Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Celebrate And Give Thanks For His Gift (Emanuel, God With Us)...

Christmas Past
Christmas Future

Everything has a consequence!

When I look at my life or the life of others;
I see a pattern of what I might call a Pendulum.

In our own human nature we all have a tendency.
We swing to this side or that side.

We can just chalk it up to each his own...

But I now can look back and see that life is a journey and we are
All learning through trials and testing of our faith!

Is it really about what you eat or wear?
(I am NOT attacking anyone here)
Yet all these things can make a huge impact...

What I am thinking for me is a greater measure of
Allowing the person the grace to walk out his own sanctification process.

Taking my own agenda or belief system and belittling another.
Is not going to gain anything!

I know of many that do not celebrate Christmas at all!
I have heard this is a pagan holiday and they use the
Scriptures in Nehemiah to say how we should not have a tree.

Look, I have grown up with celebrating Christmas, I have done 
My own research and I am willing to continue to
Celebrate Christmas...

This post is written not to anyone I know!!!!

It is just something that I have wrestled with from way back...

I am a Baptist
I am a Wife
I am a Mother
I am a Grandmother

I am doing the best job I know how to do!

I have never intended to offend anyone!

We all have the luxury to do as we understand to be acceptable
To God, but not always are fellow man.

Some things are just not my job to police
other people and how and what they celebrate.
We can give our opinion and you can even listen to
 Why they do or don't do something!

I have come to see that there are so many different ways
of doing things and ways to interpret scripture.
Take time to ask the Lord to continue to learn and grow!

I will no longer participate in these battles of what is
the truth or the way!

I am a grown woman and I will do
the best that I can with what He is doing in my life.

Merry Christmas...


  1. Roxy, You are a precious saint and highly appreciated for your honesty and candor. Wishing you a Happy Christmas!!! Much love ~

  2. Merry Christmas Roxy! I won't even getting into it, but suffice it to say our family went back and forth the last few years. We are back to celebrating our traditional Christmas.
    God bless you

  3. I agree wholeheartedly Roxy. So many people telling others what should and shouldn't be done. Does that help to spread the gospel? Thank you for your words of wisdom today.

  4. Dear Roxy, sending best wishes for a very Merry Christmas to you and your family with many blessings in the new year!!
    Joy to you always๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„

  5. Roxy, Love you dear one just the way you are. Thank you for being honest and transparent. I cherish your blog and the truth you post. Christmas blessings from my heart to yours.

  6. ****~ AMEN!!! ~****

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. R, Thankyou for the carefully written words...softly spoken, yet 'apples of gold'...Deedy, from home and harvest.

  8. Peace peace to all in regards to how to celebrate. The person of Jesus Christ and His place in our hearts and as our LORD is what really matters. I know you know that. My daughter has a friend whose family doesn't celebrate Christmas. It makes their friendship a little awkward in December.

    Well, I hope YOU and yours have a most wonderful Christmas weekend.
    Hugs to you!

    P.S. Thank you for the pretty ornament and lovely card.


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!