Monday, December 14, 2015

Doing Life Together "I'll Be Home For Christmas If Only In My Dreams"...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Doing Life Together...

We all know that doing things with another is so much easier and enjoyable!

It can even be a very simple task or even the hard things;
Doing it with someone we love or care about is so much better.

When we have someone to talk and perform a job with just makes the
Burden lighter or easier!

We were not created to be alone!
But rather to do life with our families...

Just having another person in our homes can help drive the quiet away.
And believe me, I love my peace and quiet!

But when you have someone to eat with or to do some baking with;
It just makes life special!

When you are young and your children are young you never even think about
Being alone or by yourself for hours or even days at a time.
But trust me as you become an empty nester or just are in a new season.
Or the worst emptiness is the loss of a loved one!

We need our loved ones close or to live close!
We need holidays spent with our multi-generational families.
We need each and every generation;
They all bring a dynamic that is needed!

God told Adam, It is not good for man to be alone;
So God created him a helper...
Look, we all need to be a helper and to have a helper!
I am not just referring to husband and wife here...

I say this because this is the time of year that loss and loneliness is at its peak.
When we are alone during the most wonderful season of all;
That loneliness can be so heavy and profound!

I might not be experiencing this myself, but I can assure you all of this,
Someone close or far is experiencing this...
And if we are not receptive to this in others lives, we will become cold!

Just because your days and lives are busy and full, does not mean
Others are not feeling lonely or forgotten about!

I love that song that sings this chorus
" I'll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams"

Some people have lost their dreams and spunk for life...
We need to be aware of those that are in loneliness!

Also, learning the fine art of helping others!

It is as easy as a phone call...
A letter or a funny card...
Asking them to come over to bake...
Or taking a small token or gift to them...
Praying for them...

Ignoring them is not an option!
Being too busy is not an excuse!
Look, we do not have to do it all, but we all need to do our part!


I'll Be Home For Christmas Song
If Only In My Dreams

Home For The Holidays

Merry Christmas


  1. Christmas blessings to you Roxy, powerful post today and I've got several friends dealing with cancer or death of a spouse-just so hard for them. I am so thankful that my daughters live close and we celebrate life together.
    Have a joy filled day!

  2. So true Roxy. We should never take it for granted that our loved ones will be here tomorrow. Only God knows how many days we have on this earth. I am most grateful for a loving DH who has been my friend and sweetheart for over 40 years. We know each other so well that I always tell him we grew up together. Give your loved ones a hug. Life is too short for holding grudges. Besides grudges only hurt you, not the one you are holding it against.

    Blessings, Jocelyn

  3. A lovely and true post, Roxy.. It is hard to realize when we are young what empty nesting is like.. Time passes so quickly but you have some wonderful ideas to include people into our empty nests.. xoxo

  4. What a special and lovely read. How true that we do not realize when we are young how it will be when we are older. Sparkle on, Roxy!

  5. Oh Roxy, what you wrote is oh, so true! For me, being around family and friends has helped fill the void. So very often, there are things that I want to ask my late beloved....a memory, something about one of our four kids, or to tell him about something that has happened...but I can't.
    Your posts are encouraging for women to appreciate and love their husbands while they have them.

  6. Roxy, Somehow I knew you were one who enjoys doing dishes. :-) There have been times I have enjoyed that task but for the most part it has never been something I like to do. I do have a sense of satisfaction when I'm done and the kitchen is clean though. Maybe I need to realign my thoughts on this. TY for the great post!!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!