Friday, December 4, 2015

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...


Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Christmas Spirit Of A Child...

The wonder and excitement and glee!

Simple is always the better choice!

We do not have to spend a ton of money!

We do not need a ton of Christmas decorations!

Just watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate,
Can bring comfort and warmth...

Exchanging Christmas ornaments is easy and affordable!

You can always give gift cards!
(coffee or burgers)

I am looking for fa la la la la...

I want to awake to the joy and excitement of what
Christmas is really about.

I heard that Christmas is about kindness;
And I thought, wait a minute, I think something has gone astray!
Christmas is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Saviour...

So my JOY comes from this;
I will still hang a red bulb on the tree
I will still bake cookies for those I love
I will sing
JOY to the world the Lord has come...

Merry Christmas


  1. It's about a bis something more, isn't it?! But I do love Christmas and many of the trappings that it brings. At the heart of those trappings was that He was willing to come to this planet. What an amazing love that is.

    I can see that red ball on your tree and smell those cookies...

  2. Such a precious post and sweet reminder, my friend. This is a beautiful time of the year and your words have truly inspired me.

    I hope you are well... We just got back from the "city." We finished up our Christmas shopping today. The little one has come down with a cold and is not doing all that great right now...poor guy!

    Take care, sweet Roxy, and have a blessed weekend. Love to you!

  3. Yes, simple is always best while focusing on Christ...*every* day! :)

  4. Beautifully stated ROxy...Christmas bring joy as we celerbate the birth of the Christ child....about family and love. My wish is that we all keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts...

  5. My darling Roxy,
    what a marvellous post you've shared, in it you've put all the deep meaning of Christmas, and I thank you so much for this !
    Sending blessings on the end of your week,
    with love and thankfulness

  6. Amen and yes the words ring to my ears what you have written.

    Sweet picture.

  7. Ah yes...the simpler the better! I love following family traditions that have been set in place... the sights, the smells, and the sounds. I also love to imagine and visualize what it must have been like that first Christmas. Lovely post, Roxy :)

  8. I love your choice of simplicity. I like the idea of an ornament exhange too. We don't do gifts with extended family and that would be a great idea. You can always find cute ornaments at The Dollar Tree, even sometimes two for $1. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Amen! I remember walking in silence to church for the Christmas service, as a child. The only thing I heard was the frozen snow crunching underfoot. The whole family walked together to hear the message of the birth of Jesus. I remember how excited I was that day to be at church, hearing the Good News! I was probably in the third or fourth grade. I pray my grandchildren experience that same excitement in their spirits when they realize what the birth of Jesus means for them.
    Thank you for this post, Roxy. You awakened a memory for me that gives me hope.
    I love you, dear friend.

  10. Excellent advice my friend! Less is more and that's what my family and I are remembering this Christmas. And it is ALL about the birth of Jesus. Sadly so many folks tend to forget that! Enjoy time with your dear family.

    Hugs, Vicky


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