Sunday, May 15, 2016

Attempted Attack...

Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

Attempted Attack...

Well, I have been a bit twitter patted this past week;
Do you want to hear about it or not?

I could just write a nice cozy blog post and pretend it did not happen!

Well, it did,
And I did not get bit by a dog either.

I went to town to go to my hair appointment
(I was getting a Body Wave Perm)
It was early afternoon, and I decided I would run into Walmart,
And to get a few items while I was in town.
(I try to get as many things done when I make trips to town)
For those that do not know I now live in the country;
I have for over 20 years...

I pulled into the parking lot and I parked my car away from other cars
 And there was just one car parked next to me,
 And I can say this as soon as I popped out of my vehicle,
 The door on the car next to me swung open and a young
Man with sores all over his face was holding a gas can.
And he asked me if I had any spare change for gas.

I told him; maybe when I came out.
But he was looking past me and I just knew something was going down!

I saw out of the corner of my eye two sets of people coming 
up on both sides of my car.
Instinct kicked in, I had not locked my car yet, which was a miracle!
I jumped into my car and locked the door and I had my keys in my hand.
I started my car and pulled away fast quickly
 and as I watched them in my rear view mirror.
Screaming at each other, saying why didn't you grab ****

My heart was beating and I felt sick to my stomach.

Remember when I said before;
Be aware of your surroundings!
I wrote is it wise to be out alone after dark?

Well, I was mugged in NY many moons ago,
I was punched in the face and they stole my purse.
I had a broken nose and two black and blue eyes.

Not sure what their full intentions were this time,
 But they wanted what did not belong to them!
 And wanted to cause me harm!
 I am sure of that!

I am still trying to rethink how to keep safe and enjoy life!
Being alone anymore as a lady is like a target anymore.
It really always has been, but I believe it is getting worse!

Well If you have never been mugged you have no point
of relating to this type of attack!

But it is happening way more often than you can imagine!

How can you protect yourself??

Do not be out alone!
Carry a Pepper Spray or a gun!
Stay in your car till you check your surroundings!
Keep your keys in your hand till safely in the building!
(Keys can be used as a weapon)
Listen to your gut instincts, they are usually right!

We have the right to protect ourselves and our loved ones!


  1. Dear friend, How horrible this has happened. Praise God for you staying calm and getting away. Our God is indeed great.
    I just told my husband and asking you to lift me in prayer. I'm having mild, short chest pains. I do have a stent. so heart problems is a possibility. I don't want to jump to fearful conclusions but if they continue I will go to the hospital. I will call the doctor tomorrow if they calm down. Thank you, I know you will pray. May God continue to keep you safe.

  2. Oh Roxy!!! I am so sorry this happened to you. Praise the Lord for your clear thinking and thwarting their evil intent. You are such a precious soul!!! Your warning is taken to heart. Be safe, my friend!

  3. Thank you for the ALERT!
    I'm shaking my head with shock and amazement, I am so glad you didn't get attacked, (again) and thankful you listened to your gut. You were protected!
    Again, thank you for calling this to our attention.

  4. Oh my friend!!!!
    I am so sorry this happened to you!!!
    Quick thinking!!!

  5. Oh, Roxy! I'm so thankful that you escaped! That guy was probably a meth addict (sores on his face). Thank God, you are unharmed, at least physically! I'm sure that your mind and emotions are taking a roller-coaster ride, though! And thanks for the reminder!

  6. So very thankful that you are safe now! I am so thankful that you were aware of the people around you and were able to act quickly. I've been in similar situations. The world is not a safe place for women alone, and I am teaching my daughters this as they seek to spread their wings with independence. Praying for you as you recover from the scare!

  7. Oh my that is such a scary thing. I'm so thankful you were able to escape without any harm. God does protect.

  8. May God be praised that He helped you keep calm and know exactly what to do in an instant. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but very grateful that you're okay. I pray for peace and calmness for your heart tonight.

  9. Thank goodness you were on guard and aware of your surroundings, Roxy! I was mugged many, many years ago when I was in my twenties. The building I lived in was what I thought was "secure" with key entry only and as I approached a side door from the parking lot, two guys held the door open for me and then decided to grab my purse. I held on and was left with my purse handle that tore off. It was frightening but since then I continue to be aware of my surroundings at all times. You just never know when and where evil will strike.

  10. Oh Roxy, what a scary encounter!! I'm so thankful you had the presence of mind to get out of there quickly! We need to be wise and be aware at all times. Thank You Lord for protecting our dear friend!

  11. Hi dear Roxy, am so sorry to hear about this but ever so grateful out Lord preserved you from attack this time. I haven't been attacked by men, but I have been by a dog and so your first picture kind of freaked me just a little. I ended up in hospital having emergency surgery.
    My aunt who is a dear Christian lady posted this on ehr Facebook age last week I thought maybe you could share it.

    It emphasises to be aware of your surrounding, ie park safely near the entrance if possible in most populated place...
    Be alert don't be looking at phone but around.
    Evaluate the environment before leaving a place of safety..etc.

    God bless you and comfort you, dear sweet sis,

    it is sad that there are such people and I pray for them that they might be born again and freed from the addiction that is diving them to such lengths.

  12. Dear God, I'm so thankful you reacted so quickly as you did. I am very aware of my surroundings and when I take groceries to the car, I think about all the young mothers dealing with groceries and children. They are so vulnerable. And so are we all as ladies. Praise God you are safe. I have never been attacked like that, but just reading about those incidents gives me chills.

  13. How sorry and sad I am to read such news ... I wonder how you felt, dear Roxy ... and to read what you've already happened, well, it really touched me, what a bad, terrible experience !

    Take care, my darling, look after yourself ... alas, today it's harder more and more to trust people, and I say it with a little bit of melancholy.

    Sending my dearest love to you and so many blessings on the remainder of your week

    xox ~ Dany

  14. Thank Jesus you were alert! That could have ended badly. Praise God for protecting you.

    Hugs to you!


  15. Roxy, that was intense. So glad that you listened to that still small voice. I hope that the next thing you did was call the police and then the manager of the Wal*Mart. I keep all the stores I frequent listed on my phone. I am praising God for His protection over you and I hope that your story will be a cautionary tale for others. You are right. Things are heating up. Stay safe out there...

  16. Oh Roxy, how scary and so glad you were able to get away safety! Yes we must always be aware of our surroundings.

  17. My goodness Roxy! The LORD was with you, and so thankful that you were quick thinking, and able to get away! Thank you LORD! It seems that it is moments like this when you are completely unsuspecting that the enemy slips up and attacks. Thank you for the warning to remember to be aware at all times. So thankful though for the protecting hand of the LORD with you!!!!


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