Monday, February 6, 2017

Violets For Today As Tomorrow Is Always A Day Away...

Violet Teacup, Living From Glory To Glory Blog

Tomorrow, Tomorrow is always a day away...

I always have this idea in my head that there is a good ending to every story!

But I have seen some sad endings...

But we all need to all be a little Pollyanna inside.

I am seriously thinking that we are in all overload.
Children and adults...
Some claim to think it is all about learning and obtaining knowledge.
Some think doing and going and being involved is what is needed!

We are in such a diverse society now a days,
But the fact of the matter is we need to take care of what is ours.
Taking on everyone else's problems and struggles can be very taxing.

But we all need hope!!

I have been so blessed to be at home and to choose and pick what I want
to be involved in. And being available to help with family.

But I can see that we need to remind ourselves that we do not have to
be involved in everything!

Today is all that I have;
For we are reminded in the Word not to boast and to say
"We are going to do this or that tomorrow"

May, I remind you that we must focus on God's goodness!

My Mother use to tell me don't bite off more than you can chew.
It sounds funny, but it does hold a lot of wisdom.

I do hope you are all doing well!
Thinking that I may need to re-access my daily list of things of importance.

I think as you get older the days run out as about as fast as my steam does!

I have heard and seen many of you ladies deep cleaning;
And de-junking
Spring cleaning...

I have had no move to do so;
Maybe you could let me know what you're doing!
I could use a bit of encouragement...

Living From Glory To Glory


  1. You are quite right. We tend to take on much more in this fast paced world than we are physically or mentally able to do well. But the world says we can do it all. God's word tells us differently.
    I had begun some decluttering. After almost 39 years of marriage we've a accumulated a lot of "stuff". I have had to watch friends recently have to sort through their parents belongings. Some have passed away and some have had to leave their long time homes. It is overwhelming for them. I don't want to put my children through that or have to move it again myself in the future, so the unnecessary things are going soon as I can move again.
    Have a lovely day my friend.

  2. I'm just doing a bit here and there. I am glad to have cleaned and organized my food cabinet. It wasn't hard since we were nearly out of food. My husband's paycheck was a week late. Thanks to God we had enough to make it through. We had meat in the freezer. It was veggies that we ran short of. It was a learning experience.

    Hugs to you dearie!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. I have always been one to "do" all the time. My girls when they were teenagers would tell me, "do we always have to be doing something'. Now as I grow older I realize the best thing is to 'sit, be still and wait".
    I have slowed down so much and am enjoying it. When we are too busy we miss so much. I do declutter when it's needed but I am trying to just enjoy life at me age.
    Have a good day!


  4. I'm chugging along, too.
    I've de-cluttered, de-junked so much, I don't have much to Spring Clean this year. I'm finding that the older I get, the more I give away. Our grown children and Grand kids have most of our "good" stuff. I gave my fine jewelry to my daughter and borrow it back once in awhile. haha

  5. Yes, tomorrow is always a day away. :) I must admit that am often prone to "bite off more than I can chew". I seem to come through things a bit haggled, but the fact is that my family is the ones that suffer. Not that they're neglected, but that there isn't as much peace in our home as there should be.

    For me I am always collecting and de-cluttering as I go. Spring is a long way off for me, so I'm not into the cleaning like I will be. Some of the logs in my house are looking a tad dusty so I'll be attending to those soon. I find that sometimes my decluttering is using up the things I have. Like fabric. :) Then I feel I can give away something of value and not just stuff.

    I hope and pray you are full of smiles today!

  6. I decluttered so much after my kids left for college and I stopped homeschooling. I continue to do it as needed, but it seems it's under control. Unless we move, haha!
    You are right about tuning out some of the world and just focusing on our home. Much more peaceful. xo

  7. I think those wild violas will be peeking up from the ground really soon! If you have never smelled a field of them, the scent is like cotton candy!

  8. I wish I could tell you that it's because I am just so full of energy and that my real name is Suzy Homemaker...but it's not! We are getting new floors and I HAVE NO CHOICE...LOL! I love fixing up and decorating and keeping the house, etc. but sometimes it does become a chore and when you have neglected things (some, for many years) they have a tendency to remind you that it wouldn't have become such a chore if you would have been keeping on top of things all along! Am I right??

  9. The pretty lavender violets really make you feel special! And I love scones and it's something I can bake without sugar when I'm hungry for a dessert. Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Diane


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