Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How To Grow A Healthy Heart Attitude...


Do You Have A Healthy Heart...

Heart Attitude

The desire of my heart is to listen for God’s wisdom in every situation.

If you are like most women your calendar is full and your days are busy.
But we all have the ability and responsibility to map out each day!
Keeping a schedule and a calendar can help us not over schedule on a given day.
But we sometimes can make a week, so ever extended we became hurried and stressed.

Then we start to have an overburdened heart attitude…
A bit cranky, tired, can’t think very well.
Our hearts hold the key to most of our troubles and solutions!

Our hearts are called the wellspring!

A woman of God honors all of the aspects of her personality,
That can be formed as we learn and understand Godly character;

My heart is always beating…
There is always hope in every situation to stop and to take stock.

I think that is why we love that scripture that talks about a gentle quiet spirit!
We want to have a heart that is responding with a right attitude.

When I become grouchy or critical I do not even like myself;
I always will go to those I have been short with and apologize to them!

We always have many challenges in our lives, But we are not
the only ones that are being affected.
When we struggled with either pain or discomfort we can feel bodily stress.

So then it is time to make some changes;
Clear my calendar and reschedule a few things,
Talk with my Husband and family and tell them I am struggling!
(Communication; They can’t read your mind)
Start by choosing some healthier foods
Get more sleep,
Drink more water.
Dive into God’s Word…

All things in the natural have a part that is rooted in the spiritual;

Our hearts once filled with Godly character; will need to be refreshed often!
Using God’s perspective and His priorities will help!

A Heart with an attitude to be willing to adjust ones calendar is wise!
We have so many counting on us daily;
We must hear and respond with the right heart attitude!

I encouraged myself in the Lord today, as I read the scripture;

 "She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of ideleness."
Proverbs 31:27 

Thr reason this scriptured comforted me so much this morning is this...
I do not have to take care of the whole world!
God has called me to look well to my Household!

We all have had some set backs and trying times;
But we must keep our hearts focused on our own households first!
I do not have enough strength to take care of everyone!
Do not be charged one day of taking care of everyone else and be found
wanting in the area of your own household!

I write and share what I believe God is saying to me,
But I want to encourage and warn others to keep watch!
For we are commanded to look well to the ways of her household...

Can you check your hearts health today?
Would you pass the stress test?


  1. Many moments, I would not pass this test but I am sooo thankful for the Holy Spirit who nudges me and convicts me to change my attitude when it is not so good! Great reminder and a great post! I trust you had a lovely Mother's Day, Roxy!

  2. Thank youuuu, Roxy! This was so good to read.

  3. This is a wonderful, truthful, and thought provoking post Roxy. I battle with this a lot and I have to remind myself that I can't be all things to all people. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading as always! You always have such a good message to share. Hope you are doing well!

    Blessings, Vicky

  4. Again a wonderful post. I also think being thankful everyday helps keep our attitudes great. I'm so thankful though when I have a stinking attitude that my Jesus forgives me. What a blessing to be forgiven because there are many times my attitude isn't what it should be.

  5. Well, you did it again. Helped me see through the "fog" of confusion.
    Thank you!

  6. Blessings to you today, Roxy. I am thankful to have lots of lessons in patience and compassion over the years. So thankful for the gift of forgiveness.
    Wishing you a nice afternoon and evening.

  7. Hi Roxy, this is such a good post. Keeping a good attitude in the heart is often a challenge, but with God's help HE points out the wrongs and gently corrects us. Thank God!!
    Your wisdom shares another wonderful lesson and a blessing!!
    Have a nice evening my friend.
    Hugs, CM

  8. This is all so true! I had one of those weeks this week....no down days and that is definitely not good! Thanks for the encouraging words!

  9. Oh Roxy, I love the words of wisdom that you've shared with us on having a healthy heart and taking care of our own household. I so enjoy learning from such wise women. Love and blessings sent to you.

  10. What a blessed and profound post. I have a dear relative that lives in pain on a daily basis. Grumpy, out of sorts is the norm, this message is powerful. You are so right, it does affect everyone around.

    thank you.


  11. If satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy. What a great post, Roxy. When I get myself so busy trying to accomplish too much...I get out of sorts, and my heart isn't in the right place. I needed this post today.
    Thank you for some Godly advice today.

  12. Stress? What Stress? No stress here!

    Just plugging along and asking God to give me strength for the things I need to do daily!

    I've been bible journaling and digging into His Word and praying as often as I can.

    Yep..no stress here~

    I hope you have a lovely day!
    Hugs, Amy

  13. It's 4 H season, I've been run ragged trying to drive everyone where they need to go. (One car & I'm the designated driver.) I'm glad it will be over soon.

    This post spoke to me today. Thank you.

    I'm so sorry I've not visited much lately. I've not had much free time.

    God bless you and your sweet family.

  14. Saved as a favorite, I like your site!


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