Saturday, May 2, 2015

Is The Dandelion An Obnoxious Weed Or A flower...

Living from Glory to Glory Blog

Is the Dandelion an obnoxious weed?
Is it a flower preferred by Mothers everywhere!

 Mothers all over this country have likely experienced, the joy
Of a bouquet of yellow button dandelions.

These flowers are usually delivered in a the clutches of a little hand!
Those little hands are a bit sticky and covered in dirt.
The aroma of these little yellow buttons smells a bit pungent.
But the smile that spreads across these little faces, as they deliver them!

~I have always chosen to think of these little flowers as a ray of sunshine~

To see a lawn that carries no dandelions, may be a big achievement
For a master gardener in his profession!
No obnoxious weeds growing in their lush grass!

But as we all know beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

I have loved every dandelion that has ever been presented to me;
And all the memories and love that were presented in the gift and the giver!

Mary Mary how does your garden grow?

What are you cultivating, what seeds are you tenderly planting?
I will tell you this;
Whatever you plant this season, you will harvest!

Now is the time to break up the fallow ground;

I have heard so many statements from people that have said things like;
I wish I had raised my children differently
I wish I had never gotten divorced
I wish I had more children
I wish I had been kinder to my family
I wish I had loved them more deeply
I wish I had more faith...

Accept the love offerings and the olive leaf;

One day I believe the Lord will ask us this
"How well did you love one another"

I choose to think of dandelions as a lovely flower;
Not an obnoxious weed...

Tell me how much these yellow buttons have meant to you!


  1. Roxy, I am a dandelion lover...whether they are in the yellow button stage or the white, wispy ball of fuzz! My very first post ever was called "Beautiful Weeds" where I featured this lovely "flower". Here is a quote that I like very much..."When you look at a field of dandelions, you can either see 1000 weeds or 1000 wishes." Great post! Have a blessed Sunday!

  2. Well, I don't mind dandelions in SOME places but when they crowd out my beautiful perennials they have to go.
    When I was a kid growing up on the farm they could quickly take over a hay field and ruin the quality of the hay and the cows would not eat the dandelions.

    So---as much as I love to see the bright yellow blooms SOMEWHERE and have loved the sticky yellow bouquets from the kids--I would like them to pick them off someone else's

    Have a wonderful night, Roxy! xo Diana

  3. I used to think of the dandelion as a weed but not anymore. The older I get the more I look forward to spring and I choose to see it as a time when things are coming to life, including the dandelion. And it is a bright yellow colour that does bring cheer. Have a great week Roxy! Diane

  4. I was told when I was very young, that a weed is something that grows in the wrong place and don't want it there.
    I appreciated Dandelions, especially when you show a child how they scatter.

  5. I have always liked dandelions. Our children would bring in handfuls, then next it was the grandchildren.

    When I was a little girl my parents farm had a huge field with some gentle rolling hills leading to the tillable land that would be covered with dandelions in the spring. I loved it! My mom had cups of them everywhere from us :-)

  6. My children have brought me many a bouquet of dandelions, and I always appreciate that they saw their beauty and knew nothing of them as weeds. Happy Sunday, Roxy!

  7. I love the dandelion flower and especially when they are brought to me by a child. I notice that in the spring, many weeds produce lovely flowers. But I do not like that they take over the yard and grow twice as fast as the grass and are always visible.

  8. I too look at them as sweet flowers and not weeds. I have recieved many in my years as a teacher...:) The kiddos are always so proud to hand them to you. Precious...:) Hope you're doong well my friend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  9. The dandelion is so precious from a child....just got the head of one handed to me by my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter yesterday. They are a pretty yellow and the Italians use their leaves to make a delicious side dish!

  10. I do love little yellow dandelions and I love them because they are full of color and are always presented to me with lots of love!! I was just telling my hubby that he couldn't dig up the dandelions in the grass, they at least have color and he had the nerve to tell me he had to dig them out or they would take over the grass! Well, at least my grass would be speckled with yellow. :) HaHa!

    I hope you have a lovely week!

    Hugs, Amy

  11. It is all in perspective isn't it! To some it is a weed, but to others it has great medicinal and nutritious value. Like Nana Diana said, there are some places I have to dig up dandelions, because they crowd out other plants trying to grow. But generally in my lawn, they are free to do as they please, lol!

  12. I remember giving the flowers to my mama, and I also remember my little ones now grown up giving them to me. I also remember gathering them to dry for tea.


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