Thursday, December 29, 2016

Looking Back...

Looking back on this last year...

Ever heard the saying sometimes we are not able to see what is
right in front of our eyes...

I prefer my small little world, I do not have to be up front and in 
center stage and have the notion that the world revolves around me.
Simple and quiet...

Learning to be content and happy is a fine art!
But the more you practice it, the easier it comes.

We have all had a few trials and we can see that our faith was tested.
 But we take joy in the opportunity to have a fresh start in a new year!

As we all know:
It truly is hard to keep all the balls in the air that life throws at you!
But we can give it are all, and do the best we can!

But when I looked back over this last year I smile and bow my head;
I give thanks for another year of grace and prosperity in love.
The ability to encourage and give support.

"Sometimes it is just a smile or a kind word that has helped me to keep going"

I am not sure if we will ever fully get over the feeling that we just
don't fit into the peg hole. But being unique and sincere goes a long way!

Sometimes it is a bit of a transition to start a new year!
But it is a great time to clean out and organize
It all really takes hard work!

Gimmicks don't work.
Money has wings
Politics is like playing with fire
Health truly is your wealth!

Stay in the Word!
Let not your heart be troubled!
Everything in moderation...

If you have extra; share
If you feel sad; have a good cry
If you have read a good book; pass it on.

If you're afraid to die, then start living well; so you can die well...
May this New Year not leave you with regrets,
But live to give God Glory...

Happy New Year


  1. Thank you so much! Keep these goid thoughts coming. They are life-giving.


  2. Wonderful thoughts. It has been a difficult year healthwise for me but I try to keep my focus on serving others however I CA and. Y perspective changes. Thank you for your posts. They always make me think.

  3. Very well put, Roxy. Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you Roxy! Blessings to you! :)

  5. I want to thank you for ALL your encouragement this year. You have give me a lot of pleasure, comfort and of course encouragement.
    I'm looking forward to more of your words, thoughts and wisdom.
    Staying in the Word....

  6. Such a wonderful and encouraging post! Happy and Blessed New Year to you!

  7. Each new day and each new year are a blessing! To learn, and grow and seek the Lord. I praise the Lord for all that He has taught me and brought me through this last year. God is good!

    Praying you have a blessed New Year!

  8. Sweet, sweet words, Roxy! I wish you much joy and peace in 2017. You are a precious sister-in-Christ!!! {{hugs}}

  9. Some very wise words here, Roxy. Happy New Year!♥

  10. So very well said and what I needed to read tonight. Thank you for your wise words.

  11. Roxy, Your in the same train of thought I am. I also added you to my sidebar! I am changing the Home Sweet Home party to a Proverbs 31 kind of party. I read the whole bible last year! I have tried to do that twice before but never got past the genealogy in the front of the bible. This time I was in need of quick wisdom and I started there, with Psalms and Proverbs, then I went to the gospels, and I just kept reading till I had the whole thing read. (I sound like Forest Gump) Once I read it, I had to share it! I am also wanting to get a nice chicken and cook the whole thing for broth and chicken noodle soup. I love to make that! Happy New Year friend! All glory and honor to God in 2017!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!