Monday, February 20, 2017

Blogging For A Very Long Time...

What I do like about blogging, Living from glory to glory blog

Growing Our Blogs;

Is it the same as growing our Spirit, Souls and Body?
Well, yes it can be in a way, but spending time with the Lord
Should take first place! And being truly present while homemaking.
We can now all attest to always having a device in our arms reach..

Blogs are BIG business!
There is money to be made;
Believe me, I understand this, when I was a young wife and a homemaker;
We called these avenues Cottage businesses.
Do you make money from your blog?
I have never earned a penny!

What I love about Blogging and What I do NOT like about blogging!

What I like about Blogging

1. Connecting to those like minded.
2. Being inspired and encouraged.
3. Growing in my homemaking skills.
4. Learning ways to be creative.
5. Praying for requests we hear about
 from other blogger's.
6. Being allowed to speak into other women's lives!
7. Reading about  new idea's for decorating my home.
8. Finding all the Yummy recipes to try and inspire my cooking.
9. All the great ideas for natural health and beauty tips.
10. All the amazing photos and art we share with one another.
11. Our love and devotion to Christ!
12. Our devotion to our Husbands, and families.
13. I appreciate those who will leave me a comment (Thank You)
You Know who YOU are :)

What I do Not like about blogging.

1. Word Verification!!
(You can select registered user only, and also use Comment Moderation!)
2. Too many ads; so it takes too long for loading up!
3. Not having your name where we leave comments.
4. Those that never take or make the time to comment on your posts.
5. That is doesn't have just a LIKE button :o)

~I just wanted to mention that I do not mind an Etsy Shop! ~
I have purchased many lovely and sweet items from them!!

Oh, I have been blogging for eight years in August!

Are you ladies enjoying Instagram?
I find it very nice to just get a quick glance at what others are doing with no drama :o)


  1. I love blogging too. It is like visiting a variety of magazines created from the lives of different homemakers. It can be peaceful and inspiring, especially when visiting certain types of blogs.

  2. I have never made a penny from my blog either. But I enjoy it for many of the same reasons you stated. I dislike it for some of the drama that happens. And yes, I am really enjoying Instagram. Thank you for a lovely post today.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Hi Roxy,
    I'm new to your blog I found you through Nana Diana. I'm a blogger from way back but took quite a break for a long time but I"m back now and looking at blogs I've never seen before.. I really enjoyed this post and agree 100%! Hope it's okay with you if I link your blog on mine on the sidebar under "Blogs I love".. Then others can find you too :)


  4. I agree with your lists, here, Roxy. I didn't know word verification was such a problem though. I turned it on because I was getting so much spam without it. Does that make it so hard to comment?

    I especially agree with you on people not commenting :(
    It seems to me that since Facebook has become so popular, not many people take time to comment on blog posts anymore. At least, that is the case with me. It is so nice when people comment to let you know they've appreciated something you've written, etc.

    Also, I agree that making money on your blog can be a trap & such a distraction. Always appreciate your thoughts.

    I hope you are doing well!

  5. I like the pretty teacup and I have one of the same pattern but a different style cup and handle. Mine is more bowl-shaped. Your likes and dislikes are spot-on. Blogging is a great support group for Christian homemakers.

  6. Hello Roxy,
    Yes, blogs are big business! I too object to many of the formats of the newer, money making blogs. I find so much of the ad and pop up links so distracting that I have marked them off of my list for visiting. The minute I feel as if I'm being marketed to I leave. The constant work to close out what I don't want is irritating and unfortunately for the blogger not worth it to me to read and enjoy what they have written about.
    I have but a few blogs now that I read on a consistent basis, yours is one of them. I know that a positive and encouraging comment is always desired by the blogger and I see nothing wrong with that. I like your ideas of sharing life with others, praying for others and having yourself a fun time blogging it! We don't always have to get compensated in return for every little thing we do, yet, allowing room for those who purposely want or need to run the cottage business for financial gain.
    Roxy, I appreciate your work as a Titus woman. I enjoy the pure thoughts of encouragement that you publish on your blog. I'm thrilled that you advocate for a strong marriage and it is so refreshing to hear little anticdotes from your mother and sisters and dear friends. Not all of us come from good and strong backgrounds and you are adept at painting a vivid picture of a lovely and lively family in a way that is feminine and honors our saviour.
    Thank you for the gift of conversation you allow on your blog!

  7. Roxy, I am not a blogger - or a writer of ANY kind, but I enjoy your blog so much. There are a handful that I read regularly and I am always encouraged or learn something, or am inspired to do something a new way. I am 68 and a homemaker so your blog is like having a sweet friend over for a visit.
    Marianne Gum
    in Alabama

  8. I agree with your likes and dislikes for blogs. I especially don't care for all the ads on some of them. It takes so long to load and close out of the ads that I just end up closing out of them.
    I do enjoy uplifting blogs like yours, know I will always be encouraged after leaving your blog.
    I haven't gotten the Instagram figured out yet on how to follow people, need to work on that.

  9. I've been blogging a long time, too.
    I like that I can "travel" places that I couldn't imagine I could ever go.
    What I don't like is when a blogger disappears, no good-byes or "you around"!
    My blog is not a business. It's more a scrapbook.

  10. As a Christian homemaker It is a wonderful opportunity to learn from others about keeping a home and to be encouraged. I'm not into making money through blogs for I feel that it creates an ulterior motive at times. To me it's all in the sharing with others about one's life and what is in it. That's what I love most about blogging.

    It is so important to not allow reading blog to take us from our most important job of keeping our homes. So for me it's important to be careful how much time I spend online. But with so many lovely encouraging blogs like yours out there it's a challenge. :)

    I also love that in the blogger dashboard it tells you how many people visit your even though people may not leave a comment (which is very nice) you can at least know that there have been people drop by.

  11. I agree with the reasons you wrote too, Roxy. I have "met" so many wonderful people through the almost 4 years I have been blogging. I hesitantly started blogging as an outlet for my photos and just sharing what was on my heart and found out there was this whole other world that I never thought in a million years I would ever be a part of. Never did I have any aspirations of advertising or making money. What I found was that were so many like-minded women who were doing the same thing! There were and still are times when I wonder what the heck I am doing here! But here's what I do know - when I prayerfully decided to share about my son Aaron's struggles, I received nothing but loving support and I have no doubt that the changes that have taken place in his life are due in part to the prayers from you and other blogging friends. I still scratch my head sometimes and ask myself how these relationship are even possible when most of us have never and probably will never meet face to face. God works in mighty ways...even through our blogs! :)

  12. I agree with you Roxy about blogging in general.. the word verification is a pain, and all the ads - well if a site has them, I just don't visit. I blog because of the friendships that I've made, and the things I can learn, and it is like having a virtual penpal when I become friends with a dear lady, just like you! Your blog is always an inspiration to me, and I am thankful our paths have crossed in blogland, and even if we never meet this side of heaven, my life has been blessed and enriched by your heart and love for the Lord and your family!

  13. It's this busy thing called LIFE, I am enjoying Instagram. It is facebook without the drama and I've had to step away from that a bit. I just haven't had time to blog like Id like since I've started working. I love my job but it sure interferes with friendships. Agree wholeheartedly with this post.

  14. Great reasons on both sides; visiting from The Beautiful Matters. I've been blogging for more than ten years and have been fairly open and transparent. God has kept me safe so I continue to be honest...mostly. But sometimes, lately, I'm just not blogging as life is just too overwhelming and more of me than available.
    God's blessings on you, yours and the work of your hands and heart.

  15. Though I've only been blogging for over two years I'm still so very new to it. I tend to be a slow learner and there are so many things about blogging and what you can do that I've yet to learn.
    I'll probably never learn all the technical stuff, but that's fine with me. Simplicity many times is the best way.
    I have learned that it can become quite time consuming if we allow it to, but we have the choice to simplify even our time.
    For myself,I desire to glorify the Lord through the blog He has graced me with, and therefore,I try and share what He presses upon my heart.
    I am amazed at the sweet and sincere friendships that are made through our community of blogging.
    There is so much out there in the way of talent, inspiration, love and genuine concern, prayer worriers, generosity and real friendships that I stand in awe time after time.

    Before I was ever thinking of starting a blog, you, dear Roxy, through my dear Stephanie inspired me. God used you as well as a few others in bringing me to where He wanted me with blogging.
    Your encouraging e mails long before I had a blog greatly inspired my heart, thank you!

    So nice to visit with you this evening.

    Much love~~

  16. Hi Roxy, I just got rid of all ads on my blog and I can say I am glad. It is of the world and it doesn't belong on a Christian blog. It is like a breath of fresh air to be done with it. Thank you for your encouragement and opinions on your blog. It is nice to have friends who really know the Lord's word.

  17. I love to blog....just LOVE IT! I've made so many wonderful friends and every day when I visit blog buddies on my blog list, I'm visiting a friend that I'm interested in and enjoy! I love finding out 'what's new'! I don't like blogs that take forever to load because of ads. And I skip posts that have anything to do with politics. My blog is just for FUN! But I DO love the blog friends that have Etsy shops! Some of my favorite things come from Etsy! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  18. Hello Dear Lady.
    I've been blogging for about 8 years now and consider it a line to others when I have been somewhat isolated due to illnesses and when I was providing childcare full time to a very busy toddler. When I have to check how I spell words or research what things are, the internet has been handy. I enjoy popping into another's home world and read thru blogging. I have learn a great deal. All the best,

  19. I've been blogging since retiring from teaching in 2013 and find it a great way to share my life. It's also an easy way to scrapbook our trips and family events. I have no desire to use it as a money-maker; I like my little blog just the way it is. You have a lovely site, Roxy. I'm a new follower.

  20. First time visitor here - I found you through Harvest Land Cottage this morning. This post is interesting, and I feel much the same way. I've been blogging a long time, too, and have no interest in blogging for money. I do advertise two products I believe in with all my heart. Like you, I've begun to avoid blogs that exist only to make a buck. It saddens me because I miss the earlier "voice" of their blogs.

    About comment moderation - I've had problems with people advertising their businesses, and also some bigoted and racist ugliness. I hope you never have to deal with those type things.

    From what I see of your posts, I believe we are kindred spirits. I'll be a new follower of your lovely blog, and invite you to visit Gail-Friends sometime soon.

    So nice to meet you.


  21. Roxy, I have made next to nothing from my blog. I got paid $15 once to do a post review and I have received a product for review a couple of times. I blog for the same reasons that you love so I am okay with that. I too hate so many ads on some blogs! Instagram is really quick and fun. I resisted joining for a long time, but now am glad I did.

  22. I agree with your thoughts about blogging. I go back and forth sometimes between not liking the ads. I understand that for some it is a money maker and I don't really begrudge them the opportunity to make money. I actually agree with you about the Etsy shops. I have bought things from many. Best ironing board cover ever came from a blog with an Etsy shop. I hate those pop ups and too many ads do make them slow to load. I just don't go back so they lose me as a viewer.
    I started blogging when I retired from teaching in 2014. I had always had a teacher website for parents, so I thought I would continue with it, but I have to say I am a sporadic blogger at best, but I do love community and comments. I have learned a ton from blogs.
    Sometimes I am not sure I will continue, but I would always announce it if I were going to quit. I like Instagram. Never had a Facebook as it seemed too much like a gossip column to start with.

  23. Very interesting post in light of what I have been posting about. Great minds and all that. No, I really am not a fan of Instagram. I've tried it and it feels like just one more thing. Something has to give! You have given a lot of thought to what you like and what you don't about blogging. Perhaps I should try doing that. It might clear up a few things for me.

  24. I have been blogging for a decade and haven't made money on my blog either! Ads drive me crazy as well! Plus I feel like they take away from the personal-ness (is that a word?) of a blog! :)I also am not a fan of word verification!


I really appreciate your comments! May they be kind and helpful to encourage my walk, and bless others as they read them. Thank-you!