Saturday, July 9, 2016

How Little Things Can Change Your Life...


~There is just something so special about a beautiful teacup~

There are so many lovely teacups out there and what a treasure to have one.

But what I think is so sad is how we no longer have time for tea!
Or we may not have the pleasure of company to share it with.

I was given the little teacup through an exchange from our friend
Stephanie's blog Enchanted Rose.
And the day before my cup arrived, my dear Husband bought me the larger
One from an antique store in our town!
So now I have a large one and a tiny one for a child to share some tea!

Here is a lovely blue glass tea light holder made by my sister
last year for my birthday.
 I love it because it matches my beach decor
in our master bath!
A simple gift made with love for me!

These windmill cookies always make me smile;
They bring back such happy memories;
These cookies were some of my Mothers very favorite cookies!
She would have one with her afternoon cup of coffee.

Here is a new ironing board cover I bought for my sewing room!
I do manage to go through many covers as I do enjoy ironing!
I have some material that I have purchased and I do plan
on making another one for myself so when this one gets holes
I will have one made already!

I miss so many things now days!

The ancient paths seem like it has been lost to so many!

I miss having a close friend to have tea with!

I miss my Mother and all her ways!

I miss being close to my sister!

I miss ironing my children's clothing!

I miss having my children home!

I miss having all my grandchildren close!

I miss having comments on my blog!

I guess the reason I miss all these things is because they were all happy
things that gave me sweet memories and gifts given in love!
Things to do on any given day that seemed not big or important
Yet, now leave me feeling a bit at a loss...