Monday, October 10, 2016

Make Time Daily To Refresh Your Heart and Mind...


I was very busy today as it is a Monday!
I try to get a few loads of laundry done and get my kitchen in shape.
 I wanted to take some pictures of my fall mantel and I never had time.
(This was the one from last year I think)

I did get a sewing craft finished and it is a very pretty tea cozy,
But it was one of those days where things did not go really smoothly.
But I have learned that it is in these times I get to practice 

Truly, when things are a bit off and everything seems to be a challenge;
We get to take a breath and just put our hand to the task!

If you have ever sewn then you would know about the little tool
called a seam ripper, and this is the little thing you use to rip out
just what you have just sewn together...

It is much easier to sew a seam than to have to rip it out!
(Trust Me)

These seem like days that feel like they are filled with trying things!
Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, and these political storms.

Why do we need to stop and just focus on our homes?

Well, if you do not do this you would become a neurotic person with a stress problem!

Look you cannot stop the chaos that is happening everywhere!
But you have been given the privilege to create a place of peace.
A refuge of calm and comfort!

And if you have created your home to be pleasant and lovely;
Then now you must take advantage of it!!

Stay at home a bit more often
Do not run to town or to the store daily.

Do not over schedule your days!

Keep yourself well stocked with pantry foods to make a few meals.

Buy supplies for a few crafts to make some gift items;
This will give you great pleasure!

Make yourself some tea in the afternoons!
I have found a nice cup of hot chocolate to be perfect lately.

Keep a few good books readily available to read a chapter while sitting
in your cozy corner or chair!

Keep a bible study on the kitchen counter so you can work on a few
questions each day or so!

I truly think we need to train ourselves to relax and take a breath!

If you have little ones rest while they are quiet or napping.
If you can make it just a few moments of rest of your mind and body.
If your children are grown, then you must still make time to
Refresh yourself and so then you can enjoy your afternoons.

I have found that it is better for me to decide what my evening meal
is going to be in the earlier part of the day.

When you are planning your days do not forget that
to do things that refresh your heart is just as important as all the
chores that must be done in any given day...

I took a picture with my phone!


  1. Oh, what a lovely mantel! I so enjoyed this post, sweet friend. God bless you abundantly!

  2. Your mantle is beautiful this year! Your blog is one place that I can always count on being refreshed, encouraged, and exhorted to do well for myself, my family, my home, and my LORD. Thank you for being a Titus 2 woman to me. I don't have that locally.
    Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. Beautiful words, as always! Being home is such a sweet and precious delight, and there is truly no place like home. Your mantle is delightful. Have a lovely fall day :)

  4. Great words of wisdom. I have decided I can't even listen to the craziness of the news. I am doing more of what you suggested. It keeps me sane and my husband as well when he gets home.
    Your mantel is very pretty.

  5. Beautiful blog post. "But you have been given the priviledge to creat a place if peace. A refuge of calm and comfort."--- such a lovely reminder!

  6. It is a beautiful mantle.
    Thank you for the very timely message. To dwell on all the upset in the world will do no good. All we can do is pray and take care of our families as best we can. We must remember God is in control.

  7. Good evening, sweet friend. Long time no talk, eh! How have you been? I have had you on my mind and heart for quite a while now....I hope all is well.

    We are well :) Busy with every day activities.

    Your post was a blessing, my friend. I can always count on you to encourage my heart. And may I say that your mantel is simply lovely!

    Love to you!

  8. I love your mantle, Roxy! There is nothing to compare to a peaceful and comfortable home, is there? Beautiful post!

  9. Such wise words, I must re structure my day to leave time in the afternoons for craft, oh that cup of hot chocolate sounds perfect too. Love your mantelpiece.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!