Sunday, December 4, 2016

How To Live In Comfort And Joy All The Time...

Comfort And Joy, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

When life tends to get a bit busy and filled with so many
things on our calendars, we tend to go into survival mode.

But I have learned a few things in these last few years.
 It is something I want to share with you all!

Firstly, feeling tired and stress is a fact in this fast pace world!

So if we can't change the world and the way it runs its course;
Then I must change my response...

Learning the art of staying calm is a health benefit that outweighs many
Things that you may be doing on any given day!

Look, we need to take back our peace...

Living in comfort and joy all the time!

We must not allow all the junk to take us out!

Ask yourself this often, Is my reaction appropriate for
What I am experiencing?

Do you feel tired all the time?
Do you feel like crying?

Well, we all feel that way at different times;
Good News...
Great, you're alive and fairly normal!

Find your daily rituals that help you stay calm!
Stress will kill you in more ways then one.

Shake it off ladies...
We make more out of so many things that are not that big of a deal!
This is your life... Deal with it!
Or My favorite
(Get over it already)

I refuse to take on the stuff that is thrown at me!
But I will deal with what God hands me...
Big difference!

Instead of doing everything and making it perfect;
Pick a few things and do them well and enjoy it!

Large and expensive and time consuming  "Blah Blah Blah"

Take control!
Get your rest
Choose JOY
Make Peace
Let It Go

Do not be carried away with the tide that turns into a rip tide...
Some never make it back to shore.

But look at it from this perspective!
Living From Glory To Glory Blog...

This life can seem like a huge mountain;
But we overcome as we take one step in the right direction!

Things can feel harsh and we can feel lonely or isolated or overwhelmed.

But do not give up!

Enjoy and take pleasure in this season of your life!
Make wise choices in the small things;
Then make good choices in the large things!

Say NO

Say Yes, because you want to!


  1. Could not agree more!
    Beautifully written, and so very true.
    I've found Mindfulness to be extremely helpful...
    And my afternoon coffee break. : )

  2. Beautiful post today. Life and its health challenges have frustrated me greatly lately. I'm trying to change my attitude but it's not that easy osmetimes. I pray for God to grant me serenity in the midst of it all.

  3. Hugs to you my friend!
    My little dog woke me up, and I'm wide awake. Back to bed soon.
    I needed to read this. It was a super busy weekend, and I just felt like crying. I need some calm in my life. I see now that I must create some calm and ritual in my own personal life.
    Hugs to you for sharing your wisdom. Though you're not old enough, I'm sure, I think of you as a mother figure since my dear momma is gone, and you share your journey with us.
    Thank you!


  4. You know what is so interesting. I am reading blogs that are all about high end gifts and gadgets for the Christmas season. I find that the Christmas season is a time to be kind, be still and reflect on the meaning of Christmas.I miss the days of childhood and all the magic of family and holiday dinners...midnight mass, the singing of carols. Wishing you peace and joy Roxy!

  5. Really appreciate how God uses you to give us encouragement.

  6. Yes, say no to the craziness and slow down! I've had a very busy day with much more to do, but I'm putting my feet up right now! ;) Blessings to you Roxy. ps Love instagram, but I do hope it doesn't replace blogging!

  7. Great reminder to live intentionally, and discard those things that just hold us down. The Lord never intended us to do it all. We need to trust the Lord in all things.

  8. Wise words Roxy! I am lucky that I really don't get stressed, but there are times that life is so busy. I definitely believe that having a positive attitude makes all the difference in the world!

  9. A lovely post good advice thank you for sharing it.. Have a wonderful day, with love Janice

  10. Great advice! Thanks for sharing. it's much needed at this time of year!

  11. Great post, as always Roxy! I'm going to go follow you on Instagram. I always love coming here.
    Have a great afternoon and evening.

  12. Learning to say no to things that steal our time I think is the greatest investment in a peaceful life there can be. And learning to say yes to things that have eternal value, will never be a waste of our time. I appreciate your blog dear Roxy and all the nuggets of wisdom you share! So thankful that we can have peace, and joy in this season of celebrating the Lord Jesus!

  13. Hi Roxy, I loved this uplifting post you shared today. It will be helpful to many people. Thanks for taking the time to share this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.
    I'm so happy to be following along with you on Instagram too. It's a lot of fun and sometimes easier than doing a blog post!
    Take care and have a wonderful holiday season.
    Julie xo


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!