Thursday, January 5, 2017

Keeping My Spirits Up In The Winter Cold...

Snow, Living from Glory To Glory Blog

Winter Wonderland

Remember when we were children and when it snowed?

There is just something about the wonder of it all!

As I have gotten older I think I can better understand why so many
go south for the winter, they call themselves snowbirds.

I do hope you are all getting settled after the Holidays!

Yesterday I went to the store and bought myself some turtleneck
shirts to go under my sweaters. I think the layering helps
to keep the body heat in. They only had a few in my size left
 at the store. So when I got home, I ordered a few more online.
I got enough to have to keep warm this winter.

I love the change of the seasons, but driving in snow is
not my idea of a thrill!

Years ago I remember driving down a hill and doing a complete 360
When the car finally came to a stop I was so relieved I was alive.

I bought a few charms to make myself a new necklace.
I enjoy making them for myself, as I can find the right colors,
I want for a few outfits I have.And I enjoy wearing a necklace.
Do you wear a necklace when going out?

Yesterday I also bought a few items of food that will be nice
to have in case we get a lot of snow!

Do you ever buy a whole chicken and cook the whole thing
so you can get the broth for soup?
This is my plan for today!

I have also started my read the Bible through in a year plan!

Last Sunday we played Dominos, and we played a game called Train;
It was so much fun!

My plan for today is this
Reading my Bible
Dressing in layers as its freezing outside!
Putting my chicken on to roast in the oven!
Practicing my Piano...
Crocheting some of those little Oreo cookie magnets!

I will be staying in where it is warm and keeping myself busy!

I added a few new ladies to my sidebar;
As you all may remember I lost all of those I had on there!

Do you have a list of other bloggers on your sidebar?
Have you found a New Blog that you have found interesting?
Is blogging something you still enjoy doing?

What do we as a blogging community enjoy the most about blogging?

Looking for a bit of feedback;
May you all have a blessed rest of your week!!

Always, Roxy


  1. Oh my lots of questions today! I know I won't remember them all, but here goes. I do like the idea of layering clothes. It's bitterly cold here...-11 Fahrenheit right now. My plan is to stay indoors and knit today. We also have a potluck dinner tonight at our house for our Bible study group. Yes, I also make chickens and use the broth for soup. In fact, I just did that on Monday. I do still enjoy blogging. It's hard for me to think of things to write sometimes though. But my most favorite part is all of the friends I've made. There are so many lovely people out there in the world that I never would've met if it hadn't been for blogging. Have a wonderful day my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. I'm with you about winter. I enjoy cuddling up, cooking and yes, layering.
    I love to cook a whole chicken and make soup. I keep extra in the freezer just in case a loved one is sick. Just the other day a neighbor was sick and she loved being pampered with homemade soup.
    Thank you for adding me to your sidebar!
    I like to blog. I do it as a scrapbook for my grandchildren.

  3. You should stay warm in those pretty turtle neck shirts, Roxy. The weather man says we are getting some snow here in Central Georgia this weekend. I sure hope he got it wrong. We don't get snow here in the deep south often.
    I do have bloggers on my sidebar I enjoy meeting and making new friends by blogging. Hope to make more in the future.

    Have a good day!

  4. I commented but, I don't think I did to this post, which was where I was trying to comment. I also lost all of my normal sidebar blogs. I have been updating them a little at a time. I won't do Halloween anymore now that I know the truth. So I am getting choosier about who goes there. All glory and honor to God!

  5. I always wear lots of jewelry when I go out...I love it! I buy most of my jewelry from arts and craft shows so it's special to me. And yes, I cooked a whole chicken in the oven a few days ago and it's been so nice to have it for lunches. Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane

  6. Hi Roxy, Love this post and hope I can comment on most of your statements. O.k. so we both know we are getting a lot of snow here. In California it only snowed maybe 4 times, so I wasn't used to it when we moved here. I love the beauty and always enjoyed shoveling(hubby doesn't like snow blowers) until the last year or so-probably because I slipped once and am now overly aware of how easily seniors break bones.
    I too wear lots of layers; also you would find lots of quilts in our home to snuggle under. I don't like to drive in the snow if I can avoid it. You were blessed to not be hurt in the spin out. Hubby and I play Mexican Train dominoes with friends when we get together for games-love it. I got an organic rotisserie chicken at the market on Tuesday and simmered it for 9 hrs making broth. Made the soup yesterday-we'll have it for another dinner as well. Tonight I'm making spaghetti. We are supposed to head south towards Denver tomorrow to meet some Ca. friends for lunch, but the weather is supposed to be bitter-so not sure if we will wait until Sunday.
    Stay warm my friend.

  7. I love the idea of playing games, like dominos, in the cold winter! I will plan to open Candy Land (from last Christmas!)this weekend and try to teach my 3 year old.
    I love reading your blog- you and my sister's name is Roxy (Roxana)! : ) -Melinda

  8. It sounds like you are as cozy as can be. I'm in Missouri. It's bitter cold here, about an inch of snow on the ground. I think it was going down to around 8 degrees tonight. The weather forecast was just a blur of cold days and colder nights, but at least we didn't get much snow.

    You have me craving homemade chicken noodle soup now. I always use roasted chicken for it. It gives the broth such a rich flavor.

    I'm with you about the turtlenecks. Right now as I am typing I have my turtleneck collar pulled as far up over my ears as it will go. There is a draft coming down my neck from the window. Did you ever try a turtleneck on in the summertime. I did last summer when I was going through some clothes to see if they fit me. The turtleneck felt so miserable in the summer, even with the ac on. I can't believe how good that same turtleneck feels to me right now. I'm glad I didn't purge it.

    We don't have a garage here at our house and cleaning the snow and ice off of the car before one can even go anywhere is miserable to me. I don't like walking in the snow/ice. It is difficult with arthritic knees.

    Oh well, I am sure the time will pass quickly and before we know it we will be outside looking for crocus and daffodils to be popping up.

    Stay cozy.

  9. Ah winter! Being a northern girl I love it. We've been out snowshoeing and I'm good with that until it hits about -25 C. Then I hibernate inside. :) We did have a major blizzard a few days ago and my girls and I were out driving in it. I thank the Lord for protecting us.
    I had to smile about the snowbirds, for many people from here go down where you are for the winter. :)
    I love the look of necklaces, but since having my children (and them damaging some) I have stopped wearing them....perhaps I should start trying to again? I'm sure you've made some beautiful ones!
    I love cooking the whole chicken and saving the broth for soups. Plus it makes the house smell wonderful and I know my family is getting extra nourishment.
    It's wonderful to read your Bible all the way through. Praying for the Lord's blessings for you as you do this! I have been going through the New Testament myself again and also with my family. No one is ever to young to go through the Bible verse by verse.
    I love Dominos, and the train game! My kids love to play board games and card games like UNO, Phase Ten and Skip-O.
    Praying that you enjoy your day and all the wonderful things you do for your home and family in that time!

  10. Dear Roxy,
    I too enjoy layering in the wintertime because we here on the Island do plunge to very cold temps a lot. I don't like driving in the snow. Every accident we've ever had took place in the wintertime so I have become a little paranoid driving this time of year.
    I still have my sidebar friends and I do try to stay in touch with them. I'm sorry I don't have the recipe for the Almond cake. Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment. I hope this New Year brings you many wonderful blessings from above.


  11. Your suggestions certainly help home bodies deal with winter in creative and productive ways!

  12. I enjoy winter. A time to slow down, cozy up, and read a lot of books! Thank you for linking up and I hope to see you next week!

  13. Here in the MD/DC/VA region, temps are hovering around 32 deg F. Modest snow is due on Saturday. I keep a soft fleece zip-up jacket handy for indoors, but I don't need it today. In the evenings, I like fleece lounge pants and cozy slipper socks (non-skid). I have a few afghans we use in the living room. A cup of tea is nice (my favorite is Twinings Earl Grey), and so is a bowl of popcorn with a few chocolate chips or Goobers added. This week, before bed I sipped a mug of warm vanilla milk with a spoonful of sugar. Smells great, tastes good too, but maybe not so nice on the stomach.
    Like you and others, I too avoid driving on snowy roads. The road crews work quickly to clear roads. I wouldn't know what to do if I had a farm or a private long driveway. I suppose people own special tractors or snow machines...
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts Roxy. Chicken soup, smells so good and is very satisfying. Alexine in Maryland

  14. Having moved to the midwest from FL I always wish I were back there when the snow and cold hits. However, with family here that is not likely to happen.
    You have a good attitude about winter and some good projects to keep you going.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Roxy. I need to pull up one of those read the bible in a year plans and get going before it is so late I will never catch up. You motivate me!!! xo Diana

  15. Board games are great, especially this time of year. What do I like most about blogging? I think that it is kind of like Pinterest in that it inspires me to work on my favorite crafts. Your blog is beautiful. I used to work for Royal Doulton, and I bought my mom some of the OCR before I left. It is beautiful!

  16. So many wonderful things to do on a cold, winter day! So nice to make your own necklaces - I do wear them now and again if I am going out. I have a locket with my 4 children's baby pictures that I love to wear. I haven't made soup stock in ages, but it sounds like a great thing to do on a winter day. I do have lots of bloggers on my blog list and enjoy meeting new 'friends', too! Bloggers are so creative and compassionate - I love all my blogger friends. You have a lovely blog. x Karen

  17. I LOVED snow as a child. I don't see much here in SW Missouri, so I love it when we do get it. I know many get more than they'd like.

    I am feeling the need for layers since it's been down in the single digits here. We don't run our heater very much since propane is so expensive. Doing the best we can to keep warm without blowing the budget.

    I do like to wear necklaces. My daughter likes to work with beads. She's made me pretty earrings.

    We're about to eat homemade pot pie made with odd chicken pieces that have been in my freezer for awhile. I prefer whole chickens, but I have to do with what God provides.

    It's ready, gotta go. Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!