Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Praying And Asking To Be The Kind Of Wife Your Husband Needs, Is The Most Important Prayer...


My Most Important Prayer...

Being a wife for many years has taught me a very important prayer factor!

Yes, over all these years I have prayed many prayers;
But the one thing the Lord has showed me many times is this;

I want to be the women and the wife and housewife that 
My Husband needs me to be!

Holy Smokes

We all have many needs and desires for living the good life
But as a wife we are called to be set apart for one man!

His needs and how he would like things to be...
Is that really asking too much?

Remember the world teaches we are our own person!

But a great marriage is one where we become the helpmate
That woman does not come a dime a dozen...

I want to be the ONLY women who can meet His needs the way
He wants them done or met.
Ask yourself;
Are your Husband's needs so hard and demanding that you cannot meet them?
Usually No, not at all,

Really most men just want a home that is clean and tidy
Clean socks and jeans and shirts
A meal that is being prepared or some good sandwich fixings in the refrigerator!
A wife that looks kind and a smile on her face!
A place that he feels welcomed in and where he belongs!
A room to have a chair where he can put his feet up!
And having a wife that is not always too tired!
And having a home where the people in it thinks he is special!

"What if you became
 The Woman and Wife, that your Husband was praying for?"

Believe me, things would change!

God has been very gracious to me in my marriage!
But I will say that praying to become the wife HE NEEDS is very important!

Some women have it in their head on how everything needs to be;
But sometimes it is the very small changes that can change a marriage
For the better...

Women must be the kind of wife he needs;
Sometimes we have our heads and thoughts in so many tails spins we miss,
The little things that he might need or require in any given day or a moment!

When our little ones cried, we went running, to meet their needs!

But no, our husbands are grown men and should be able to take care of themselves!

I see marriages and hear how they say things like;
They never pay me any attention any more
They never make me feel that it is important in what I say about anything
They never care about me...

Really, this is so heartbreaking!

Wake up ladies; marriage is the one thing God has given in this world
To be a picture of how He deals with us as His Bride...

"What kind of Bride are You to Your Husband?

Okay, here is the challenge;
No matter how long you have been married;
Start praying and asking the Lord to help you become;
"The wife your husband needs you to be!"


  1. Very wise advice here Roxy. It is so easy to get caught up in what we need and fail to realize what our husband's need. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you are well! Have a blessed week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  2. Hi Roxy, Great post and so true. I know this because I will be married to the love of my life this August for 42 years. What a blessing it has been.
    Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment. Be sure to stop back Friday to join in the giveaway on that post.
    Blessings, cm

  3. I've recently learned to say, my husband is an excellent husband, and every excellent husband deserves an excellent wife. This post gets 462 "AMENs" from me!!!

    Hugs and happy highways,

  4. What words of wisdom, Roxy. sometimes I get so caught up in my own needs, I forget that my husband has needs that have to be taken care of. Sad to say, I have to make a conscious effort at times, because when I get home from work I just want to sink into a chair and relax. Thank you for this reminder. Great post!!

  5. In the last few months, I've come to realize that all the books on marriage and parenting in the world don't apply to me. The Bible applies to me. It, and a few select Christian women, can speak into my life with truth.

    The challenge is that I must learn to be the help meet to MY husband who is not like any other husband. I must learn to mother MY children- the ones God gave only to me.

    I must stop comparing myself and my husband and my children to others. God put us together just right. Now I've got to make sure I fit together with my man just the way God intended.

    Love to you friend, you're one of the select Christian women I trust.

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. Very inspiring and very wise words! My husband deserves an excellent wife and I am not sure he always gets one!

  7. Great advise. I read from Robert Schuller's wife years and years ago, early in my marriage to let the first words out of your mouth when the hubby gets home from work be affirming and kind. As a young mother, that was not always the case. I remember feeling so convicting after reading this book and began to pray for God to help me. He did, of course.

  8. I just went from reading the post on Contentious Woman and then to yours. We've been in Proverbs the month of July in my reading through the Bible group, and the term contentious has come up a lot. This week, we are finalizing with chapter 31 in Proverbs so your post rings so true. Especially Proverbs 31:10-11.

    Your post is great reminder to not be the contentious wife, but a wife that is like a ruby. :)

    Visiting from Roses of Inspiration

  9. What wonderful advice, Roxy, but I, so sadly, can't pray this prayer, since my beloved passed away almost two years ago. I do pray everyday to be the best mother, grandmother,daughter, sister,friend that I can be.

  10. Well, after I read this post, Roxy, I asked my husband if he wanted a snack and got up and made him one! Thank you for the reminder and encouragement.

  11. Amen, amen, and AMEN, my friend! Wow, what a fabulous post. How I love your lessons and encouragement, bless my heart and inspire me to be a woman after God's own heart.

    Love to you!

  12. Wise words, Roxy. A rare thing these days.

  13. Great words to wisdom today! Glad to find your post.

    I am going to share this with my Facebook friends today! Here is my link:

    Came over on Raising Homemakers. So glad to find your site.

    Hope you have a blessed day~


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!