Saturday, August 1, 2015

Our Family Summer Picnic...


This family picnic only took place about 100 years ago...
See the covered wagon in the background?

That is my Great Grandmother on the right;
The one laughing!!

I guess I come from a long line of those that know how to laugh,
And knows how to enjoy a good picnic.
In this case a day at the lake!

I just love that picnic basket that is sitting next to her.
I like to use my imagination as to what this picnic basket just might hold for lunch!

The lady on the left is wearing a full length apron over her skirt;
I just love seeing the ladies wearing aprons!

Also the swim suit that my Great grandmother is wearing looks
very modest and of course the nautical design.

Having a lovely day has always been the summer thing to do!
As a child, I have so many wonderful memories of being on the lake.
We went fishing and swimming and of course a picnic.

Being a woman that is not afraid to enjoy oneself is very becoming!
Not being overly loud and drawing attention to one's self;
But rather a person with a personality that others enjoy being around!

I have learned to laugh at myself and am not a spoil sport!
I enjoy making my husband laugh and smile;
Not a joker, but a good sense of humor!

I want to enjoy a few special days that come with every season!
Let us get outside and enjoy the simple things!

Sometimes by just being outside and filling your birdbath with fresh water,
Or watering your vegetable gardens and flower beds can refresh oneself!

In the very hot weather we like to be out very early
 And the latter part of the evening!

Why is it that a picture like this can evoke such a happy feeling?

I think that we must always look well to the way of our households!
~ And to remember to have fun ~

Our days are all numbered and so we can enjoy a restful and peaceful
Day of fun and family and friends...

Do you try to take and make regular days of rest a part of your life?

Just think that your very next outing could be a blog post a 100 years from now!
(I am so funny)


  1. That is a remarkable picture. I love imagining what they are saying...what they are laughing about....and how they remembered this day.
    Great post Roxy.

  2. What a precious photo, Roxy! You must take after your Great-Grandmother. Your beauty, and joyfulness. Being outside enjoying God's creation is a blessing. One not to be taken for granted.
    Hopefully our picnics 100 years from now will be with the King!!!
    Love you, dear one.

  3. I love the picture Rox, I am so amazed that you have such a treasure from your Great Grandmother. Is she from your Mom's side or your Dad's side of the family? It is such cozy and comforting picture, and such a sweet reminder that there have been good days in the history of our country. Loved all of your thoughts.

  4. What an awesome picture, Roxy! I would love to know what was inside that picnic basket too :)

  5. Time moment you are having a picnic, the next you are on a blog post a hundred years into tomorrow. I wonder what your great-grandmother would think of that!

  6. I love these sorts of old photos - a peak into the past and what people got up too!! And as for laughter - it is the best medicine and I do it all the time :)))

  7. I'm a new visitor to your blog, and I must say that I just love the picnic photo! It captures such a Moment! I just love pondering old photos (whether of my family or of complete strangers) and filling in the details with my imagination. Somehow I came into possession of an old photo of a cousin three generations removed. He's with a crowd of people hanging onto the side of a train, and hanging out the windows from inside the train, and everyone looks so happy! No one in my family knows where this train was going, but I enjoy thinking about the possibilities. :-) Thank you for sharing this photo, and for your lovely blog. I have subscribed to it in my Blogger reader and look forward to future visits!

  8. I saw the picture, and before I read that it was your great-grandmother, I thought "Oh my gosh! That's Roxane & Me!" How funny! How I miss our laughs together!


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