Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Gift...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

The Lord Indeed gives what is good.
~Psalms 85:12~

Our God does give many, many gifts.
And in the course of our lives, I believe many gifts go;

How different this world would be and I own lives if we started
 Viewing all the good things of our lives

If we would start with the small and insignificant things:
All those things that bring us pleasure!
Start looking at these things as love gifts from our Father.

Dear Lord, may I not have an ungrateful heart!
May my eyes not be blinded to your kindness!

If there was one gift I want to give myself is this prayer...
"Thank you for your sovereign love;
 That is revealed in the little details of my life."

I do not want to go through life being unaware of
Gifts from my heavenly Father...

I think it is the same as when we give gifts to our children,
We do hope that they will tell us thank you!

So we are his children, and I know we are a blessing to Him
when we give Him thanks...

Good Will is a powerful thing...
Give Gifts
Give Thanks

Much Love To You All
"Living From Glory To Glory"

1 comment:

I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!