Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Expect Changes...

Changing Seasons Of Life, Living From Glory to Glory Blog

Everything Changes

Just when you thought everything had settled into a pattern...
This post is a gentle reminder to all of us that seasons come and they go!

I think when we can learn this and remind ourselves,
 That this is the way things work, we can fend off
Some stress and sorrow...

When you are married you go through many ups and downs.
But through it all you can accumulate some many wonderful
Lessons of wisdom!

I know if you stopped to think about all the things,
You all have been through and experienced in your lifetime.
You would say now I never saw or expected that to happen.

When we become so stiff necked and are not pliable to changes,
We can become fragile in many ways!

Be quick, dear ones to submit to what comes your way!

Now, we know that the evil one is always prowling around seeking 
To whom he may devour...
But we are told to submit to God and resist the devil!
So we must always stand in the place of not just sitting
Back and allowing the enemy of our souls devour us!!

~Even in the Lords prayer, we ask Him (God) to deliver us from evil~

But some things are just His perfect will for us;
The trouble is that I see in a glass darkly dimmed.
What I mean by this is we cannot tell the future.
And you should never allow anyone to tell you your future!
That is for God to know!!

But we are not left without direction as we have been given the 
Holy Spirit to guide us in all truths!

But there again is where we must learn to submit to God!

Arise, and let your enemies be scattered!

Expect changes
Expect to be corrected
Expect to go through trials
Except, that in His perfect time, you will overcome;
And if you do this you will endure to the end!

On The Home Front
I have now discovered I am lactose intolerant
My gut now needs healing, so I will go gluten free for a while.
Going to meet out new grandson
(Darn I have to go to Florida) LOL
I will be having my 60th birthday soon!
My nails have finally healed from some gel nail polish I had on!
(It took over a year)
I hope you are all well and are growing through your changes...
I appreciate each and everyone that stops here
@living from glory to glory


  1. Boy it is so true about those changes! My "baby" left for boot camp last week. Wah! Trying to adjust! Happy Birthday, Roxy! My husband turns 60 on Nov 9th. Looking forward to all other children and their families coming to celebrate on the 2 weekends surrounding his birthday. Their work schedules did not allow for them all to be here at once. Make do! Congrats on your new little one too!

  2. Thank you Roxy...wise words indeed.
    God bless

  3. I also have to eat gluten free Roxy. I still bake for the family. I didn't know gel nailpolish would be a dangerous thing. Yikes. Have fun in FL!

  4. Wednesday blessings to you Roxy, I have a neighbor that had the same issue with some gel polish they put on her, ugh. Love your post! How exciting that you get to go to Florida for some grand baby time.
    Sending hugs your way.

  5. First of all have a wonderful trip to see that Grandbaby. There is nothing better. I'm sorry to hear about your tummy issues. Our two oldest grandchildren have Celiac's disease as does their Mom and Uncle and Grandpa on the maternal side. Not fun but they have adjusted well to know what they can and can't eat. The difference in how they feel is amazing since they have gone gluten free.

    Changes are definitely NOT fun but through all of the "stuff" of the past few years, I've tried to turn it over to the Lord and try to be content in all things. Not always easy is it?


  6. Yes- Changes are the one thing we can count on in life! But-they are for reasons even if they are beyond our understanding at the time.

    Enjoy your trip to FL to see that baby and an early happy birthday to you.

    I have gel polish on and do love it...hoping it doesn't wreck my nails! xo Diana

  7. For every thing there is a season. It is a hard lesson to learn...thanks for the great post! As I look back over my marriage I see how so much has come and gone, yet we are together and secure in that. Trusting in the Lord for all things, looking forward to His glorious appearing!

    Sorry to hear about the lactose intolerance...I hope you heal quickly! How very special to be able to go to Florida to see the little baby! I love babies and I'm sure you do as well.

    Happy Birthday also! I'm sure it will be special with all those that love you!

  8. The lactose free milks are so tasty and do not make me feel ill at all. I am actually drinking whole milk again for the health benefits...just a cup a day...not too much. Change really is inevitable, isn't it?

  9. My last "baby" is about to move to his new home, I am trying to embrace this new stage in the ever changing seasons in my life, and look to the next new thing that God has for me in my life. Thank you for your timely post. Sue

  10. Change is something we can expect, that is a given, and yet how wonderful it is to know when we walk with the Lord, whatever we go through, He is there with us, and just like the seasons come and go, we can find joy in the moment. Praying you have a lovely trip to Florida, and sorry to hear about your nail polish disaster. Happy birthday to you dear friend, have a blessed time with your family!


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