Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How I Make Fresh Pico De Gallo...

Making Pico De Gallo From Scratch. Living From Glory To Glory Blog

This is an all time favorite for my family. But for myself also!
I love this fresh form of a salsa on my scrambled eggs and of course
Corn Tortilla chips are a must to eat with this fresh salsa.

I think making your homemade fresh salsa can be very frugal;
Look for the tomatoes when on sale.
Onions are super cheap
A couple of jalapenos cost next to nothing!

Here are the hot jalapenos!!
They are such a wonderful addition to make a dish pop!
I usually cut extra each time and freeze some for another side dish or for more salsa!

Ladies you must wear a rubber glove when you dice these little hot babies!

When cutting the jalapenos and the onions you need to dice them very fine!
I have had them in all sizes, but I think the smaller size makes a better blend!

Living From Glory to Glory Blog...

I like to use a sweet onion!

Fresh garlic cloves are the key in my opinion!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog, Fresh Garlic

You can use as many tomatoes that you want as this is the
Portion to give it body and quantity!
If you're a large family use enough tomatoes to make a quart jar!
If it is just two of you make a pint size jar filled.

You can use Roma tomatoes or vine ripened ones
(I have even used canned diced ones in a pinch)
~Do Not Tell Anyone~

Pico De Gallo

Fresh diced tomatoes
1 medium onion
3 to 4 Jalapenos, diced tiny
(Use rubber gloves)
3 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic
A dash of sea salt
A splash of lime juice or lemon.
Mix well

Put into a glass jar and refrigerate.
This will last for at least a week,
If it last that long!

Serve with love...


  1. Looks and sounds delicious! I never thought to eat it one scrambled eggs but I bet that is really good! Thanks for sharing, Roxy...HUGS!

  2. Pico de Gallo is our favorite fresh salsa! It goes good with most everything! The boys love it on nachos!
    See you soon!
    Hugs, Amy

  3. Hi Roxy, This sounds and looks good but I would have to leave out the hot peppers. I have esophagus troubles and hot doesn't work for me. I guess that would defeat the purpose but maybe mild peppers could be a substitute.
    Thank you for sharing. Hugs!!

  4. Roxy, We would be doing good if it lasted a day. Pico de Gallo is one of our favorite things to eat! Thanks for sharing your recipe. It's also good with a little finely shredded cabbage added. Hope you're doing well. Love & hugs!

  5. Sounds delicious! I'm not into hot peppers, so I make mine with sweet peppers instead. I love it fresh with just corn chips or tacos. :) Yum!
    Yes, fresh garlic makes all the difference!


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