Monday, January 16, 2017

How To Pamper Yourself...

Lovely Blue and White Teapot and teacup, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

How To Pamper Yourself...

~ We all have so many demands on us as we take care of our families~

But life has a way to make one a bit weary;
Especially this time of year...
Winter is in full swing, everything is cold and it gets dark so early.
This affects many of us even if you live on the other side of the world.

For some it is full blown winter and for others it is a milder 
Temperature change...

There are some that are so privileged and rich, they can take oneself to a spa!

And I think this is wonderful if it's in your budget!

But realistically, my spa moments are a quiet time sipping tea,
or sitting with a small crochet project or a good book!

Learning to be content with what you have is a lost art;
In a world that craves more...

I enjoy looking at a magazine that shows me many amazing
Ideas and recipes and forms of home decor.
I have to watch myself that I do not become saddened that
I do not live in a perfect cottage in a place that is magical.

No, I live in a rural area that has fierce winds and blustery cold!
My home is where we live and enjoy life...

You do realize life is to be enjoyed!
Every season and every portion...

A day without joy is so wasted, dear ones!
You can take joy even in the midst of sorrow or a loss of a season of life.

Every sunrise and sunset has the handprint of God upon it!

Every smile and tear is significant to God!

Take tea
  And learn to make your home your hobby...
Let everything you do bring glory to God!

Wipe your tears and sadness away
Gird yourself up!!

Enjoy the peace and solitude and lean into God...
Do not allow the cold and wind and darkness suck the life out of you!
I have learned to be content in my heart and life..
I have learned to enjoy the small things!

I write this because I see women that feel a deep alone feeling;
I say we must encourage each other while it is yet day!

What are some things you feel that you do for yourself that is considered
Pampering yourself?


  1. I don't do as much "pampering" of myself as I should most likely. However, the one thing I do for myself is get a manicure with gel polish. I work so hard with my hands that my nails would be a mess...but the gel polish makes them strong and keeps them from breaking/scaling. AND- I like to look down at my hands-even scrubbing a sink and see nice nails. My little splurge about every 3 weeks. xo Diana

  2. Dear one, Lovely post-hum- Pampering myself-I wish having tea was my answer-but I think spending time with dear friends, maybe getting a pedi once a year or having a facial when hubby is away on a golf trip. Also, going out to lunch with friends is very nice as well. I prefer your answer though-I need to focus more on spending quiet time daily and soaking in the Presence of the Lord.

  3. "And learn to make your home your hobby." Thats a good one because I just told myself I need a hobby! The thing that I can count on to pamper me is a long hot bath. I am working on a collection of treatments that can be indulged at bath time.Happy Winter😊

  4. question: How do you take your tea?

  5. Good Evening, Roxy~~ beautiful and relaxing post you have graced us with, thank you.
    I had to snicker as I read this as today I spent the afternoon enjoying some simple things that caused me to relax and take time for me. That's not the norm in my every day life, but I do on occasion have a " Debbie Day"
    I took a much longer walk with my dear Donatella in the lovely bright and sunny afternoon, followed by a small nap and then some reading. It sure was a nice relaxing day.
    I've learned over the years that I need down time for me and there's nothing wrong with that. ☺

    Have a beautiful week ♡

  6. My pampering is curling up in my chair with a crocheted blanket over me, knitting, crocheting or reading a good book. I haven't left my home or even stepped out the door for a week since I fell and I don't mind at all. I know many women who would go stir crazy, but not me. I love my home.

  7. I like this post, Roxy. I also actually like those days which are dark and somewhat gloomy...those are good days to just settle in, to sit and get cozy with my Lord...tea is always good too! :) Of course do love the sunshine but I am more apt to be more active, going about the business of the day. I do not mind the winter months because our winters here are so short and I love snow! I do understand that this is another story for those in colder climates. I really enjoyed the peaceful feeling this post brought to mind :)
    Hugs to you and enjoy your week! ♥

  8. I've always been a doer and get up and get it done, type of girl; but as I am aging I'm trying to learn how to pamper myself. I went a couple weeks ago and got my first pedicure, I will be going back.
    Have a nice day, Roxy!

  9. A couple of us that liked your saying,""And learn to make your home your hobby."
    I like to use these little treasure sayings, when someone asks me, "What do you do ALL day?" They don't understand, being content at home.
    I feel pampered when I am AT home.

    Thank you!

  10. The Hobby of the Home...such a profound idea and so motivating, even to we who have been homemakers a long time.

  11. A cup of mocha, some pretty music and a good book are one of my ways to love on myself. Every now and then, we just need to be kind to ourselves.

    Wish I could be there with you enjoying a cup of tea and your laughter!

    Love you, dear friend!

  12. To pamper oneself...just to take small moments of time for ourselves. Something I need to do more often. Mostly, my moments catch me off stopping at a window just to admire the beautiful snowflakes falling in the sunshine (like today) or the birds around a bird feeder, or to put my feet up for a few minutes before tackling something. I love having tea, but I don't have it as often as I'd like to.

    To hear you speak of your peaceful moments is so refreshing. God is good!

  13. No one encourages or exhorts me like you do Roxy. Thank you so much!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!