Monday, April 18, 2016

Sweet Rose Tea And Health Benefits,,,

This is a lovely sweet caffeine free tea.
 It has many health benefits. It contains the herb called Holy Basil.

Tulsi Sweet Rose

A delicate blend of chamomile, rose petals and the fragrant essence of rose.

Reduces Stress
Supports the Immune System
Builds Stamina
Uplifts Mood
Aids Digestion

I like to add a touch of honey to mine, and drink it to have a refreshing lift.
This time of year I once again enjoy my ritual of tea at three o'clock...

I have found drinking decaffeinated beverages have had an advantage!

I have been experimenting with so many herbal teas,
There are so many on the market that are so good for you!

I love the ritual of making tea;
Braving the water till it has a full steam pouring forth.
Choosing the perfect tea for the time of day or moment.

If it is just me, I just use the cup I have chosen, but if it is a few of us,
I enjoy using one of my teapots!
I also have a little teapot that is just for a two cup sitting.

It is very nice to have a cup of tea in the morning
(Many prefer coffee and I did till I felt the tea to be better suited my tummy)
So when I do like a cup of coffee in an afternoon, I now drink a decaffeinated kind!

~Coffee can cause a low blood sugar reaction and also raise your blood pressure~

I still enjoy the smell of coffee brewing...
So I do not deny myself a nice cup of coffee when I desire one.

But tea has had no undesired effects on me, so I have been drinking it a
A few times a day, but the evening tea had been so relaxing and comforting.

I enjoy reading a book and sipping tea!
Even in the summer I enjoy a cup,
My Grandmother use to say it cooled her by drinking a mint tea.
What is a brand or type of tea you enjoy?

Blessings, Roxy


  1. Beautiful post. I've never been a coffee drinker. I love the smell of coffee, grounds and brewing, but not the taste. However, I love tea. I drink it hot and iced all year long. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. This tea sounds delicious, Roxy! My afternoon's are much better when I can sip on a good cuppa. Where did you find this one?

  3. I love drinking tea! I love most any herbal teas but must say that I really enjoy peppermint or chamomile (from my garden) or lemon balm (from my garden). So relaxing and refreshing! :) Hope you enjoy your tea today!

  4. I discovered this one a couple of months ago and I love it! My hubby likes it as well. I think because of the rose scent. He loves his roses. :0) My 11yo and I have an appointed Tuesday Teatime and share poetry and art. She isn't a huge tea fan, YET, but just taking the time to unwind in the afternoon is lovely.

  5. Hey Roxy, The rose tea sound very soothing. If I see any I'll try it. I like most teas I try so I won't bother listing. I'm getting interested in making some mixes of my own though. While Herbs are easy to find now other than chamomile, mint and lavender what would you suggest to look for. I think I might ask on my blog too.
    Enjoy your evening


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