Sunday, November 29, 2015

Winter Woe's...

After Winter truly sets in we all need to pull out our thermal underwear
Warm socks 
Lined gloves
Boots with warmth, and not just cute!

So you get the picture;
During this last week I thought I might just fill you in on a few 
Happening's around here...

Well, it snowed and has been freezing
I completely lost my voice for three days
I watched every Hallmark movie in a movie marathon.
My brain completely seized up...
As a girl has to use her words, or it is very possible that
She just may explode, I tell you!

Well, after 2 days of that I was determined to get moving and do something!
So, I cut out two Christmas aprons and as a no surprise; I was short on the fabric.
So, one of the aprons would fit an elf!
So if you know any elves that need a new apron, let me know!

Then after a very long day...
My Hubby comes in and tells me last evening
Honey, I need to move the dryer out as it is spewing lint and moisture 
all in the back mud room.
(Living out here you need a mud room)

I tell him I will help, so he gets the dryer pulled out and of course
the dirt under those appliances are always so dirty,
We get it all fixed and we used the all purpose homeowners
Duct tape to complete the job....

So as we are putting the duct tape away...
I watched as a can of PVC glue purple gunk falls off the shelf and splits open.
Now it is all over my hubby's arm and now on my white floor.

Not one of us knew what to do!
We tried bleach, we tried WD 40
We used a paint scraper.
I screamed (whispered) call our son!!
(I had no voice)

He is one of those guys that can make or fix anything;
He said use some GOOF OFF...
Hubby says do have any Goof Off?

Don't ask me, how would I know!

Well any hoot he came over and he had some of that stuff and it did take
most of that bright purple color off my floor.

Okay, if this was all  a test I am pretty sure I did not get such a good grade!

Oh, and did I mention I ordered for the first time an organic
Turkey for our Thanksgiving meal?

Well, it was the most bland and tough turkey I have ever served!
I kid you not I spit it out in my napkin,
Just like when I was a kid and my Mother served us liver!
I really did miss my hormone ladened turkey...

I hope I did not leave out any important facts...
Oh wait, one more I turned another year older!

I do feel this is another holiday to remember!
Laughter is good medicine...

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. Happy Birthday,Roxy, sounds like it will be memorable one. I couldn't help me laugh, I'm sorry, we do all have those days from time to time,
    hope your voice comes back and your days get better.
    Hugs, Sylvia

  2. Oh my goodness, Roxy! This was so funny. I thought for sure you were gonna get a new floor! Thank goodness for Goof Off!
    I don't know if you know this but the 1st day of winter isn't even here yet. It's all ready been a long winter..Haha!
    Yesterday was a productive day, since we canned salsa! Today, I'm not sure what to do... (smiles)
    The snow is still pretty and I am enjoying looking out and admiring the fluffy stuff! It's still very cold out and will be tomorrow too!
    I hope your voice has come back, if not I'll come have a whispered conversation a bit later!
    Hugs, Amy

  3. Oh Roxy, you had me LOL. Happy Birthday my friend. I thought things like this only happened to us when doing a project. Spilling that stuff is not pretty and I know it's hard to get off. Hope you did remove it and all worked out okay.
    Sorry you were under the weather too. Hey better days ahead right? Beautiful snow photo! xo

  4. What a comedy of errors,! But the Lord has blessed you with another year and that is something to be thankful for...and I know you are! I hope your voices has returned and you are feeling just as chipper as always. The snow is BEAUTIFUL!

  5. Happy Birthday Blessings sent your way Roxy. Hope you are feeling better and it's nice to know "tomorrow is a new day"

  6. LOL! You gave me quite a chuckle! Sounds like an eventful Thanksgiving for sure. The snow is absolutely beautiful! And, Happy Birthday to you my friend! Hang in there! SOme weeks are just like that aren't they?

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. Well, First off---Happy Birthday, Roxy. That is just awful about that gunk. Yes- Goof off works pretty good on a lot of stuff like that. Hope you can get any remainder up, too.

    I had ONE organic turkey and I am sorry but I will never buy another one guess I will die choking on a hormonal turkey. lol

    Hope you have a better week and that you find an elf to fit the apron you sewed. xo Diana

  8. Happy Birthday darling Roxy and ... what has happened on your weekend, it was all a mess {{smiles}} !
    It happens, sometimes, that everything goes wrong, the most important thing is that you've recovered your voice, I hope with all my heart, it's so stressful not to be able to say a word !
    Sending blessings on your start of the week

  9. So glad you are feeling better Roxy. You are very blessed to have such a smart son.
    Happy Birthday!

  10. Hi Rox, I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this post. You do always give us the full picture with laughter. I love the elf apron... so funny; perhaps there is a little girl you could give it to... one of your granddaughters. Steve told us all about your purple accident after he talked to Danny; we said a prayer for you. I have some friends in Arizona, whose restaurant burned down on Thanksgiving day; and two days later while in the midst of dealing with it, she fell and broke her leg and ankle. Some times when it rains, it really does pour. We are doing well, but I have been fighting a migraine the last few days, so I have been laying low as well. Perhaps we can have a nice chat when you get your voice back.
    Love and Blessings,

  11. Oh dear! Sounds like a rough day, especially when you were just getting over being under the weather. I am going to wear my boots thanks to this post. It's raining and very cold, those warm boots will feel good. (And I hope to remember the duct tape trick for cleaning the dryer hose, too.)

  12. And a very happy birthday...all week long, right?

  13. I tried a new kind of turkey this year. I don't think it was organic, but it was a fresh, not frozen, Amish turkey from the produce market. I thought about freezing it because I bought in on Saturday. An internet search said a fresh turkey was fine as long as you cooked it by the fifth day. Since Thanksgiving Thursday was the fifth day, I didn't freeze it, just refrigerated it. It was one of the best turkeys we've ever had! I was a bit too small though, as there were no leftovers. The small size might have been what made it so juicy or maybe it was never being frozen - I'm not sure. I find most organic products are usually better but once in awhile I've had something organic turn out to be terrible.


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