Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Our Wounded Pride Hurts Our Feelings...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog

His Grace Is Sufficient...

Dear Wounded Pride, Greetings from a wounded place
(My Heart)

My dear sisters in Christ;
May I come along side of you and speak this word?
Or maybe a reminder of his fellowship of his sufferings.

When I have experienced a word spoken to me that hurt my feelings,
 Or if I have spoken a word that hurt anothers feelings.
And this can even be a word of correction to us or we spoke to another.
This can become a feeling of being corrected or slighted, or totally ignored!

"A great crisis overshadows which test and tries my very soul."

Oh, My wounded PRIDE...

Then at once that sinking feeling hits the pit of my stomach.
I am being deflated by my wounded pride.


I am looking at myself and have taken my eyes off Jesus!

But wait there has got to be an easier way to die to self---


Keep Your Eyes On Jesus 
And give no room to the pride of this life...
Oh, and add no more fuel to the fire!

The tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles!
And the tongue is a fire,
A world of iniquity.
The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body,
And sets on fire the course of nature;
And it is set on fire by hell.
James 3:5-6

Learning to trust the Lord and humble my heart before God and others!
I would rather be kind to another, then right in my own opinion!
"You can have your own opinion, you just don't share it"
Kindness is greater and easier then humble pie served alone.
We need one another, and these blows can cause great destruction!

Also, ask yourself this question...
Can I forgive those who have wounded me?
Seventy times seven...

May the law of kindness be upon our tongue's!
Proverbs 31:26


  1. Great post Roxy! Fortunately I am a very forgiving person and it's near impossible for me to hold a grudge against someone. I am a forgive and forget kind of girl and I definitely do try hard to watch what I say to folks. You are right, we are all entiteld to our opinion, but that doesn't mean we have to impose our opinions on others. It was so good to hear from you on my blog.I do hope you and your family are all doing well. Have a blessed and beautiful week!
    Hugs, Vicky

  2. Pearls of truth dear Roxy! A wounded spirit who can bear? Our only hope indeed is to re-focus our eyes on Jesus in the midst of a hurtful situation, and oh yes, to keep the law of kindness upon our tongues! Better to say nothing at all than to say something that you will regret. And, I have seen the Lord do beautiful things through a heart that turned to Him when faced with a humbling situation, rather than nursing that wounded pride, and allowing it to be a stumbling block in one's life. Good words dear Roxy, as always!

  3. Oh Roxy, I have family members who need to read the words that you have shared. Thank you for writing these words of wisdom, for they have touched me at just the right moment.

  4. Good Morning Roxy, Beautiful post and important lesson. In our world, more then ever, Kindness Matters!! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and words.
    Have a great day. Hugs, cm

  5. Wow!! No punches pulled here! Cut me a slice of that humble pie, dear Roxy. It's a good thing to keep ourselves in check....
    The Sword of the Spirit is double edged....on one side it comforts, and on the other it convicts.
    I love your boldness. You are not afraid to say what needs to be said...yet you "walk in love" while doing it.
    Love you.

  6. Oh how I wished I'd read this yesterday. But it's great advice anytime, really.

  7. I think the best thing I have heard said about this issue is this: Holding unforgiveness in our hearts is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. It breaks my heart when others just don't get this truth...they are ones in bondage. Great, truthful words, Roxy!

  8. Powerful post Roxy! As women, I think we tend to deal with this more than men do; it can be so destructive!
    Thanks for sharing and for the encouragement to keep our eyes upward.
    Hugs, Noreen

  9. What a great post, Roxy. I think wounded pride is so hard to overlook. It really gets us at the core of who we are....and can lay lashes across our heart. I tell my grandkids to always be kind and use kind words-to not injure another feelings- because some things that are said to them may never heal in their hearts. Only the Great Healer can wipe that pain away...xo Diana

  10. Roxy, I can always remind myself that those who cause deep wounds with their words are often ignorant and have no finesse. They are unskilled and untrained in personal relationships, amd if they have wounded me, they are also wounding others. Also, if I do get my feelings hurt,nit is possible that I have thought more highly of the person than I should have, and have placed their opinion above Christ.

  11. Hey Roxy, I had this post up on my computer all day yesterday and this morning it was one of the first ones I read. It is always a good reminder to guard our tongue and to be forgiving.

    Thanks, my friend! Have a great day in the Lord~

  12. Words wound and it's easy to let it break your heart. Your advice is sound.

  13. A good post Roxy; wise words as well. I do believe that we have to be on our guard against the schemes of the enemy who longs to divide us all. Lately I have had to work harder at guarding my mouth and my responses, because I can feel a potential missile dropped right in my midst… it is indeed a trial and a test. Have a lovely week my friend. Hugs, blessings, love and encouragement to you.

  14. Beautiful Roxy! I have learned that forgiveness is a must. When we don't forgive we ourselves suffer more than those who have offended. It lifts a weight off your shoulder when you forgive. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!