with memories!
~This is a real good idea to do as a family or with your grandchildren~

We have all heard the saying every picture tells a story...

Our minds can be stimulated by just reminiscing of the past.
We can use old photos to help our memories...
There is real life and a legacy in those photos.

We have such a drawing to old photos;
The black and white ones just speak of times that said look at me!
 Without all the bells and whistles to cause a distraction of what we were really seeing.
The black and white photos just show us of an era long gone.

We can see our lives take shape from seeing our baby pictures;
How we have grown and who we were with;
Our parents and grandparents and our siblings!
Even seeing our family pets and furniture brings back a flood of memories!

Birthdays and Holidays
Events that were part of our timeline of days and years...

When we can see photos of our childhood or vacations;
Can stimulate our minds to think and process;
There may be even memories we need to overcome any pain or sorrow attached to it.
 We can take these to the Lord and ask for forgiveness for ourselves or
To forgive someone else...
Sometimes we can have some bad memories and that is all we might have;
But when we see old photos of those times that might give a glimpse that all was well,
I have looked at the faces and have said they were so young and they look so happy!

We now live in such a digital world;
We take a lot of pictures,
 But we fail to actually have them printed out anymore.

(But of course, if you are a scrapper)
You have books filled with photos from every event;
Past, present and future.

What are some of the feelings you have when looking at the old photos of yesteryear?
Are you getting those photos you're taking printed out?
Well, I encourage you to do that...

Smile your on Candid Camera!


  1. I delight in old photos! I love paging through the albums from my childhood and discussing them with my dear mom and dad and sisters... I thoroughly enjoy photography, but I will confess that too often I fail to print out those special memories...thank you for the inspiration to do so!
    Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one, dear Roxy!
    Much love to you!

  2. My parents took lots of pictures of us growing up. Some years ago for Christmas they went through all the pictures and separated them out by each of their five children, and had them put on a CD and printed form as well for a Christmas gift. It was a huge gift of love from them that took them months of work. We received printed pictures of ourselves, but on the CD all their pictures were included. I loved your thought, I know that pictures do bring back old forgotten memories, and you are so right, we need to continue to print pictures, as they are a permanent record of our past. Really enjoyed this post :)

  3. Sadly, I hardly ever print out my pictures anymore. I know I need to though. I want my future grandchildren to have photos to look at. I need to get organized in that department. Thanks for the reminder Roxy! Have a blessed and beautiful week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. I just adore old photos Roxy! You are spot wish we even had more from the past. The good news is, we can take photos with our smart phones...if only all the selfies would lessen....have a beautiful week!!

  5. I too began my life of photography with a little brown the age of 11...and at 71 am still at it. I agree these need to be printed...your best ones...and I do...but need to do more...and I so appreciate your motivating talk to get us to do so!
    Bless your ideas!

  6. Hi Roxy, yes, thank you for the gentle reminder to print photos. I have boxes of my oldest two daughters but by the time my youngest came around, everything was digital. I love going through old photos--just did that recently. So many memories! I too really appreciate the old black and whites and I occasionally print photos that way. I enjoyed this post! Thanks!

  7. There are few photos from our childhood, but I cherish the ones we do have. I also have many of grandmother's photos. We have tried to identify those in the photos so that future generations will know.

  8. Hi Roxy, Oh how I love old photos and have so many albums filled with pictures from as far back as I can remember and also inherited all those my parents had in albums. As a family we pull them out now and then and go through them together. It is great fun as we share memories that make us cry and laugh. I do print some from the digital's we take today but not near as many. Just don't have the room to keep them all so we put some on CD's then we all sit and go through them on the TV. It's just as fun and we can all see the pics at the same time.

    Wishing you a wonderful week.
    Hugs and Blessings sweet friend.

  9. I get photo books printed so I have a "hardcopy" version of many of the photos I take. They aren't cheap, but important to do from time to time.

  10. Yes!!! And you are so right! I need to get my photos printed!! Loved this post! Missed you so much Roxy!

  11. It's so fun to bring out the old photos and show the grandkids pictures of their moms when they were little. Memories come back, and we laugh at ourselves. We can see the resemblance in the grandkids faces to the parents, too.
    Great post, Roxy!
    Love to you.

  12. I think one of my favorite things to do is look at old photos; yet I don't do it very often. When ever my brothers and I get together, we love to go through the old photos; we can all sit there for hours looking at them. It is so true about looking at them, and seeing all is well. I think it can perhaps break the sorrow or unforgiveness someone might have,just like you mentioned, by giving them a new picture of that person to focus on the sweet things, and realize that every generation had its good and bad. Pictures most often capture the good, and can help us keep ahold of the good like an anchor of hope. This is a very sweet post.

  13. This is thought provoking. I am going to link to it on my March 19 Weekend Reading post.


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