Sunday, November 27, 2016

Beautiful Skin No 7 Product Review...

No 7 Beautiful Skin Review, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

No 7 Product for beautiful skin...

I brought home for myself a new product I decided to try!
It is called No 7 and it has a full line of a complete skin care treatment.

I usually purchase Estee Lauder skin care products,
But my Dillards did not have my Daywear dry skin face cream in stock;
So I decided to go to our Walgreens and I found this product!
I have seen it at our Target store, but I have not shopped there very often,

For the reasons that they do not carry my brands of clothing or designs I like.

But I must say the Drug stores such as Walgreens have come a long way baby!

I will give it a week or so and see if it makes my skin break out or if it  does not
add the moisture level I require to make my skin feel plump and soft!

I paid eighteen dollars for a gift box set that had both the day and night cream
in the full size jars, not a mini size.
And I also got a sample size cleanser that you apply to your face and wipe it off
with a small cotton square.
And it also had a sample size facial mask for a once a week application,
I think the trial size will be enough for at least 2 weeks.

This gift box would really make a nice gift!

Have any of you ladies tried this product?
This is my own personal review and I just want some feedback!

What are some of the things that you do that make you feel beautiful?
I know when my attitude is in line with the heart of God,
And I allow kindness to reign and not my selfish little girl attitude.

Being beautiful on the outside is nice and can be useful;
But a gentle, kind spirit is worth so much more!

Blessings to you all...
Hugs, Roxy


  1. This is really good to know!
    I have trouble finding products that help with "aging" skin.

    Besides, the name, No.7 is great. It's the perfect number!

  2. Dear Roxy,
    I live in the U.K. and have used No 7 cosmetics and moisturisers for years. Boots is a large pharmacy chain which is much like Walgreens inthe US, and this is their brand. Because I have sensitive skin and mild roasacea, I must be very careful what products I use, and I've experienced no problems with either the cosmetics or creams. An added bonus is that I love the beautiful little jars sitting on my dressing table!

    I have found they can be a bit pricey (not as much as the luxury brands however), so I've always tried to get them on a 3 for 2 offer for example. Infact, recently I've switched to Ponds moisturiser in an effort to trim spending (we shall see how that goes :-), but I wish you well with your lovely No7 products and I hope they will suit you as they have done for me.


  3. Good afternoon, Roxy! It looks like you may have found a good product for an economical price. I used to spend a lot of money on skin care but now I just wash my face every day with Ivory and moisturize with Jergen's. I probably need a heavier moisturizer at my age now. Maybe I will keep my eye out for this No 7 next time I am Walgreens. I look forward to the end of your 'trial' period to see how you like it.

  4. I've never really found a line of skin care products that I've been loyal to. I'm always trying new things. They can be so pricey. And they promise you the world! haha I'll be curious to see what you say about these. I've seen them in Target, but not tried them.
    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving Roxy. I was out of town, so am trying to catch up with everyone. xo Deborah

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