Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Power Of Saying Thank You...


The Power Of Saying Thank You...

I believe it is in our human nature to make an impact in our world.

I may never win the Nobel prize or author a book!
I may never discover something that saves lives.

But I think we all have a word that will change the course of history!

When we tell someone Thank You, it will infuse a heart with gratitude!

We all need to hear and speak these simple words!
I think we may never know the impact of them this side of heaven.

Make it a habit and a joy to tell someone thank you!

May I take this time to say Thank you to each of you kind souls that
Have crossed my path in this humble, yet joyous journey!

I need you and I hope you need me!
All connections are pre-determined...

Never judge someone until you walked a mile in their shoes!

If your road has been tough I offer you a thank you for trying;
If you're hanging on to a marriage that is difficult, thank you!
If you have lost a loved one, thank you for not giving up hope!
If you have told someone thank you, it makes the world better!

Give Thanks...


  1. I am so thankful to God for all His many, many blessings. You are one of them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope it is extra special for you all. Look forward to catching up with you very soon.

  2. I came here last Tuesday after having known your blog at Stephanie's link up party and since then I'm following you with so much joy, my sweetest Roxy !
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving you all !
    Sending love

  3. Two little words, thank you and I agree they go so far. It is amazing how much power gratitude has in changing a life or situation. Thank you Roxy for your encouraging blog filled with so much wisdom.
    Thank you!

  4. Thank you Roxy. You've been a Titus 2 woman in my life in spite of our closeness in age.

    Hugs to you!
    who needs to go to sleep but is wide awake


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!